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Everything posted by vox

  1. Hatred for the catholics is only superseded by the hatred for ousucks.
  2. Bama is gonna crucify ousucks. The ewok has gotten used to easy defenses that allow him to sit in the pocket and play 7 on 7. Ain't happenin' against bama. I'm actually concerned the kid is gonna get hurt. Seriously.
  3. Concur. Impressive what Little Dodge has done with a buncha white boys.
  4. Attention inbred fucks from mobilehoma: GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY STATE! (that is all...)
  5. vox

    We have to win

    Oh...and...this one too:
  6. vox

    We have to win

    Dear OP...I'd like to subscribe to your newsletter, $9.95, whatever...
  7. Bump: https://www.fcc.gov/about-fcc/fcc-initiatives/fccs-push-combat-robocalls-spoofing The FCC is working to, as Chairman Pai says, "stop the scourge of illegal robocalls." He has made combatting unlawful robocalls and malicious caller ID spoofing his top consumer protection priority. By proposing and implementing effective policy initiatives and pursuing targeted enforcement actions, the FCC has been taking a bold stand to protect and empower consumers. A Top Priority Unwanted calls are far and away the biggest consumer complaint to the FCC with over 200,000 complaints each year—around 60 percent of all the complaints we receive. Some private analyses estimate that U.S. consumers received approximately 2.4 billion robocalls per month in 2016. Unfortunately, advancements in technology make it cheap and easy to make robocalls and to "spoof" caller ID information to hide a caller's true identity. Chairman Pai and other FCC staff get these calls too. He told NPR's Planet Money recently: "So every now and then, even on my work Blackberry, I'll see a call that seems to be coming . . . from the 202 area code, which is here in Washington—and then our prefix for these Blackberries. And I know for a fact that, you know, it's probably not someone calling from the office. Sometimes, I answer just for the heck of it. And it's—lo and behold, I've won a vacation… ." We know that these calls are a major concern of millions of Americans, and scam calls in particular can result in very real financial losses and serious consumer frustration. We are therefore committed to using every resource in our tool box and working closely with private, public, and international partners to combat unlawful robocalls and spoofing. FCC Action Chairman Pai has launched several important public policy initiatives to help combat unlawful robocalls and malicious caller ID spoofing. The Commission under his leadership has also taken unprecedented enforcement actions to punish those who flout consumer protection laws.
  8. Is that "demon powder" there in the front?
  9. Ima just leave this right here... We weren't supposed to beat corn aggy either.
  10. Love me some Nate. Dude is a class-act and 100% Texas!
  11. SUBSCRIBED!!!!!!!!
  12. vox

    Horns Down

  13. vox


    Hot, smart gal I knew in high school...always wanted to bang her...never had a chance...because, well, she was a senior and I was a sophmore. Anyhow...fast forward 5 or 6 years...I'm touring Versailles in France. I'm walking around the gardens and boom...here comes hot-stuff herself. I walk up to her...she gives me a hug...we agree to meet for coffee later on...relations are had...and we never see each other again. Coincidence?
  14. Yeah, looks like the forecast is shit. How does that affect kick off? As long as there's no lightning, we play, right?
  15. From North Texas... FIGHT!!
  16. If it was easy as blocking numbers, I'd be golden. These fuckers are spoofing numbers continuously with many starting with my originating exchange (214-441-xxxx). The FCC needs to stop this shit. This can't be hard. The telemarketing lobby must be giving out blowjobs with their campaigns donations.
  17. There is a special place in hell for these fuckers. In the meantime, I'm looking for the best app to block this scourge. I get 5 or 6 robocalls/SPAM calls a day for business loans, auto warranties, etc. Fucking bitches. Registered with the Do Not Call Registry. Did exactly NOTHING. Registered multiple times in fact over the course of the past 4 or 5 years. Anyhow...which app are you guys using and why? I'll hang up and listen now.
  18. Yup...appreciate'ya...
  19. Appreciate'ya...
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