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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Baboontyme

  1. I have changed the regular season schedule to encompass 18 weeks instead of 20. Besides that and replacing TDs with FT% I haven't made any other changes to the league settings. Let me know if I missed anything.
  2. That's not great. Sorry about that. When did you join?
  3. Looks like it all worked. Rosters cleared except for keepers. We should be all set. See y'all in a bit.
  4. Added FT %. We are back to 12 cats.
  5. You should not have to pick your keepers, the draft should do it automatically.
  6. I have removed triple doubles from the scoring categories. It is set to be an 11 Category league. Please let me know if anyone has an issue with this. Just wanted to let everyone know that I officially did it in advance of the draft.
  7. Got the keepers and their rounds set. It was much simpler than I thought. Easy to change up until 1 hour before the draft in case Gregger or anyone else changes their mind. I think we're ready to draft!
  8. If we don't hear by tonight, yeah I'll do that. I want to make sure I have it set up and don't need to scramble before the draft tomorrow. If he decides he wants someone else in addition we can just make note of it and tell people he's off limits and then have him draft that guy in the proper round. Jr really drafted a hell of a team. Maybe he wants to keep Killian Hayes.
  9. Your vote counts as much as anyone else's. I just looked at the settings again and there is no requirement that we pick 12 categories. What if we just remove it and roll with 11? Anyone object? I just need Focker's keepers. Any word @Derka?
  10. 4th and 3rd respectively. I've got you down.
  11. Also I'm unclear on if draft order was determined by Mama Derka this year. I would like to thank her if so.
  12. Yeah I would say this even if I had a bottom 3 pick, I have no problems keeping it. It sounds like @Dutchrudder really doesn't care for it. Does anyone else have any opinions either way? At this point I just need keepers for @Capn81 and Greg's team and I can set the keepers and reset rosters.
  13. There are tons and tons of options. Any stat you can think of from Technicals to Ejections to Team Wins. Quadruple Doubles even lol. What do you guys like? FGM? 3 Pt %? Those two seem to me like the most straightforward of the options. Steals to Turnover Ratio?
  14. This may be the only time in the history of me playing fantasy sports that I've landed 1.1 in a snake draft. How many months of the season will Joker miss you think?
  15. I am back on mobile and those options aren't available on the app. I'll look on desktop tonight and post the options. I'm sure there are a few.
  16. Ok teams are filled. Reference This post here for last year's draft picks. If you don't have a keeper listed in this thread I will tag you. Keeper Rule - Must be drafted in Round 4 or later last year. You can keep up to 2 players who ended the year on your roster for a round earlier than they were selected last year. If you would like to keep a UDFA, it is a 10th round pick. 1. @Capn81 - Scottie Barnes (3rd) Jalen Williams (4th) 2. I'm Rick James Bitch - Tim/Friend of Derka (FOD) - Keeping CJ McCollum (7th) and Buddy Hield (9th) 3. Steve's Smart Team - mojo - Bane (8th) and Nic Claxton (15th) 4. Dirk4Prez - ITHorn - Keeping Kyrie Irving (5th) and Miles Bridges (7th) 5. Greg's Great Team/Team Name TBD - BigOrange1 - Keeping Ant Man (8th) and RJ Barrett (12th) 6. Baboon's Goons - Me - Derrick White (11th) Jabari Smith Jr (12th) 7. Durdy Zion - Durdy Dan the Mann (FOD) - Keeping Evan Mobley (9th) 8. Rags 2 Riches - Derka and FOD - Keeping Rudy Gobert (6th) and Chet Holmgren (10th) 9. Greg's Grand Team - FOFOD Greg B - Need his keepers (sent options to @Derka) 10. Ants Having a Good Time - Dutchrudder - keeping Tyrese Maxey (4th) and Brandon Miller (10th)
  17. mini baller would like a word.
  18. Started him (indictment on my team I know). Felt pretty good about it until I remembered my opponent was starting Denver D and they scored a pick 6 late. Instead of a nice lead I'm up 10.
  19. Sweet. Email invite sent. @Derka can you please send me Tim's buddy Greg's email? I need to remove him from Big Oranges team and then add him to Team 15. The site doesn't show his email.
  20. Perfect. I will send the invite when you pick the team because I have to actually add you to the team.
  21. Email invites have been sent to IT and Big Orange. I will remove Greg as your 2nd manager Big O once you have joined. Wake up mojo! Time to pick a team.
  22. I don't really care, but this was the rule we were operating under last year. The way this is worded a player drafted in Round 3 last year would be eligible to be kept one round ahead of that. Your league, you make the final call.
  23. Brunson was drafted in round 3 last year, so he is eligible to be kept in round 2 this year. Right?
  24. Brunson will replace your 2nd rounder. Miles will be your 7th. I am considering doing with SGA what you did with Brunson. Nice to get a top 6ish pick in the 2nd round.
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