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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Baboontyme

  1. East Lansing is a piddly college town. Very different vibe from big city Ann Arbor. The main drag is Grand River, with "downtown" East Lansing on one side and campus on the other. As LO said upthread, campus is beautiful, especially the North end, close to Grand River. Once you get to the river, the other side is pretty meh but just on the other side of the river is Spartan Stadium and Breslin to the West. There is a Hall of Champions or something in the lobby at Breslin if you're into hoops and you just might see Izzo on his office patio right outside that area and he will talk to you if you do. The football stadium is dumpy but worth seeing I guess. Walk campus, go to Beaumont Tower, get ice cream at the Dairy Store. Visit the Broad art museum if that's your thing. East Lansing itself, mostly local bars and chain restaurants. I'm biased but people and students in town are pretty outgoing and friendly. Crunchy's and the Peanut Barrel for burgers. The best place to stay is the Marriott on M.A.C. or the new hotel, Graduate. There is apparently a cool bar on the roof up there but I haven't been there. I hope the fall weather cooperates that weekend. It's a really nice time of year. Probably a little early for the leaves changing colors but a nice pleasant 75-80 during the day and a crisp 50-55 at night.
  2. Left after I graduated from MSU for Austin. Lived there a couple of years, moved back, didn't want to live with my parents and one bedroom apartments were cheaper downtown than in Royal Oak so I lived dowb there for a couple of years, working in Dearborn. I'm in Troy now. Are you in Lake Orion?
  3. I like the other 2 for FF. I think DJ is the primary and Rome is very talented and much cheaper than Keenan.
  4. I think greektown is pretty sketchy these days on the weekends, as well, no? Old man voice when I lived downtown in the early 00s that was the only place to go. I think I have heard that casino is now the worst of the 3. In general I have never felt unsafe downtown. I worked in downtown Pontiac for a few years and it felt much sketchier to me than Detroit.
  5. I do not really go out anymore but here is a link. Selden Standard is supposed to be awesome. https://www.metrotimes.com/detroit/EventSearch?narrowByDate=2024-09-06&sortType=date&v=g
  6. This is right down the road from my parents. I grew up stealing from that Meijer. If you see an old guy sitting at the bar at Twin Peaks by himself with a big smile on his face tell my Dad sup. Probably too short of a trip to plan meals around but if you're hungry and like Mediterranean check it out Sheesh in Livonia. Get the chicken sajji. Hope you all have fun. And win by a lot. 🙂
  7. Man I feel old. Second time in two weeks every person in that auditorium knew every word to the song and I had zero idea what it was.
  8. I've never taken Amtrak around here but the people that I know that have... It's on time if it's an hour late. Your mileage may vary and take it for what it's worth. It sounds fun but I would use Uber or Lyft if I were you. If you are trying to save a buck there is some new express bus service to DTW from downtown that drops off at the terminal. You could Uber from there, it's a little less than halfway.
  9. How do you season the wood? I'm sure I could Google but I don't want to.
  10. Having a bonding weekend with Trixers. Wife and kids are away. I'm still not to the point yet where I can trust her much if I leave the room even for a minute without crating her. She is so big it is hard to remember she's still so young. Reminds me of my 14 yo who is equally immature just 5'11 with a Barry White voice. 😂 PXL_20240817_004558571.mp4
  11. I think @Pimphand maybe? One of my close buddies lived there in his mid-late 20s with his girlfriend in an apartment above the bar he managed on Main St but I'm guessing that is not the type of experience that would be relatable.
  12. I break yolks too much for my liking when making over easy eggs
  13. imo it's the best city in the country for like 9.5 months out of the year. I've been there during the holidays and had some great visits in mid/late March, as well.
  14. Honestly as a basketball fan, it doesn't get much better than the past few days. I was talking in the other thread about how I don't dislike any of these guys, and though I did not like Bron for many years, I have absolutely come around on him and can appreciate him for how incredible he is. I would root for a Curry or KD team over his every day but I don't dislike him by any means. It was just so fucking awesome seeing all 3 of them play together and feed off of each other and do superhero stuff. I remember the Dream Team quite well but it didn't take the kind of work this team put in over the past couple of days because they played against like 6 NBA players the entire Olympics. The thing that makes this one feel so good is that I feel like everyone was pulling in the same direction from a fan standpoint. This country is so polarized, and even fandom is so polarizing... It was kind of cool to feel that way. Other than Portnoy. Fuck that douchebag.
  15. Seems real ish? https://arktimes.com/entertainment/ae-feature/2010/04/14/dwight-david-honeycutt-throws-down
  16. Yeah I should have tagged the posters. I think @Mitch Cumsteen said the show wasn't great and it's mostly Chuck and @MNLonghornFUKM said no one watches it unless their team is playing or something similar.
  17. I read a couple pages back. I think I'm general my NBA takes aren't as angry as a lot of what I read here because I don't really have a team, and I don't really dislike many if any players Because I don't really have a team. Except for you Dillon Brooks, you suck. But I disagree pretty strongly with the anti Inside takes. That show consistently cracks me up and I do try to stay up to watch it every Thursday once the main crew starts hosting. And it isn't just Barkley, it's actually all 4 of them. If you watch enough you can understand how they annoy the shit out of each other because of their intricacies like a bunch of family members. For example Kenny and Shaq and their egos, Chuck repeating the same stories every time a specific subject comes up, Chuck and Shaq getting heated with each other to the point that EJ and Kenny get uncomfortable, Shaq being dumb as a box of rocks. I mean Shaq doing the One Chip challenge like it wasn't going to impact him was legit laughing crying quality stuff, and things like that seem to happen every 3-4 weeks. It legitimately might be my favorite show on tv. And their creative team is also very good (and creative). I'm happy they're keeping the show going, at least for a few more years.
  18. Ja Morant bro Just finished watching an hour ago. Can't come down off of this adrenaline high. As a great coach and broadcaster once said a dozen or so times per game, mama, there goes that man. Just incredible.
  19. Hmm. I haven't seen enough of Williams to agree or disagree. I think he's got a pretty special bag, though. I really liked this. Better than any of the Giants episodes imo. The framing of Chicago was really cool. Top 5 series on TV for me.
  20. Trixie figured out how to go down the steps to the basement and up the steps to the upstairs today. This is going to pose additional challenges but damn if it wasn't cute. Also the rescue sent all of the litter mates a group text and she is definitely the runt. Her two brothers are 38 and 45 lbs at about 14 weeks, her sister was at 30 2 weeks ago. We have a vet appointment in the AM but I'm guessing Trix is around 30 lbs. These are some big pups. Hopefully going to have a playdate soon.
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