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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Baboontyme

  1. Part of my hesitation - I don't really know. I started doing this because it seemed dumb not to. I'm spending the money anyway. I am probably going to try to put together a 4-5 day trip to Orlando in Jan/Feb. I also will plan a bigger trip in the summer. I want to try to pull off Hawaii or maybe something in the Caribbean. I'm not sure if I should take what I've got and try to use it for a petty Orlando trip or something bigger.
  2. New to this. I've got a toe in the water but I'm a little tepid on it because it seems like a lot to learn and my plate is always pretty full. I signed up for the Chase Sapphire Preferred on the advice of someone and did the thing where I met the minimum spend, referred my wife, and she met the minimum spend so now sitting on 150k points there. Also have a bunch of points in my US Bank Flex Rewards account. Is there a website or resource out there that shows you the best exchange/transfer programs for each card? I also need to figure out what my next card should be and if I am understanding the game correctly I want to find one that partners with my preferred travel brands, right? Thanks in advance for any general advice.
  3. It's actually a pretty brilliant display of laziness. It was windy. Gorilla tape makes a more convenient paperweight than it does an adhesive.
  4. I loved this episode and I'm in 💯 now. The weed scenes were hilarious and Sly was either definitely high or he's a much better actor than I had given him credit for. After watching the final scenes in this episode I'm thinking definitely the former. But this show is fun and interesting and good and I'm going to watch it until it is revealed that Dwight's daughter is a confidential fbi informant and it gets stupid like The Old Man.
  5. You got this bro. Post up with any questions. Lots of amateur turkey master baters around here. You'll get solid advice. Procured the 18 lb whole bird today, picking up the breast for the in-laws tomorrow. Dunking both into the wet brine whenever I can find time tomorrow afternoon.
  6. I liked it but I felt like Sly was even more unintelligible than normal. That was kind of difficult for me to get past. I need to watch it again.
  7. No it means removing it and leaving it off. I think some people may use it for stock or other purposes.
  8. Interesting. I do a whole bird for my side of the family and a breast for the in laws. I don't think they are adventurous enough to let me try the skin off method but on my side I'm the cook and I do what I want. Except I'm scared to try it and fuck it up. Anyone do skin off for a whole bird? I typically butterfly it and smoke it at 300-325. But the skin is always meh at best.
  9. Got it. Yeah I mean specifically at the 4/5. If you don't have that it's probably gonna be a long night.
  10. I don't know anything about UT but if you have size and 10-15 fouls to go with that size you should beat them.
  11. Couple of pics from August. RIP feathered friends.
  12. Sad stuff. I don't know why but the news about the birds hit me kind of hard.
  13. @Brew just saw this. 😢 I had been wondering about this.
  14. Do you take the skin off like AF? I've always wanted to try but never have been brave enough to do it with an actual whole bird or titty.
  15. my proposal is this: Change keeper rule to 2 rounds earlier (vs current 1) Cap keeper at 3 years. Every additional year kept is another 2 rounds up in the draft. (So you draft Chet in Round 17. You can keep him the following year for a 15th. You can keep him the next year for a 13th and the next for an 11th and then you have to let him go) If you acquire a keeper in a trade it's a 4 round earlier tax. So if you trade for Chet this year and you want to keep him, you're keeping him for a 13th. If you trade for him next year and he was kept for a 15th by whoever drafted him, it's going to cost you an 11th the following year if you want to keep him.
  16. Everyone is different but for me, personally, Midwest winters are not that bad until February. February sucks and March is even worse because you're thinking it should be Spring, and you get a 60 degree sunny day and think you're out of the woods and then you have 6 more weeks of 40 degree temps. A vacation to somewhere sunny is a must in Feb/March. Can't beat summer and fall, though, and it's fun to actually see some white stuff into and around the Holidays.
  17. That's your answer then. I mean if you're looking in the city I guess "affordable" is open to interpretation. Chicago is awesome.
  18. So we had this issue in my FF league. I use the word "issue" lightly because most didn't really think it was a problem but a new rule didn't hurt anyone. It is a long-standing 30+ year auction league with some original members still in the league. It is a one player keeper league. People that are having a shitty season will make a big trade for a next year keeper. In fact I'm in the process of trying to do it right now. I believe it is incumbent on the trader to not shit on the league by offering a terrible trade. It would not happen in our league but I understand that is slightly different than a league comprised of Internet randos. What we did is we made a rule that the player value against the auction cap does not reset if you trade for a keeper so it slightly devalues keepers from the outside. Keeper cost escalates by $5 each year similar to what Capn said. So I could trade for CMC but to keep him next year is gonna cost me $50 because he's already been kept 3x (first year keeper cost is 35). In the past it would have reset and I could have kept him for 35, the logic being next year would be the first year that *I* would be keeping him. It was open season on the trade market though because you could get the top 5 ADP type of guys in a trade every year. Somewhat similar. What I would propose is a couple of things. I like the escalating cost for keeping the same guy idea. I also think you can de- incentive the appeal of keepers to other teams. Like maybe if a keeper is traded there's a 3? round penalty. Or their league fee goes up $25 😄. Just my .02.
  19. Repping you for saying something nice about Detroit instead of the same tired old trope. It's not Chicago but it's not the Gaza strip, either. OP by proximity to AA/SW hub do you mean via 45 minutes flight to Chicago? Because DTW certainly isn't that. Delta yes. I think what/where you will enjoy is more about you than the location itself. What kind of stuff do you like to do? Family, etc. Do you like being social or are you a loner. That sort of thing. But if you have any questions about the Detroit area I'm happy to help.
  20. Ditch Tulum and go to Orlando instead. Your kid can be an asshole on the plane and no one will even notice.
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