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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Baboontyme

  1. I trimmed these guys up pretty good but I had a metric ton of fat. A full stock pot full plus a 14" cast iron skillet. I have lids on both and have the burners set to 3. How long am I doing this? Do these large trimmings break all the way down or is it going to look more like grandma's dried up lady parts with some liquid under.
  2. @dcbc I haven't cooked brisket since last year's school fair. I'm putting ~ 100 lbs on tonight. What's the latest? Render the trimmings and pour over flat before wrapping after room temp rest I gather?
  3. What you realized is pretty good advice. I have more money than patience but not a lot of either and though these things sound amazing they are not suited for my alien ear canals. I've tried 5 different tips including two that came with and 3 others I bought to find a better fit and they still aren't exactly comfortable. At all. Not to mention they have disconnected a couple of different times watching TV for no reason at all. I think I will send these back. Anxiously waiting for the 1000XM5s to see what they are all about.
  4. These are pretty badass @ztejas. They seem to stay in place. Loud, anc on point for buds, deep rich bass. Popped my powerbeat pros in to compare, there is no comparison.
  5. Just bought these to replace my 3 year old powerbeat pros. I'll let you know if I like them, the reviews were really good and I have the Sony over ear cans and they are awesome. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B094C4VDJZ?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details I loved the Powerbeat Pros with the ear hook but they don't fit in my ear very well anymore and I can barely hear sometimes over the shit they are blasting on the speakers at the gym. These are apparently a lot louder, have anc and fit in your ear better blocking out ambient noise.
  6. My latest shitbrick installment. I have posted before about how the battery powered portable bidets work for me for travel. Not as good as the real deal but enough in combo with tp or wipes to alleviate a good deal of my travel shitting anxiety. That was all well and good for my vacation travels. I have not had to travel for work since Covid until this week. The logistics of having to leave your hotel room at 7 AM, be onsite with a client for 8+ hours, then spend 5+ hours in an airport/plane are not copacetic to my ideal pooping conditions with my travel bidet. I'm not regular enough to be able to completely empty my bladder on command before I pack up for a long day. This might be an every day struggle for some less fortunate but I have been working from home since 2009 and I have no desire or intention of ever going back to an office every day. Anyway I did what I could in the morning and felt it building through various gastro waves during the client onsite. The bathroom was adjacent to the conference room in an art/deco type of studio office with exposed ceilings, and I was basically the main presenter for the day, so that was not happening. We were slated to wrap up at 4:30 as my coworker had a 6:30 flight. My flight wasn't until 8:30. I figured I could go to the AmEx lounge in the airport and chill for a few hours, find a decent shitter, maybe even bring a bottled water into the stall with me and use my travel bidet. No luck. I did not realize I had to be flying Delta to get into the Centurion lounge. I was now resigned to holding it until I got home at midnight, so long as I could find a decent place to chill for 3 hours. I couldn't. CLT is insane. Not a quiet corner or a seat in the entire place. I finally found a seat at a high top in the food court and I started to re evaluate my life's choices. I am going to sit here for 3 hours? No, fuck that. I found the nearest, nicest hotel. I ordered a Premium Lyft. I had them drop me at the conference wing of the hotel. I found a giant, pristine, handicapped bathroom stall with a floor to ceiling door in an empty bathroom. I filled up my pocket bidet and brought it in with me. I saw Blue and he looked glorious. Fantastic experience. I even got to change into my jeans and take an edible. I spent the next 2 hours sitting in a comfortable chair in the lobby charging my phone. Best $50 I've ever spent. If you ever need to poop in Charlotte I highly recommend the Airport Sheraton. Next time I travel for work I just won't eat I guess.
  7. Yep. Yttv took a shit on me as well. First I stopped the app, then cleared cache and data, then rebooted my devices. Nothing. It's still fucking glitching out.
  8. One of these years everyone is just going to ignore Miami into winning the LOB.
  9. This thread is very Next Door-y. Everyone attack the OP and tell them what they did wrong and why. Of course unlike Next Door, the OP seems to be handling everything pretty well on his own. Whereas the same could not be said about the lady posting that she has been seeing the same man drop his pants and poop on the school playground after hours for a year, what should I do?
  10. Today I completed an online return form to a clothing company. All the usual stuff, submit which item(s), reason, how you want the refund, print the USPS label out. But there was something different. Before it let me print, it had me select which local Post Office I would be dropping the return off at. Then the next screen asks you if you would like to pay a fee of $8 to have the return picked up from you instead of dropping it off at the post office. That's some semi-predatory shit right there. I'm guessing they use DoorDash and get at least half of that and they probably ask you if you want to tip the courier, as well. Anyway, I printed out the label and left it on my porch for my mailman as always. He picked it up as always. For free.
  11. What is your shipping policy? I'm potentially interested in two of them.
  12. Draymond I honestly think gets away with more than anyone in the NBA. He is so demonstrative I just don't think refs know what to do with him so they give him a ton of extra rope. He's really smart positionally and knows how to work the system but he's so physical he could probably get called for a foul on most 1:1 possessions.
  13. You an anti vaxxer, boon? Yes I read on FB that the vax alters your genetic makeup. I didn't want my kids turning trans so I avoided it at all costs.
  14. There's a few that come to mind. Two Rock movies actually. One is The Rundown and the other is Walking Tall. The third is more obvious, Road House.
  15. Wiggins wouldn't take the jab for months and said he regretted giving in and doing it after they won the championship. They say he is going to need an injection to play tonight. Maybe it was just the gene mutating nature of the jab that he didn't like? If Wiggins doesn't play seems like Bron is in a very good spot.
  16. Isiah is on the board at UWM. I don't think he has anything to do with basketball ops. This is interesting. https://twitter.com/DaltonJ_Johnson/status/1657084018943492097
  17. Thought it was BS that Luka was first team over Mitchell. Randle over Markanen, I don't love.
  18. The import worked using this method (ICS url from outlook pasted into Google Cal) but it doesn't seem to be syncing. Meeting came through last night and it still hasn't updated on my Google calendar. If anyone has any ideas please let me know.
  19. You should look into getting them some used deodorant.
  20. It appears you can. I was trying to do it from Mobile earlier and that was a dead end. https://techwiser.com/sync-outlook-calendar-google-calendar/ I got it to work on my laptop in Google Calendar but for some reason it's not pulling through on my phone. Maybe it just needs time.
  21. I am not sure if my company's IT will allow it but first I need to find a tool/app that will even let me try. Cozi seems to allow an import but not real time syncing. I don't want all of my family shit on my Outlook calendar and my family doesn't want to see all of my work shit on the shared Google calendar. It would be nice if I could have my own calendar on my phone that combines both and updates real time. Any recs? Android if it matters.
  22. I might have said this here like 6 months ago so apologies if so, but is it just me or does D Ham give anyone else Suge Knight vibes? He is coaching a helluva series imo but every time I see him now I think Suge.
  23. Rest in Peace and condolences to his family and friends including the online ones.
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