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Everything posted by DallasGatr

  1. Delhi Crime. Haven’t seen anything here about it, but this is a fantastic series. Based on the actual Gang rape on a bus that happened a few years ago it is as powerful as TV gets. 8.5 on IMBD and 93% on RT. You will thank me later.
  2. Tell him their shitty stadium and fan base don’t exactly help their cause. You may recall that Texas and Florida have a future home and home scheduled, so it’s not we are scared of the Canes. If we are going to play an out of conference in state game every year it’s going to be against half ass U. Very little upside playing Miami annually.
  3. It’s an horrific accident. But these amtracks have been driving Marines around for almost 50 years. To call them death traps is being just a bit melodramatic. Most Marines were thrilled to catch a ride in a track and not have to hump those extra miles. It’s the Marine Corps, there is always going to be some risk involved.
  4. I actually drove the LVT-7 (the earlier version of the present day amtrack) for the Jacksonville Gators during my first 2 years at Florida. It was actually very stable in the water (albeit slow.) But there was one sure-fire way to sink one leaving the boat. If the drain plug was not in place you would drive off the boat and never come back up. I’m guessing that’s what happened here. If that is what happened we are fortunate so many survived.
  5. (Poldark talk) Started tonight, 4 episodes in and I’m hooked. Kind of a (slightly) lower class Downton Abbey feel.
  6. Let’s face it. Hang ‘Em High is screwed.
  7. Crane simply does not make a bad move. We are truly blessed.
  8. My go to restaurant in Seattle (Teriyaki and Wok) is in the Capital Hill area. The owner is kind of a Milfy (and very friendly) Chinese lady who has busted her ass for years making this place great. (Yes it’s basically one chromosome above a food truck, but the food and service are great.) I guess the point I’m trying to make is these useful idiots best not fuck it up.
  9. I was thinking the same.
  10. BS decision. Great show that rarely showed any serious crime. It was more about the stupid people that the Police have to deal with.
  11. I’ll bet that resource officer was pounding your ex. (Or at least trying to.)
  12. Very compelling watch. And it’s obvious there were multiple killers. Also obvious Atlanta just wanted the whole issue to go away. But maybe it’s even more obvious that they got the main culprit.
  13. “My Lord, whatever I done, don’t strike me blind for another couple of minutes.”
  14. Her “hey all you cool cats and kittens” bullshit is enough for the death penalty IMHO.
  15. Say what you will about American, but if you live in DFW AA really makes life simpler. My travels during the plague have been convoluted and somewhat painful. Had to jump thru a few hoops to get to Paris the other day. But ended up on Air France out of Atlanta. And other than a good piece of beef there was really nothing about the flight that was better than American. Looks like AA is going to restart their DFW-CDG flight tomorrow. That will really make travel to (and from) Europe easier. Got my flight on 49 booked for next week. BTW-For those interested, airports (and planes) have been slowly increasing in traffic the last month or so. (At least to these anecdotal eyes.) And I did get several messages (i.e. warnings) about a nearly full AA flight last week.
  16. Spam-No way in hell. But one of the reasons I remember the PI so fondly was that I could get Lumpia, fried rice and a San Miguel for one dollar! The bonus prize was an LBFM sitting on my lap while I ate. I’d throw my girl 2 dollars and they thought I was King. Those were the glory days my friend!
  17. Never flown a 320 but landing at 203kts seems a bit much. Maybe they forgot the flaps as well. Regardless, hope there were aircraft problems that we don’t know about or there is going to be some shoe throwing at the pilots graves.
  18. You cannot go wrong with Banshee, simply impossible.
  19. Total skank and High Pitch should be getting a bunch more than that ho.
  20. My thinking is that Boeing may be in more trouble than any of the big 4.
  21. I’m right on board with those who think this is better than BB. Heck, I’m thinking BCS is one of the finest series ever made. But you freaks talking all this Rhea Seehorn trash just need to stop. She ain’t that great. Bob Odenkirk is what it’s all about (with a shout out to Jonathan Banks and all the Mexicans.)
  22. Yep, Had a buddy that was color blind that somehow slipped thru a bunch of Navy flight physicals. Finally caught up to him in an ugly crash. Of course the causal factor was his “color blindness”. Time to steer your boy to another profession.
  23. After further review it appears you are correct. Definite Google trickfuck if there ever was one. Regardless the two movie stars look a bunch like those 2 in the fake pic. Of course Korean hotties do have pretty much the same look, (no racist.)
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