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Everything posted by DallasGatr

  1. https://images.app.goo.gl/34ttkLmL2etmam4k6 The Handmaiden is simply not getting enough love here. Great movie and you get to see these two hots in about as many types of sex and undress as is theoretically possible.
  2. I disagree. While air show stuff is well planned, it involves much more complex and dangerous maneuvers. These flyovers are pretty much basic formation (albeit a bit tighter than normal) that most junior hornet or viper pilots could perform. Very cool, but pretty easy stuff for these pilots.
  3. What a friggin Okie dork
  4. Have I missed something or has the Wrap Up Show been on hiatus this week?
  5. F you all. If she was some black woman pulling the same dumb ass shit you all would be screaming some racist bs. But she’s a white Milf so she’s an easy sacrifice.
  6. It’s great to see a proud (and honest) Papa on Surly!
  7. Oops. Your right, guess the wife is still isolated.
  8. Ironically social distancing seems to be the only way we see Jerry and his wife in the same frame.
  9. Back in the old days I always knew what countries dubbed their American TV shows and what countries did not. The more English the locals spoke, the less they dubbed (and vice versa.) Nowadays it doesn’t seem to equate as much. I think other countries have more of their own content (watch less American TV) or dubbing is more prevalent.
  10. Love Money Heist (and lust after Officer Murillo.) But I cant imagine watching it dubbed.
  11. Film Appreciation 101 told me that watching a dubbed movie is a no go. (Something about vocal inflection and nuance.) Of course that class also said that The Magnificent Ambersons was the greatest movie ever so the prof was obviously confused.
  12. Please tell me she’s 18
  13. If she needs to head for a stripper retirement home I’ve got just the place....
  14. Anecdotal but somewhat the norm for me. Since AA went to the no service under 2200 miles rule I’ve still received unlimited Woodford from 2 of my 3 FA’s. The 2 older came thru, the young surly bitch told me not only no but hell no.
  15. That stat is beyond awesome. (Humblebrag) I knew his cuz (blue angel pilot, Scott Moyer) who purportedly got Moyer unfucked) before he went to the Mariners.
  16. Nothing better than a Milo walkoff
  17. Firstly, I am a healthy middle age white guy with no underlying medical issues. And I certainly understand the severity of the situation. But since this mess started I’ve been to New York, Paris, Milan and Madrid. (Work, and was very tempted to hug one of those cute Chinese girls the Milan mayor wanted everyone to hug.) Been on a week long cruise, (family reunion so I was forced to go. Ended the day they were basically shut down, Mar11.) Still shopping almost daily when home (certainly taking precautions.) Still traveling almost weekly for work, (essential.) Oh and my next door neighbors got the plague. (Mild cases all and I will be drinking 6 feet away from them tonight.) My question for the doomsayers is, wasn’t I suppose to be dead a month ago or so? And looking at the bottom line, Texas has done a great job. Time to start (carefully) opening things back up.
  18. I for one applaud Ray Dog and his whoring wisdom he imparts on the Shag. And he’s right, that article is bullshit compared to the realities of prostitution in the PI.
  19. Yea but a bag of Purina costs a whole bunch less than pounds of meat those beasts eat daily. (Not including Carols feed your hubby to the Tigers night.)
  20. I will always love Evan Gattis!
  21. Ok, I’m deemed “essential”. And I flew on AA DFW-SoCal last Monday night (and back Thursday.) It was really light as far as DFW -anything goes. No wait getting a drink at the club, very light flight (maybe 1/3 full.) Compare that tonight, the C terminal club may be had 10 folks in it at 8pm and it closed 1 hour early. But between that flight and the return, nothing really stupid light. But the vicious rumor circulating thru out the Admirals club EMPLOYEES was that AA was SHUTTING down Wednesday! As the Poo-Ba at the club told me minutes ago, you better find another way home. Could be a vicious rumor but considering there are 11 open seats in first to SOCAL this flight is historically empty. So I don’t doubt that rumor. The good news is that folks are taking this seriously. (Unlike Milan when I was there in late JAN and the mayor was encouraging locals to make out with Chinese peeps.)
  22. Naw, it’s the fact that those dumb ass hillbilly’s never leave their county. And no one ever goes to WV for pleasure.
  23. Who the heck is Danny a fan of, some obscure alt-country band? That said: Danny>>Jake>>>>>>>>>>>the Villiage idiot Corby
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