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Everything posted by TXSG8R

  1. Narrator: very little could be done. If you have a single armed resource officer in a school, you just make him the first target of your rampage. My sons high school had 2800 kids and I can’t even count how many rooms, entry doors, corridors, etc that even a small army of resource officers would fail to adequately cover. Hardening the target is an absolute smoke screen.
  2. 19 kids and 2 adults aren’t going to be beaten to death with a crowbar in 30 minutes. It’s a hell of a lot harder to hit running kids with a crowbar than it is with bullets. Guns exponentially increases the chances of mass casualty event over a knife attack, especially when there is a running clock on the response. Is there still a risk of death without a gun? Sure, but I’ll take those odds over a guy with a semi auto weapon and multiple magazines of ammo 7 days a week.
  3. Not those pictures, they should have to look at the crime scene pictures. Make people understand the level of violence that was perpetrated on their tiny bodies. Its easy for people to T&P away those smiling photos. Make people face the violence they are brushing aside with platitudes.
  4. Something I thought about today. Did you know you cant carry a personal firearm on a military base? I don't just mean Joe Q. Public, I mean errbody. This isn't a general policy for the logistics clerks on Fort Hood, I mean this extends to our most highly trained Delta operators on bases like Bragg. Even if you live on base in housing or the barracks. You cant even store weapons in your living quarters. For those that aren't tracking, I'm not talking about an AR, I mean pistol, shotgun, etc. You have to register all weapons with the MPs, and then have those weapons stored with your unit armorer if you live on base. To use a shooting range on base, you have to again, register the weapon with the MPs, carry that weapon in locked storage in your trunk, and go to the range, finish your shooting, and then get the fuck back off base (or return it to the armorer for those that live on base). You don't get to drive to burger king and grab a bite with a weapon in your vehicle. I wont even get into all the hoops you have to jump through to access actual military weapons. The most highly trained people we have in the use of weapons aren't trusted to store a pistol in their house, or carry one in their vehicle while on a military installation. Doesn't matter if they are an 18 year old private or a 40 year old highly decorated green beret. I would assume its very similar for police stations wrt to the carrying of firearms in the building. Its beyond odd that our most trained weapon users have stronger gun control policies than the public.
  5. I already posted this is impossible for many reasons. There are ~131,000 K-12 schools in this country. We can’t even fix our fucking bridges that are falling apart, but we will somehow shit enough money to harden that many schools to every potential mass shooting scenario? It’s not remotely feasible.
  6. I still can’t fathom that we choose, CHOOSE, to make our children bear this burden. The party of life chooses to make kids go through active shooter drills, carry bulletproof backpacks, and cower in fear while shooters rampage through what should be a place of learning instead of trying to address the obvious gun access issue. This is inexplicable to my family in Germany. You can’t make this make sense to rational people outside of our dumb fucking gun culture bubble.
  7. I recognize you’re posting sarcasm, but someone will be serious about that. I think it was posted earlier, but the Uvalde PD is already something like 40% of the city’s budget. You could triple it and you still couldn’t cover every soft target. Target hardening is absolutely bullshit deflection.
  8. We don’t let people under 25 rent a fucking car, but you can buy gun(s!) at 18. We limit how much Sudafed you can buy, but not bullets or magazines. And before too long we will probably be tracking women’s pregnancy status and travel, but can’t be bothered to track the purchase of guns. The answer is turbo fucked.
  9. They are counting on the public’s squirrel level attention span to move on to the next shiny object in the news cycle and avoid having to deal with the emotional attachment to the horror. It also gives them to get their messaging synchronized and sprinkle some conspiracy shit into the ether to muddy up the waters enough to make the debate around the tragedy bigger than the actual tragedy.
  10. I agree you won’t reach the fringe, but that’s not the point. You make all the politicians that take the NRAs money think twice, and you gut check every mom that pulls the R lever going forward. Moderates shift around, no argument there, but seeing holes in littles kids faces would definitely make a lot (not all) politicians look a lot harder at their donations and messaging purely as a CYA response. Make dead kids just as much of an albatross for the right as abortions are for the left.
  11. Someone mentioned it earlier, but I think the only way the 2A nuts really come to terms with this is with getting full exposure to the full gory details of events like this. Don’t show the happy photos of these kids. Show the footage from the crime scene. Show whats left of their heads. Run ads with this shit during every football game. We are numb to it because people aren’t exposed to the reality of what’s happening. It’s easy to say T&Ps to the smiling family photos of these kids. The only way you can sever the NRA’s hold on politicians is by making their money Chernobyl level untouchable.
  12. Not going to go digging to find the Patrick quote about hardening targets, but this is a response to that and any idiot that takes that deflection seriously. It is impossible to harden a school to the point that it would be immune to a mass shooting. Even if you could overcome the tax burden (lol), there are just too many events that make school “school”, that renders all the walls, doors, etc a moot point. Even if you secure every door, put in a gun proof screening entry area, move playgrounds indoors or behind walls big enough to prevent shooting angles, add bulletproof auto locking interior doors, etc etc, you still aren’t there. Those mitigations assume a static environment, and schools are anything but. Kids still have to move in and out of Fort Knox Elementary every day, and the mitigations that make it more makes it harder to get in and out of. You just made the next school shooting have a more specific time (drop off or pick up). Nott if we have armed officers at every school at those times, checkmate libtard! Again, assuming we overcome the tax burden for that too (more lol), it’s still a pipe dream. Pick up and drop off are pure fucking chaos, and even a small army of cops couldn’t adequately cover the volume of potential threats in that environment, but let’s say you cover the base. Now the target shifts to school busses. Even if you secure the loading of kids at the school, that bus is exposed to risk at every stop. What is stopping a nut from standing at a bus stop from just hopping on when the doors open and going ham? Are we hiring armed security for every bus too? You don’t even need to get on the bus, the sheet metal on a bus would probably struggle to stop a BB. Are we going to up armor busses? Hardening the target is a fucking bullshit deflection by the NRA and their well paid spokespeople. We can’t harden schools, theaters, grocery stores, etc. The only realistic solution is reducing access to firearms, but we as a nation don’t have the guts to attempt it.
  13. Cut out the middle man and just deputize the entire district staff.
  14. I don’t know how you can process this as a parent.
  15. Edit: the follow up was worth posting
  16. 2 is likely why 3 didn’t matter. We are up to 3 adults so my guess is he went through the locked school entry and shot the office people that screen people coming in and then went to the classroom. Access to firearms is the problem, and our slippery slope dumb fucks will ensure that nothing will be done to change that.
  17. Manchen and Sinema will vote to protect their political future if it runs counter to any democratic agenda item, including gun legislation. What I said is accurate. Progressives are going to raise holy hell for the next few news cycles about dead kids, and ultimately nothing will come of it because the blue team (last I checked it included those two) will not pass anything that will impact the issue.
  18. Yup, you’ll probably get a little more earnest T&Ps because it happened in a red state, but outside of that absolutely nothing will change. Red team will blame it on crazy people, Covid lockdowns, lack of prayer in schools, George Soros, etc. Blue team will make a lot of noise but ultimately come up short of any serious action that would put them at risk in the next election cycle. I’d love to believe that voting will make a difference but gerrymandering and voter suppression will ensure that the dumb fucking minority will continue to have enough power to keep any serious change at bay. Our shit needs a full reboot, I really don’t think it’s fixable short of a civil war.
  19. I’d like to see them Duke boys Elon wiggle their way out of this one!
  20. Isn’t Tesla doing that for their employees.
  21. If that money isn’t taxable, it shouldn’t be able to be leveraged for loans and other bullshit ways the wealthy avoid paying taxes. His 0 guaranteed comp is a feature, not a bug.
  22. This was peak covid. People were definitely more aware of being a 1099 guy and the risk of being laid up in a hospital with jack shit for medical. I don’t see guys that can’t get papers in the licensed trades much in this area. Electricians and plumbers are almost entirely other than brown around here. They are the ones I see bitch the most about workers not showing up.
  23. Yep, the whiplash if those people actually uprooted and left the city to find good jobs and a lower cost of living would be amazing. Like it or not, big companies are going to stay in big cities. Like it or not, those big companies are economic engines, and that corner office guy needs someone to clean his office. Corner office guy likes to go out to eat at restaurants, grab a coffee, take a cab, have his trash picked up on a regular basis, etc. Lots of menial jobs may not be considered critical, but corner office guy’s life would be pretty shitty without them, so even in that most cynical sense they have value. Beyond political muscle memory. I don’t know why it’s remotely a controversial issue. Pay people enough to live on one job.
  24. “Get a better job” ”Don’t live in a bunch of places with better jobs”
  25. Read it again, the point was about single income families and comparing it to the good ole days standard of living. 100k for a family of 4 is good enough but not great living in many areas of the country, and might be scraping by in some of the bigger metros. Scoff all you want, but I can count on one hand the number of customers we have with a single income, and 90+% of the time those are religious choices (home schooling primarily), not being content with the money daddy is bringing home. Almost all our work is Bell county. Most of the homes we do are 2500 sq ft on the low end to 5k on the top end. Nothing stupid, we aren’t talking Italian marble and gold plated toilets. Paying for 2-3 kids college, healthy retirement, etc eats 100k up real quick, which is why most families have multiple incomes.
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