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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Baboontyme

  1. I spent some time this year uploading all of our old photos to Google via Scan Cafe. My mother grew up in Orlando just south of downtown and most of my childhood trips were down there. She says we went "every year". Classic.
  2. Oscillating fans from Amazon prime, no doi. There's something going on there with the mom not being present but I haven't paid close enough attention to it to try to figure out. I think they are sad because maybe the mom left because the dad deemed himself a creative genius but she just thought he was a weirdo..
  3. Anyone have plans this weekend? I need some friends to come over and help me shred a bunch of newspaper so we can make a homemade snowglobe in my backyard greenhouse for my bratty six year old. I will have Coffee House playing in the background.
  4. I am as pro diversity as anyone you could ever meet. That said, honest question, do black people even understand what the hell is going on in the Sprite joy to the world/glow up/what is you doing commercial? I am so confused.
  5. Yuck. I should probably sit out a couple of days so I don't go on tilt.
  6. No spoilers but right now this is the best show ever in the history of the world. Fuck the haters.
  7. Is this where we bitch about bad beats? Feel like I've had two all timers in the past two days. At least yesterday was light. Mavs Knicks. Luka with 11 and 3 boards at halftime. I play a lot of player props and Luka has been piling up second half rebounds. I bet over 24.5 2h points + rebounds. Knicks lead by 1 at half. Mavs come out on fire, Luka scores 19 in the quarter and adds 5 boards. He rests to start the 4th as Dallas built a 19 point lead. With him on the bench it balloons to 30 and he never plays again. Today, going to the Lions game with my nephews. I texted my buddy that has Etienne in his FF league. What do you think his o/u is for Receiving yards? He guesses 40. Nope it's 12.5. His splits look great when healthy to beat that #. I'm thinking it's a mistake almost. I put $400 on it. I think the third play from scrimmage is a screen pass to Etienne for 13. Same drive he adds another catch for 4 yards. Jags suck all day and can't move the ball. With the game approaching out of reach status in the early 4th on a must have 3rd or 4th and 5 they throw a flare to Etienne. Loss of 5. Doesn't play again. 3 catches, 12 yards, long of 13.
  8. "You think anyone really gives a shit about what your major is? English literature, biology, whatever. The whole point of a college degree is to show a potential employer that you showed up some place, four years in a row, completed a series of tasks reasonably well and on time, so if they hire you there's a semi decent chance that you'll show up there every day and not fuck his business up." "That's what you think college is all about?" "That and drinking beer and getting laid" Damn. Fucking brilliantly said.
  9. Man I was trying to figure that out. I thought it was the bar owner girl from Ozark and couldn't figure out why IMDb was lying to me. Also easy call out if you follow Sly on IG/Twitter was that the server at the restaurant in the beginning of E3 when he sees the white horse is one of his daughters.
  10. It tastes so good when it hits your lips
  11. I made 2 giant stock pots of turkey stock tonight. Seems excessive. I am frankly exhausted after spending the past ~ 2 hours picking meat out of the bones. What is this life.
  12. I appreciate the big breast energy up in here. My bird was juicy as all hell but I've got to tell you guys I think my taste buds have changed since I lost weight. I'm not sure I love smoked turkey anymore. I didn't eat that much and I was good with that. Everyone said it was the best one yet, though so shrug. I will see what I think of the oven roasted breast tomorrow if my mother in law doesn't cook it to 200 degrees (she will).
  13. Looks great! 10 sticks of butter in here.
  14. This page is a mess, scroll about 2/3 down for the recipe card, but this is what I used for the giblet gravy. It thickened up nicely and looks great. Sorry no pics https://www.thefreshcooky.com/giblet-turkey-gravy/
  15. Jesus man butter is crazy expensive right now. It's the one thing a forgot and had to make a run, it's like $6 for a box of 4 sticks Kroger brand. I bought 6 lbs because I didn't want to skimp. 😂 Yes I sarcastically blamed the President to my 10 year old and yes she understood but some of the people around me may not have and shot me a dirty look. Turkey stock for giblet gravy currently in fridge. I still have to make a roux tonight, sigh.
  16. No expertise on a dry brine in terms of time. Scroll back in this thread and find my bump from last year with the Serious Eats/Kenji article about brining. One note in the future if you wet brine make sure you pat it very dry with paper towels and let it rest uncovered for at least 24h in the fridge.
  17. I got my guys out of the juice this morning. Patted dry and chilling. And the Griswold family tree has been procured. LFG
  18. What the fuck surly. It's Thanksgiving Eve and no 🦃 talk to speak of.
  19. Give me 2 years and I'll sell you mine. You gotta pick it up, though.
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