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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Baboontyme

  1. How do you clean your pits? 

    Assuming you have a ball valve. Jesus. I have drained mine before, and yes hulla I have done it at the power wash before but I guess I have never done it with the pit hot. Because a fuck ton of gunk just came out and it turned into a debacle. I put a full sized foil pan underneath it and lowered the tongue end where the valve is and I about filled that thing up. Tried to funnel it into some containers with the wife's help but the funnel clogged. The grease spilled all over the driveway because the pan was too full. There is so much gunk in the belly of the pit that it is clogging the valve and I had to use a screwdriver to loosen up the flow (dose nasty). I have a bunch of solid sediment in there now and most of the grease gone. I finally got most of the grease into a styrofoam cooler and honestly I'm probably just gonna tape the cooler shut, bag it and toss it come garbage day. There's gotta be a better way. Even at  the power wash I wouldn't have been able to move a lot of the hard sediment in there. I do have a scraper that came with the pit and it helps but still too much gunk. 

  2. I'm supposed to be getting a case of CABs from a guy in my golf league for 2.88/lb. That's a bit cheaper than the 2.99/lb sale/case price they had at RD a few weeks ago. I was in there yesterday and all of the prices were jacked up due to the Holiday weekend. I can find 2.99/lb for choice at GFS any time but limited selection. Everywhere else the prices are jacked up over $4/lb. Sucks, very jealous seeing prices under $2/lb and prime for the same cost that I pay. 

  3. 16 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

    I didn't take pics, but trust me, this one came out of left field.  Smoked a 14.5 lb whole packer brisket on hickory starting yesterday afternoon.  Good smoke the whole run, temperature hovered between 210 F and 250 F.  I pulled it at about 13 hours and finished in the oven because it was 4 AM and I was about to pass out.

    Carved it up tonight, and there was no smoke ring.  Not "a small smoke ring",  NO smoke ring.  Nada.  No pink.  WTF?  

    It tasted fine.  The flat was moist, the moist was moister.  Great bark (2:1 black pepper to salt).  Just no smoke ring.

    Never had THAT happen before.  Any ideas?

    creosote. Or something. 

  4. I read that and honestly thought you were trolling until I read the responses a few years later. 

    I think my first ever question about smoking on the old site was a thread about whether or not I could run my WSM in the garage to cook a turkey due to a snowstorm. I was talked out of that pretty quickly. Also I used to fill my water pan with Dr. Pepper. 

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  5. On 5/25/2018 at 12:54 AM, Baboontyme said:

    I seem to burning normal now. Nice big fire and temps creeping upwards of 275. I dialed the intake way back and I'll see how it goes for the rest of the night. I'm going to need to pass out soon so it is what it is. 

    It turned out fine, it was just a weird start. Weird enough to definitely question the consistency of the stuff. But overall it wasn't an issue and the fire got where it needed to get and stayed there. These things are fine as a cheap alternative but I'm not sure I would rely on them for a competition cook or something if you're into that sort of thing. Here's the graph. In green obviously. 

    I went to bed around 1 after I was sure the fire was going up, and woke up around 7 with temps starting to decline at 260 or so. I wrapped the brisket and added another bag and a half of RO to finish the cook off. Brisket was done around 11:30. Rested, coolered (with butter), served around 7:30 PM. Twas fan fucking-tastic. 



  6. I can't compare it as I don't use Kingsford due to the bitter taste you mentioned. It's funny how many don't notice it, I noticed the difference right away and it solved a huge issue for me way back in the day. But Stubb's burns great for me. Long and consistent and no issues with ash. Easily 12 + hours in the 18.5. can't speak to the 22 

  7. Well Gil Bang....I'm ready to admit defeat. Almost. I'm having a really difficult time getting the Royal Oak up to temp tonight. My graph last time I used it in the trailer told me I had it up to 200 in about 35 minutes. I did nothing different tonight, and I'm about an hour in and at 177. Multiple times I have had a big fire going with the coals, shut the door or the lid (vent still wide open) and the fire has died down to almost nothing. It appears there is still some major inconsistencies with this brand. We'll see how much these things redeem themselves and if it's just a slow start but it's drastically different from last time I used them. 

    On the other hand, I was in Lowe's today and Stubbs briqs (14 lbs bags) are on sale for $8 this weekend. 

  8. Doing my final test run tonight before next Friday's cookout. Just a little 8 lber. Having another family from the hood come over tomorrow night to share. I'm gonna throw it on the offset around midnight and see where it is at 7 AM when my fuel should be running out. No wrap. Hoping to get it done by 11 or 12 so I can do an extended rest. I'm going to try to put a stick of unsalted butter into the wrap over the flat before I put it away for the rest and see how that comes out. 

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  9. We exchanged some messages just before he ventured into Bucks and got super busy. I'm probably good, just getting nervous as I am getting closer to this cookout. I'm mostly paranoid about holding temps and the risk of getting people sick. We had some discussion/PMs on the scat site about it. Sorry for the interruption, back to your regularly scheduled programming. 

  10. Champ I hate to bug you....starting to panic as my date is closing in. Any chance we can hook up for a couple minutes on phone/email/surly/text before next week? Sorry bud. Never done this before and I need to stick the landing. 

  11. 11 hours ago, midtown said:

    Lived in downtown Detroit for two weeks back in 1994 for some business training.  A bunch of us used to go to the Windsor scrip clubs and catch the last bus back to Detroit.  If you know Detroit you know that area right across the border is the worst.  Every night we'd give the bus driver $ to just take us the extra 10 blocks or so to our apartment.   One night the guy said no and told us to get out.   We go five blocks and heard someone in an alley say "lets get them".  3 of us broke out in mad sprints to the apartment.

    Not trying to bullshit proof your story at all, and if you stayed downtown for a couple of weeks I trust you knew your surroundings but....right across the border. Tunnel or bridge? I mean the Tunnel lets out right next to the Ren Cen on Jefferson near the river which even in the 90s when things were pretty bleak is pretty much the least threatening area of downtown. The bridge lets out onto the Interstate in SW Detroit. Not exactly a great neighborhood but you're on the interstate. I don't remember it being different back in the day but perhaps it was. 

  12. About 6 roma tomatoes
    Tomatillos (you want the volume of the romas:tomatillos to be about 2.5:1 or 3:1)
    About 1/4 of a big ass red onion
    A couple of small garlic cloves (or one big one)
    2-4 serrano peppers
    1/2 - 1 orange habanero (depending on how much heat you like )
    1 lime

    Grill all of it, but the lime and the salt. Get it black. Get it hot as fuck, to the point where you will be able to smash it without a blender. Put in bowl. Mash it all together. Put in blender. Add juice of lime and ~ 1 tbsp of salt. Pulse 2-3 times. Chill and serve. 

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