I am considering Karening to the gym management. My gym is a big chain gym (The Edge, not sure if in TX). It's nice, I like it. It's very close to my house and strikes the right mix of real gym vs Planet Fitness vs. Meathead circuit. Their top membership tier allows you to bring a guest for free as long as you sign them in. My oldest has been trying to get into working out. I've taken him with me occasionally. He is 13, the minimum age for a guest. Of course when I bring him, he works out with me, I show him form and technique, etc. I have been seeing fucking 7 and 8 year old looking kids roaming free in the gym trying to use equipment. No clue who their parents and grandparents are. Today there were some brothers roaming free, independent of each other, one probably 8 and the other maybe 10. It annoys me. I don't want a kid to get hurt, I don't want my gym to get sued and have to close, I don't want to find myself in a position of wanting to use the lat pulldown machine but I can't because there is an 8 year old playing on it. And fuck those parents, this isn't a kiddie club. In fact the gym has a Kids club where staff will play basketball or do fake exercises and stuff with the kids. Maybe I'm just being old.