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Everything posted by MalibuSheriff

  1. My daughter and I were back in Austin last weekend and she requested one of her favorite restaurants from her childhood - Tuk Tuk on south Manchaca. Unfortunately, since Covid they are only take-out but allowed us to eat at one of the front waiting tables. Still very, very good. Tulsa’s Thai food scene sucks, so thoroughly appreciate the abundance of great Thai choices.
  2. Just seeing this thread, Brisket. I’m very sorry to hear of your loss. Your dad sounds like a wonderful man who I would have loved to have met…and of course, go on a fishing trip with. I lost my dad (who adopted me when I was fifteen) in 2020. They were of similar age and those guys of that vintage had to persevere through a lot in life - not many like them anymore. I’m immensely grateful that my dad chose my mom and me. I have no idea where I’d be in my life if he had arrived just at the right time. I hope you get out to the Llano soon and have a full weekend of wading around, fishing, eating a Big Chop, listening to classic country, and thinking of memories. The tears will subside in time and will be replaced with laughs and joy. Trust me. We will see them again, no doubt in my mind. 1 John 4:8 Psalms 126 Revelations 21:3-5
  3. Just finished Annals of the Former World, John McPhee’s Pulitzer Prize winning collection of five books on the geology of North America. While sounding dry as toast, it is very readable. Simply amazing history of our world, along with biographies of impactful geologists who contributed greatly to knowledge of North America’s Deep Time. The middle book, Rising from the Plains, about Wyoming geology and Dr. David Love were my personal favorite. David Love, and especially his parents, led lives that few of us can even imagine.
  4. 100% agree with the above. It could be 70F in that part of the world in March or it could be a blizzard. Good weather - no problem. If you were traveling in summer, I could give you dozens of places to camp that are awesome. Spring with kids, weather is too unpredictable.
  5. I’ve been wanting to cook them since my son and I had our first in Leakey a few years ago while we were on a fishing trip to the Nueces and Frio. It was much easier than I expected - I mashed out two roughly 1/4lb hamburger patties in a rectangular shape, layered with diced fresh jalapenos with grated Colby/Jack cheese. Also, I had some shallots on hand and diced those up as well. Covered first patty and diced japs/shallots/cheese with second patty and pressed and sealed them together and threw them on the grill. Served with some brown gravy and mashed potatoes. Definitely doing it again soon.
  6. I’m a long way from the Frio and Medina valleys these days but recently had a craving for southwest Texas-style pepper steak. Poor pic but damn was it good. This dish needs more love: https://texashighways.com/food-drink/what-the-heck-is-pepper-steak/
  7. Pertaining to the mention of Big Bend Ranch SP, i thought I’d post the following Texas Monthly article from over twenty years ago written by the author of Empire of the Summer Moon. One of the finest essays I’ve come across: https://www.texasmonthly.com/being-texan/conversations-with-a-grasshopper/
  8. Cheever’s Cafe coming to Cherry Street in Tulsa: https://www.cheeverscafe.com/location/cheevers-cafe/ Looking forward to it!
  9. Yep. Reminds me of one of my favorite quotes: “I think I've been in the top 5% of my age cohort all my life in understanding the power of incentives, and all my life I've underestimated it. And never a year passes but I get some surprise that pushes my limit a little farther.” - Charlie Munger
  10. While I do not possess PhD level math and physics knowledge, my bullshit detector is of a fairly high order. I think this is Sundar trying to goose his stock price.
  11. Here’s another negative review:
  12. Any chip industry or CS guys want to comment on Google’s Willow chip announced today: https://blog.google/technology/research/google-willow-quantum-chip/ I’m trying to make sense of the ‘breakthrough’ as lots of small guys are fawning over announcement and a few taking exception. Any opinions or analysis?
  13. Thought some of you guys might want this - Llano River trout stocking dates. I used to love Dec and January days out on the Llano in years past, as I had the whole river to myself and lots of fish about ten years ago. I’ve heard the locals have started to take a lot of fish after the first few days. Hopefully it’s still good for a few weeks after stocking date.
  14. I jumped on the thread this morning as I just had Tommy Alverson passed away over the weekend from cancer. I always liked his music: https://www.wfaa.com/article/news/local/tommy-alverson-death-obituary-texas-country-singer-fort-worth/287-67fa3a4f-f9a0-41cc-b07d-dbf87e8824ab
  15. Speaking of Guy Clark, the album Best of the Dualtone Years has become one of my all-time favorite albums:
  16. Good dad! That’s awesome! I’m big fan of Ross Reels (and Scott Rods too) and have #1-#4 of original Gunnisons, plus my personal go-tos - original San Miguel #2 and #3. First rule of fly fishing - you can’t have too much equipment or gadgets.
  17. Great pics Damor. I like the re-released Ross Gunnison too. I’ve had my eye out for one of those reels. Here’s some pics from a late June 2024 trip to Wyoming with my son. I’ve shared with a couple of guys I’ve messaged with on the forum but forgot to post them in this thread. All hands were wet when handling the fish. 😀 Wild cutthroat stream: Camp at 10,500 feet: Dinner-plate sized grizzly track: Already looking forward to returning to Wyoming:
  18. I saw this on the Twitter machine this morning…Apologizes if this is already wide-spread but this sad Okie LOL: Belated congrats on thorough ass-whoopin’ administered to my hapless Sooners last week.
  19. I agree on too much ancho giving the raisin-y flavor. I’m probably 60% guajillo, 30% ancho, and 10% chipotle morita. Last batch:
  20. Just saw this…I’m gutted. I probably don’t know many of you fellow miscreants personally but I knew Wolfgang and he was a wonderful person. A got a email from him last Fall after years of not seeing him, helped him with a product question, and told him if he’s ever in Tulsa, I’d buy him lunch. Thank you for alerting me to his passing and ways to help.
  21. There’s a really nice Belgian-made 20 gauge Browning Superimposed in Gun Broker in 26” barrel, perfect for quick swing on dove and quail: https://www.gunbroker.com/item/1056724559
  22. The weather next week is awesome - low 80s for highs and down in high 50s at night. Might pack a jacket for early tee times.
  23. Some good stuff above. I’ve been so neck deep in high school kids activies the past year, we haven’t gotten downtown T-town that much. Here’s some other places/notes: Skip Cafe Ole - new owners and I’ve heard from multiple people that it has gone downhill at a high rate. I haven’t been myself since change but I trust the people you’ve been since the change. Isla’s Kitchen - downtown across the street from the ballpark on Archer is outstanding. Best new place I’ve been in the last year - https://www.islaskitchenok.com Fixin’s Soul Kitchen — also downtown on north Detroit is supposedly fantastic. I haven’t made it there yet but I’ve heard nothing but great things - https://fixinssoulkitchen.com La Tertulia is still outstanding. I’ve had great meals on all my visits, service was a little poor once but food was still top notch - https://www.latertuliarestaurant.com Heirloom Rustic Ales - best beers in town and probably most Austin-like place I’ve been in Tulsa - https://www.heirloomrusticales.com I’ve got very little for Bartlesville aside from aforementioned Frank and Lola’s. Close by downtown bar called Painted Horse was pretty cool - https://www.painted-horse.com
  24. Stumbled across this recipe for German Pancakes earlier in the summer and have made them 2 or 3 times. Every time I make them, I marvel at how damn easy this recipe is to prepare and cook. Pancakey on sides and custard-like in bottom of the pan. Recipe I used: https://tastesbetterfromscratch.com/german-pancakes-2/
  25. The very best chile rellenos - cornmeal battered green chiles.
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