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  1. Pertaining to the mention of Big Bend Ranch SP, i thought I’d post the following Texas Monthly article from over twenty years ago written by the author of Empire of the Summer Moon. One of the finest essays I’ve come across: https://www.texasmonthly.com/being-texan/conversations-with-a-grasshopper/
  2. Cheever’s Cafe coming to Cherry Street in Tulsa: https://www.cheeverscafe.com/location/cheevers-cafe/ Looking forward to it!
  3. Yep. Reminds me of one of my favorite quotes: “I think I've been in the top 5% of my age cohort all my life in understanding the power of incentives, and all my life I've underestimated it. And never a year passes but I get some surprise that pushes my limit a little farther.” - Charlie Munger
  4. While I do not possess PhD level math and physics knowledge, my bullshit detector is of a fairly high order. I think this is Sundar trying to goose his stock price.
  5. Any chip industry or CS guys want to comment on Google’s Willow chip announced today: https://blog.google/technology/research/google-willow-quantum-chip/ I’m trying to make sense of the ‘breakthrough’ as lots of small guys are fawning over announcement and a few taking exception. Any opinions or analysis?
  6. Thought some of you guys might want this - Llano River trout stocking dates. I used to love Dec and January days out on the Llano in years past, as I had the whole river to myself and lots of fish about ten years ago. I’ve heard the locals have started to take a lot of fish after the first few days. Hopefully it’s still good for a few weeks after stocking date.
  7. I jumped on the thread this morning as I just had Tommy Alverson passed away over the weekend from cancer. I always liked his music: https://www.wfaa.com/article/news/local/tommy-alverson-death-obituary-texas-country-singer-fort-worth/287-67fa3a4f-f9a0-41cc-b07d-dbf87e8824ab
  8. Speaking of Guy Clark, the album Best of the Dualtone Years has become one of my all-time favorite albums:
  9. Good dad! That’s awesome! I’m big fan of Ross Reels (and Scott Rods too) and have #1-#4 of original Gunnisons, plus my personal go-tos - original San Miguel #2 and #3. First rule of fly fishing - you can’t have too much equipment or gadgets.
  10. Great pics Damor. I like the re-released Ross Gunnison too. I’ve had my eye out for one of those reels. Here’s some pics from a late June 2024 trip to Wyoming with my son. I’ve shared with a couple of guys I’ve messaged with on the forum but forgot to post them in this thread. All hands were wet when handling the fish. 😀 Wild cutthroat stream: Camp at 10,500 feet: Dinner-plate sized grizzly track: Already looking forward to returning to Wyoming:
  11. I saw this on the Twitter machine this morning…Apologizes if this is already wide-spread but this sad Okie LOL: Belated congrats on thorough ass-whoopin’ administered to my hapless Sooners last week.
  12. I agree on too much ancho giving the raisin-y flavor. I’m probably 60% guajillo, 30% ancho, and 10% chipotle morita. Last batch:
  13. Just saw this…I’m gutted. I probably don’t know many of you fellow miscreants personally but I knew Wolfgang and he was a wonderful person. A got a email from him last Fall after years of not seeing him, helped him with a product question, and told him if he’s ever in Tulsa, I’d buy him lunch. Thank you for alerting me to his passing and ways to help.
  14. There’s a really nice Belgian-made 20 gauge Browning Superimposed in Gun Broker in 26” barrel, perfect for quick swing on dove and quail: https://www.gunbroker.com/item/1056724559
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