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Don Keibals

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Everything posted by Don Keibals

  1. sorry if there is a FTWD thread, did a search and didn't see one. I've been enjoying FTWD so far and was glad to see the "um shocking" good riddance, should have happened sooner. I like the chick with the SWAT van and the dude from "Raising Hope" So do y'all think the mom is killed or just went off somewhere, they never explain her absence in any of the SWAT van scenes where she's missing? Would have been funny if they were attacked by a group of hipster undeads--maybe that will be coming up-or Dirty 6th zombies. I did like the Vulture group waiting them out was a pretty cool idea.
  2. Bill like school in the summertime, no class
  3. saw a big new with tags Yeti cooler in the Goodwill auction case earlier this week, coincidence???
  4. Wouldn't "discarded DNA" be his spit, cigarette, drinking cup, chewing gum, etc??? or maybe one of his daughters? NBC Los Angeles mentions the police received a tip:
  5. Just read about this on Daily Mail. Hard to believe, says some new DNA technique was used and matched to his daughter's DNA. Be cool if they could catch/figure out the Zodiac too. Anyone read the book yet? hopefully he'll fully confess too and that will be made into a book.
  6. should be Vinegar Lopez, ain't gonna catch no flies with that Honey
  7. Haha reminds me of once at Rush show in 79 at municipal auditorium in Austin. Friend and I went up to the balcony and found only 1 seat on the aisle. I sat there and my buddy sat on the stair and pulled out his bong. I was holding the lighter and saw a cop coming down the stairs to us. I quickly turned to the front and hid the lighter. My friend's like wtf and then the cop taps him on the shoulder. he turns & looks in horror but luckily the cop just said he couldn't sit on the steps, didn't give a crap about the dope another show at municipal auditorium, they was a chick sitting on a dude's shoulders blocking our view. somehow somebody had an apple, I don't know why, and I grabbed it, chunked it and hit her on the head. She stayed of his shoulders after that. Sorry everyone I think of reminds me of another and I went to tons of metal shows. Last one, show at the Austin Opry House and they decided to have a comedian that told lame ass drug jokes instead of an opening act. I got my friends and then the crowd chanting you suck! and he was trying to play it off like we didn't mean it or something. and crowd chanted "fuck you" and "get off the stage" and other shit like that. Always being an instigator, I crushed my beer can gave it to my friend and said, "hit him". He did and after that the crowd broke loose and everyone started flinging shit at him and he finally left the stage. addendum: a few years later my friend was telling the story to his friend at work and it turned out the comedian was the guy's best friend. He never talked to my friend again hahaha ok I'll stop, promise
  8. Show at the Coliseum in Austin in the 80s. for some stupid reason cops tied to maintain a space between stage and general admission crowd (no chairs) with the large crowd everyone kept getting pushed forward. Chick got pushed by cop got pissed and kicked him in the nuts. all the cops started spraying mace into the crowd. lots of people starting running but my friend and I yanked off our shirts to cover our faces, bent down and started going forward and got right up against the stage. Shirt had mace and got burned on the face some but wasn't too bad. At another show there, I was at the front against wooden barricade built to allow security to stand behind it. Started hearing pops, then saw two security guys look at each other in terror an they ran back under the stage. All the supporting 2x4 broke and the barrer fell inwards. People were panicking and getting pulled up on stage to "save" them. We were too fucked up to realize if there was any danger or not. plus didn't want to lose our places. several other times would get push around by the huge crowds all pressed together and could lift my feet up and move around with the crowd movement wouldn't fall or anything
  9. were there no trucks with good beer around?
  10. it numbed her throat so she couldn't tell how far in it was going and choked to death
  11. Beside your mom's lips, I like to rub this on my meat
  12. She took it like a man
  13. I always just put an X or a √ for years now. never had a problem
  14. #teamnecktats
  15. Yes, they use what are called comparables. 5 sales of homes similar to yours.
  16. Overall value went up to $271,038 from $251,163 They keep jacking up my land value in 78749, was $60k in 2016 and many years prior, last year $100k, now $125k while lowering my home value. They get you one way or the other
  17. koff koff Whataburger koff koff
  18. I wonder if Peter Green is available? Band hasn't been the same without him.
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