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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Baboontyme

  1. Hey just because I post here and like it here doesn't automatically make me an asshole. Well actually I guess it sort of does. Just tested again. I'm the fucking Ellie of Covid 19. Who is going to be my Joel and take me to the gym?
  2. What are you supposed to do if someone in your house is positive and symptomatic, and you are not quarantining or masking or separating, but you do not have symptoms or test positive? CDC I believe says you can do whatever you want but being in this situation for a second time, it doesn't feel right. I'm bored out of my mind, my 13 year old feels fine now but is home from school and I want to go to the gym. How long do I need to wait to not be an asshole?
  3. Sounds like you were completely sober. That was your mistake.
  4. One of the greatest moments of my life happened at my local growing up Pizza Hut. The year was probably 1994ish. I had graduated from the every-Saturday lunch at Pizza Hut with Mom and sis in between stops at K-Mart and Sears ritual. And I was now firmly in the lunch buffet with every single fucking person in your high school ritual. A younger than me white teen type came in with his family, and he was at the jukebox. I didn't pay it much mind. Livin on a Prayer came on. I didn't pay it much mind. Kid started grooving to Livin on a Prayer, I started to pay a little more attention. We hit the "We'll give it a shot!!" crescendo and my guy gave a fist pump that would make Tiger blush. Pure Awesome.
  5. It's spoken about openly by the players. I listen to a lot of podcasts and I've heard CJ, Draymond and JJ Reddick all discuss in detail what goes into it. There are actual numerical metrics that the training staff track. I think it was Draymond who was explaining it, saying the conversation is basically the receptor of one of the quad muscles isn't firing, and thus you have a 63% higher chance of reinjuring your knee so we're going to sit you tonight. It also sounds like there are exceptions - guys who just flat out overrule staff and coaches and have the kind of leeway, but it sounds like it's a very analytical process these days for the most part.
  6. Also should add that against my better judgement I tried the Detroit style when they came out with it. Beyond shit. Horrible. I don't think I finished a slice.
  7. The thin crust is decent, no doubt. Pan is shit. Hand tossed is shit. Those P'zone melt things are shit. The NYer is better than decent. @Hmbre97 I remember it well from my college days. That was what made me want to try it. However, I do think it's a different cheese blend. Maybe it's just the oregano seasoning or that it automatically comes with "extra" cheese but that doesn't taste like PH cheese to me. Try it out and see what you think.
  8. I don't see many (if any) red roof sit downs anymore. I think they are all delivery/carryout joints in strip malls now. Ahh, the nostalgia of the checkered tablecloths, the red plastic smoky cups with Mountain Dew, the tabletop Ms. Pac Man.
  9. I am somewhat ashamed that I tried it... But the big NY pizza is fucking good. Not just pizza hut good. Actually good. I added extra pepperoni to mine and they put the regular ones on there as well as the spicy ones that curl up and it was legit. I have lots of good to great pizza options around me, non chain even, and honestly I will probably order it again. If yours turns out shitty that's because the cook at your pizza hut is probably a meth head and the meth head at mine was off the day I ordered. Don't blame me. It's definitely a different cheese blend and the sauce is different from the regular sauce, as well.
  10. Oh it's gonna be fun. I just hope Luka is back soon. If he misses more than one more game I think I will probably be cooked. And I need BI, as well.
  11. The kid who can barely speak in the new Puma commercial 'we are the new classics' (I think that's what he says, he has 28 marbles in his mouth I'm pretty sure) - he makes me angry.
  12. Well today Lou forgot to put Joker in the lineup so please disregard my angst over Simons. Probably still lose.
  13. Shit happened to me last night with Simons. He hit like 8 3s, too and I'm neck and neck with Lemonparty Lou overall and in that category specifically. Watch I miss the playoffs because I lose that category this week by 4 or something.
  14. I wonder if people in Windsor talk like this about Detroit.
  15. I had the game on last night and decided to lock in for part of it and really watch what was happening. Granted I don't know what kind of coverages they were playing but to my untrained naked eye, I saw a few things. 1. Shai and Giddey really cause a lot of problems. No one could stay in front of Shai (Wiggins would help here) and he was even beating doubles. The extra help required for Shai would create an opening somewhere else and OKC wasn't missing last night. 2. There was still an effort component in my opinion. Multiple times it appeared to me that guys were not fighting through screens. Even on simple pick and pops. Poole was a frequent offender but honestly I saw Draymond get lazy in this regard a few times, as well. And the guys setting those screens aren't exactly Draymond Green. Weak screens and almost zero effort to close out. 3. Communication and confusion issues. Handful of times per half is too much. Even with the health/lineup issues it was just sloppy. 4. Sloppy on Offense = Turnovers = easy transition buckets when GS can't set their D. Still incredibly sloppy with the ball. I think that deep down they probably have a self belief that they are just going to be able to turn that extra level of effort on in the Playoffs. They are trying to get it going early but obviously can't. It's interesting to watch. Would be pretty impressive if they could pull it off again.
  16. Why the hell not? Toughen that bad boy up for Turks and Caicos.
  17. This guy has the best IG page. Love it. Waiting for him to post some OG Transformers or Go Bots content.
  18. Lost power last night during a wet/heavy snowfall. I had to shit with a flashlight and my travel bidets this morning. Twice. They work, but they are a poor substitute for the BB 2000. Have we made the joke in this thread yet about an asshole training regimen before travel? I know we have discussed how sensitive the starfish gets to actual wiping after prolonged bidet usage. I'm thinking there's room for a Tom Emanski style training program/video where we do some sandpaper drills, etc to toughen the little guy up before vacation. Would anyone like to invest?
  19. My buddy went through a pretty rough divorce and it messed him up. He's gotten into a lot of this stuff, is really into Sam Harris, etc. I was just with him this weekend and he was telling me that he did this with MDMA. He said it cost $1400. You provide them an address and they send the goods. It is a 1 mg dose. You have a couple of zoom calls to plan it, and then you do a 5 hour zoom call with a guide when you take the trip. He described it as just a feeling of euphoric love the entire time. He didn't say anything about it being rough coming down. He's ultra paranoid about basically everything so I think he would have mentioned it if it was an issue.
  20. Can someone post the Ja WaPo article please
  21. Alternate broadcast is where it's at. Draymond thinks Bron was going to pick the hometown favorite and Luka decided fuck that, I'm not gonna be last.
  22. I fell asleep but not because it was bad. Because I'm old. I watched on DVR today. The skills challenge setup was dumb. Just do a silly obstacle course again. Also I bet Team Giannis because he's such a competitor not knowing he wasn't going to participate. 3 PT contest was good. I bet Tyrese at +800 and hedged with Dame +380. He is just so damn consistent, he shoots like a robot. McClung was spectacular. If he's really going to do it again next year and Zion really does it, that will be awesome. Also loved Reggie calling him Matt for 3/4 of the broadcast. Also is Giannis playing tonight or what?
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