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Everything posted by TXSG8R

  1. KY has their first third down conversion in the 4th quarter and are winning. Seems legit.
  2. Mullen is doing his I’m too smart for this shit thing. Doing absolutely nothing to stress KY’s defense deep.
  3. Florida has 11 penalties for 90 yards, I think half are false starts. Doing everything they can to give KY the game.
  4. We are firmly in shitting the bed territory. Dan did not have these guys ready for a road game.
  5. Extremely surprised that Dan let the clock run. Dude is keeping it ultra conservative. Might bite him in the ass.
  6. Sir, this is an Arby’s… You doing the Mayo coffee like your boy?
  7. Wouldn’t remotely be surprised if Florida shit the bed in Lexington. Secondary is super sketchy without Elam and they are compensating with a lot of zone. KY is running through it like shit through a goose. Richardson is back, so Jones may start playing tight trying to outgun the freak.
  8. This is more infuriating than most of these. At least most people stop posting dumb shit once their loved one is in the hospital. Not this fucking guy. How broken can your brain be to post shit like this while your kid is on the verge of death in the hospital?
  9. They are a small private school who’s stadium is 30 minute drive away from campus and their facilities are shit. Yes, they are parked in a recruiting hotbed, but Bama and Clemson have been poaching all the best players from down there for a while. Hell even Florida outrecruits Miami in SoFla quite a bit. Their boosters are down to pay and party with kids but they won’t front for facilities and shit that will yield long term success. Manny sucks, but their admin does not give a fuck about football and until that changes, Miami will continue to suck.
  10. My BIL’s step brother died of Covid this morning. Early 40s, unvax. Wife is pregnant with twins and she found out while he was hospitalized. He never knew. BIL and his family finally got vaccinated when the step brother went into the hospital a few weeks ago. Hell of a wake up call.
  11. Edit: Shit, should be in FAFO
  12. We have Lorenzo Lingard waiting too. RB is pretty deep and Pierce, Davis, and Wright all have seniority.
  13. I have a bigger offset, but it leaks like a sieve and is more work than is justified for a single rack of ribs. Holding temps requires hourly attention so smoking something becomes a chore. I want something I can set for at least 4+ hours while I get other shit done on a Saturday.
  14. Its ignorance, which is different than stupidity. Some of it is self inflicted, but its largely due to the infrastructure the Rs have built. If you live in bumfuck nowhere, you grow up on foxnews, your teachers all watch fox news, your school board watches fox news, your pastor watches fox news. Even for those with a spark of critical thinking get pummeled with elected leaders, doctors, judges, etc that parrot the fox news talking points, so that spark dies under the weight of "credible" misinformation. Thats why the Rs have made attacking education and science a big pillar for their platform. Ignorance is easier to manipulate. Sure, the downside is regressing to a dark ages level response to a pandemic, but they will get more house seats in their gerrymandered districts full of even bigger idiots to keep the gravy train rolling. R summary:
  15. Its not toxicity as much as alternate reality. Its hard to find common ground when we aren't even speaking the same language. R sees blue but calls it red, and you cant convince them otherwise. There is story after story of these people in hospitals arguing that its a hoax, and the doctors are making it up as they are getting prepped for a ventilator they will never walk away from. Nurses and first responders that work in this shit and seeing the horror first hand are still refusing to vaccinate. That's a level of cognitive dissonance that you just don't overcome with any amount of compassion. I think there are elected idiots that are "victims" as much of this populace. The true believers like MTG, Cawthorn, etc. Its not an excuse, but I lump them into the same category as the rural idiot that only ingests right wing media and lives in the echo chamber that only amplifies this shit. The worst ones are those that know better, but choose the grift, reelection, or ladder climbing over the welfare of our people. Those motherfuckers should burn.
  16. Agreed, but I don’t see any way of fixing it. The R platform has painted themselves into a corner. Don’t believe in science. Don’t believe the media. Don’t agree or even compromise with the libs. They have made it a mission to overcome what little checks and balances on the local idiocy there was by taking over school boards, city councils, and the judiciary. It’s going to get worse before it gets better.
  17. Yea, that’s where I’m at. It’s really hard to justify the cost of one when the WSM seems to do the same thing for so much less.
  18. Does anyone make a small insulated cabinet smoker or is a WSM the better way to go? I want something that takes up less room on the patio than my offset and can cook for 3-4 people (a single brisket, or a rack of ribs or two, etc) that I don’t have to fight with to keep at temp.
  19. Fuck this, take care of Georgia and see these bitches in Atlanta with a healthy Richardson. I like our chances with that freak in the game.
  20. Why would you ride the handoff inside with the RB?
  21. Gary Danielson is just learning about forward progress. JFC.
  22. That’s not a hook. The fucking receivers body didn’t move at all. Fuck these refs.
  23. Win or lose, I’m pretty amazed at our O line play. Never expected them to be able to push Bama around. Over 200 rushing on the day already.
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