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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Baboontyme

  1. I just scanned it (twice) but I did not see Michigan State mentioned in what you pasted. Murray State and Eastern Michigan yes. Maybe you didn't paste the entire article but I'm thinking I would have heard about this via other avenues if Michigan State was involved.
  2. After I moved back to Michigan after I left Austin, I somehow wound up working in the design studio at Ford as some kind of project analyst. They have a huge video modeling room with big screens, at least they did 20 years ago. And then there was the modeling floor where they actually produced full sized clay models of the vehicles. It was pretty cool in retrospect. Anyway, I was working for this Chief Designer who was extremely, extremely Italian. His first name was Giuseppe, that's how Italian. He took a liking to me for some reason and treated me well. Somehow the topic of the Godfather came up, and he was absolutely incredulous that I had never seen it. It was just before Christmas, and he comes in the next day and decrees that we are watching the Godfather in the design studio video room. IIRC we had to split it up into 2 days, and there were 5-10 of us who were in on it, Giuseppe basically telling all of our direct managers that we were working for him those couple of days. Pretty cool way to watch it for the first time. It's a good movie, you should check it out. Oh and I've never seen a single Rocky movie.
  3. Check the Disney thread. Took the family over the summer and @mdmost set me straight on DL and sightseeing stuff in that thread.
  4. Cade is becoming theater. Great show vs Trae tonight.
  5. Check the DMs. Need your email address.
  6. The story was @ajax I believe about his work laptop. It was hilarious. Thujone then illustrated it.
  7. Luka is actually giving effort tonight and it makes a huge difference. It was evident from the first minute of the game.
  8. Yeah not great for you. You were the first person I thought about after hearing the news. Sorry man.
  9. Just play the don't pass line and celebrate your wins vociferously.
  10. Fantastic game. Hornets hang on in LA. Bron had two really good long looks from 3 in the last 10 seconds for the tie but he missed both.
  11. Luka looks like Jason Kelce without the beard out there. Bro about to get a sponsorship with Chunky Soup.
  12. This is a great game so far. F the haters.
  13. Well stated. There are 16 cards in a 52 card deck worth 10 in blackjack. It's just math.
  14. Nah I am enjoying that storyline.
  15. Court of Gold is pretty good. Netflix.
  16. I meant to add that to my manifesto I posted about the ASG. There are caveats. I understand that in many cases it's not the players decision as to whether to play or not. I understand that there may be some extenuating circumstances that we are not privy to. But aside from all of that, I'm very disappointed in Bron and Ant for sitting out, or not having the foresight to realize you may need to sit out and give up your spot to someone else. Bron especially has to know how that looks. It is shameful that they haven't found a way to get Domas into this game the past couple of years.
  17. Apologies for not linking or embedding but saw a video earlier of Kyrie goofing around taking a handful of cash from Mr. Beast's stash that he set up for his dumb shooting challenge during the ASG... And KD grabbing it from him and putting it back in the tub for the kid who won the challenge. I thought that was cool.
  18. Some observations. Disclaimer, I still really like Inside. They crack me up. I'm also pretty laid back and not nearly as opinionated as a lot of folks here regarding NBA takes. I watched this whole thing because I had nothing better to do, stuck home in a snowstorm watching 2 dogs. The whole thing could not have been much worse. -The players tried to play hard. That was the one positive of the night. They were not going 100, but they were going maybe 75, whereas in the past few years they were going 40. This was an improvement. -They way over did the farewell to the Inside crew. The players don't care. I don't think the players even like those guys for the most part. Plus it's the middle of the season, and we all know they're going to be back on ESPN next year. I understand the Inside guys have a lot of gratitude for the behind the scenes crews and want to give them their props, but do it during the Western Conference finals when the show is truly on its way out. -Kevin Hart. I think they brought him in so someone could emcee the Inside farewell. Brutal. -The breaks were brutal. The cameras caught multiple players gesturing to get the TV guys off of the court so they could play. The players wanted to play. The long Inside farewell break actually caused the players to revert to old ASG tendencies once play resumed. No defense and everyone jacking up 40 footers. -Too much Draymond. I like Draymond and find him entertaining but no one needs a 2 hour pregame show with Draymond and Jalen Rose. They really should have just let the Inside guys do the Inside thing from the arena. We do not need them at center court or on the PA doing live commentary. I liked the alternate broadcast last year with Chuck, Taylor Rooks and Draymond all talking junk to each other. -The game itself is irrevocably broken at this point and needs to go the route of the Pro Bowl. I would like to see them move the IST to later in the season and have the Cup final game on Sunday night of AS weekend. Keep the contests on Saturday night with some added incentives to get the stars out. Maybe do the Cup semis on Friday with the Rising Stars game in between. Overall the entire thing was pretty terrible and the presentation made it much worse because some/most of the actual basketball was a slight improvement.
  19. My interest in college sports is fading a bit but I just wanna shout out to my guy Coach Izzo. When I was a freshman they were writing Tom Fizzo on the bathroom stall walls at Rick's. I only know this because I took my friend's birth certificate to the Secretary of State and said I lost my driver's license and had them mail him a new one with my face but his information on it. That ID was money until I got arrested for minor in possession and they found it in my wallet and cut it up deliberately in front of my face. I can't remember where I was going with this. RIP YGIFS.
  20. It's been many years since I was a busboy. I worked at a couple of different restaurants including a restaurant with good pizza. The Leather Bottle Inn. I never would have thought to eat someone's leftovers. None of my coworkers did that either. Dose nasty. I ain't judgin. But I ain't eatin that either. Maybe because I knew the cooks...
  21. When she was in the bubble with ESPN she definitely had gained a few lbs. Some of those video pieces where they would show players, media etc fishing and golfing at Disney definitely showed an unflattering side of her. She looks like she has dropped a lot of weight since then.
  22. Saw the update from LeeAnne, how are we feeling ROFL?
  23. Jimmy Butler says hi.
  24. The reason I thought of those two the other night...too many details and I'm not trying to be the new YGIFS but Ruff gave me some advice back in the day, in her extra special delivery, that I took to heart. It was great advice and I would like to think it has benefited some people I care about. So thank you, wherever you are. And sax seemed like a good dude.
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