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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Baboontyme

  1. This thing does seem to be an absolute beating on my battery life. Any way around that @52-80?
  2. You just blew my mind. And affirmed that I will not be rewatching The Wonder Years.
  3. I'm a little torn on giving the name out because I aired some personal stuff. Then again knowing Ed a little bit I don't think he would mind, and he'd probably spill his guts to anyone who would have a drink with him within 20 minutes. I felt it was important to share those details to help build his character arc. I'll just say that it wouldn't be too hard to find using the Google machine and it's his wife's page and if you do follow, please be respectful. I'll edit some of those details so we don't have to move the thread. I think it would be awesome to hear other stories.
  4. There's probably a better way to do it but I think I have it working. Go to Tasks tab > Add task > Bluetooth Connection > (Ignore output variables) > Under Action select "Disconnect" > Under Device select (Vehicle Name) Done here Go to Profiles tab > Add Profile > Select "State" > Select "BT Connected" > Under Name search for (earbud device name) That's it. Profile should be active but if not toggle it on. I tested, put the earbuds on, went out to the car, turned it on. It disconnected from my earbuds for a second, saw the tasker lightning bolt in my status bar saying it had done its magic, and I hit the button on my earbuds and was back in business. It seems I can manually override by selecting Pixel 6 in my car as the media source but I'm guessing that would be music only at that point, and hitting the play button again on my buds switched it back to them.
  5. No shit. I installed it earlier. Messed with it for about 30 seconds and decided I'd be best served trying to figure it out on the couch tonight when I have a spare couple of hours. Then again I went to Michigan State so maybe you all will have better luck. Pos rep to 52-80 though.
  6. I will be dialing up a lot of single game parlays. I know they are not smart and I'm getting hosed on odds. But I don't care, they are fun as hell and I bet to have fun, not make money. That idea went out the window a long time ago. I had Henderson in a couple of leagues last year and drafted him late 1 of the 2 leagues I'm in this year. I have followed the Rams two headed RB saga fairly closely this off-season. Of course we won't know until we see but it sure sounds to me like this is going to be a true timeshare and Henderson has been the better goal line back. That's the key here, the rest feel pretty good to me. Trail at your own peril. This is on FD.
  7. Watched last night. Starting to get some flow. I'm fully in at this point. Given all we know about this world there is seemingly nothing more predictable than Daemon killing Ser Cristan and probably soon.
  8. Anyone know of a Bluetooth manager app that will let me do stuff like if x device is present always connect to x unless manual override. If x is not present connect to y. When I have my earbuds on and I leave the house to go pick up the kids or go to the gym I don't want it to switch to the car. But it's pretty annoying to have to go into Bluetooth settings every time before I get into the car to tell it to not connect to my vehicle for media or phone.
  9. That is my 9 year old. That shits even creepy for surly. I think. Maybe Brat can weigh in.
  10. @Hmbre97 any updates? I've thought about this situation a few times with school starting last week and having a 7th grader of my own. Hope it all worked out.
  11. Few more pics. The first one is him jumping into St. Clair from the TOP of the pilot house in 2019. You can see the inside of the "salon" is a bit of a mess. My 9 year old mixing him a drink 😉. Other one is my oldest kid in the dinghy with the good Captain, also in 2019.
  12. I feel like this guy's story is pretty good, but not good enough that he deserves his own thread. I am sure there are millions of people around the world who do unique stuff like this, so let's hear about those who you have run across. I want to talk about my wife's best friend's Dad. We'll call him Captain Ed. Ed bought a jewelry store in Grosse Pointe, MI in the late 60s/early 70s. This was and still is a high falutin' area with a lot of money. Ed says that he made his fortune because he was good with his hands in terms of doing whatever jewelers do, and because he took care of his customers, regardless of what it meant to his bottom line. He did well. At some point in the late 80s, Ed attended a Boat show at Cobo Hall in Detroit. He had worked on some sort of Great Lakes boat out of Cleveland as a teen, but had gotten into trouble for duplicating the key to the bar and stealing all of the liquor and getting caught. He was denied entry to the Coast Guard but always carried an affinity for the water, despite going into the Jewelry business. He was a self-admitted troublemaker and heavy drinker who got into trouble with the law quite often in his teens and 20s. Anyway, there was a particular boat, a trawler(?) maybe, I guess that caught his and his daughter's eye at this boat show. A 36 footer Kadey-Krogen. Ed's 10 year old daughter said she liked and it he should buy it. So he did. It was iirc 90k at the time, and he got an additional 3k off because they planned to take it to the Toledo Boat Show the following weekend and he let them. Within a few years, Ed found himself divorcing, because in his own words, he's "an asshole, who does what he wants". But he has "a certain charm" and everyone likes him. Can confirm. Ed decided he wanted to sell his business and live on the boat. He found a younger woman who he dated who he talked into doing this with him. The price? He surrendered his vote to this very progressive young woman, and he promised to give her his Marco Island beachfront condo when he kicked it. Ed says this was the best deal he ever made. Ed and his new bride took to living on the boat. They hail out of Grosse Pointe and now own a marina slip in St. Clair Shores, MI, a few miles up the shores of Lake St. Clair from The Pointes. They are "loopers". They hold the record for the most iterations of "the Great Loop" of anyone. They are going on their 33rd year of doing The Great Loop. They spend July to early October in SE Michigan. They then take off heading North into Lake Huron, pass through the straits of Mackinac and head South in Lake Michigan towards Chicago. They take the Chicago River to another river to the Tennessee River and eventually find their way into the Mississippi into Mobile. They stay a few months in Mobile before heading to the Gulf and eventually to their winter slip in Marco Island (his sister lives in the condo). In the Spring they take off from Marco and either head around the tip of FL or through Okeechobee and come up the Atlantic Coast, into the Erie Canal etc and back to Michigan. The Great Loop has become a thing, in large part due to Ed and his wife. Europeans quit their jobs and move to the US for a year or more to do it. They have become quasi-famous. Their boat - the Manatee - has it's own fan pages on FB and people post often of sightings. The Manatee has its own 'dinghy' - a maybe 10 ft inflatable boat with a crazy, overpowered outboard motor. I don't know shit about boats but Ed tells me it's powerful enough that he can rig it to actually push or tow the 36 footer at a speed equal to the 36' top speed of ~ 7 mph. Yes, they circle the country via rivers at 7 mph. When Ed and his wife have had enough of each other he will take off with the dog in the dinghy and go do an errand or a "field trip" and it's fast enough (or the big boat is slow enough) that he can catch back up with her on their journey. I've been on the Manatee 4x including yesterday, and every time it's more fascinating than the last. Ed is now 82 years old. He does everything on the boat - he has an air compressor that he uses to not only clean the boat but also to blow him air so he can go underneath the rig and clean the prop, transducer, etc before heading back down South every year. That was part of our mission yesterday. Inspect the boat for sea-worthiness before they take flight in a month. He has a winch and an indestructible mast and a sail and he uses the winch to hoist/offload his 125cc scooter that they park on land at the marinas for errands. In terms of the character himself, Ed drinks to the chagrin of his wife. They bicker as you can imagine. It's a miracle she puts up with him. Ed says the key to longevity to any couple that decides to live on a boat is to get a dog. And for that we can all thank Patches, a 10 year old King Charles Cavalier Spaniel. Patches has become famous in her own right, as she often finds her way off of the Manatee and into the water where Ed and/or his wife have to retrieve her with a custom made fishing net that hangs near the mast. Ed tells me he starts drinking most days around 3 PM. He drinks the cheapest scotch he can find in a plastic bottle, as glass is a no no if you can avoid it when on the seas. He has not been short for money in the past but he just has lost his taste for good liquor so why splurge. At dinner time he lays down in bed to satellite TV, and his wife serves him dinner. Then he drinks more scotch and passes out. The dog wakes him up around 5 every morning and he takes her for a long walk before coming back to the Manatee to research his stocks. The market has not turned Ed's way of late, endangering their current "looping" lifestyle as they embark on Loop #33. He says with a wink that he will figure it out because he always does. I have no doubt he will. 82 years young. Cheers to Captain Ed.
  13. Ok. I'm not an expert I just got entrenched in this due to boredom basically. Love the QB combo. I was ok with Lance and like him a lot but was looking to back him up with Rodgers or Russ. Can't stress enough how much I like Etienne it just didn't work out. Could Julio have a sneaky really good year with like 80 catches and 7 TDs? I think so.
  14. I don't know your rules but it appears you don't have a QB? Hard to judge. My .02 which is not worth a shit. Kupp regresses. Chubb has a big year even if Hunt isn't traded and I kind of think he will be. Waddle is co WR1 in Miami. Mike Williams is a Top 15 WR in non PPR. CEH has the best year of his career. Had gall bladder surgery right before the start of the season last year and didn't advertise it.
  15. I did the F Pros assistant overlay thing for my buddy's league to help him as he's clueless. It glitched out once in like the 10th round where it lost sync and all of a sudden the ESPN ding rang and we were up and had to switch tabs. I refreshed the tab with the F Pros assistant and that fixed it. Really happy with this result. We drew 10th. It's a 12 Team PPR. Went Swift, Mixon, hoping Pittman or AJ Brown fell to us and got MPJ, then got Sutton, Lamar, Chase, Dillon, Moore, Toney and Lockett. TE is not great but don't really care. Probably should have taken Njoku as I think he has more upside but oh well. When I look at the experts who liked our draft the most it was the two F Pros guys who both gave it a 99 A+. https://i.imgur.com/GrFW4rZ.jpg
  16. I like them both at those but have to lean Thomas with the later pick. I see the upside with as slightly higher with MT but obviously the floor is lower vs Andrews. I took Andrews because he was valued at anywhere between $34 and $40 in my league and the bidding just stopped at 20 so I jumped in. But I think he probably regresses a bit this year. 107/1361/9 last year and I've read some stuff about how much better he was when Huntley was playing and Lamar was hurt.
  17. I'll be trying it on Friday with my buddy's work draft. 51 fucking years old and $100 league and he has to bring me in on halfsies because he has no idea how to work a laptop or phone. Who did you round out with?
  18. You can blame DBro and Erickson. GL!
  19. They have this. It's called Pleasure Island and the kids can guzzle beer there, play pool and smoke cigars.
  20. I don't really have anything that hasn't already been said other than I want to weigh in on the side of perhaps the "retribution" angle is being overplayed here. Playground dynamics ain't what they used to be in my experience as a parent of a 7th and 4th grader. And anecdotally there was a (worse) situation when I was in HS involving a friend as the perp. Retribution against the victim was the last thing on anyone's mind. The kid has already been caught and is in major shit at this point. The logic line for a 7th grade kid and her Cletus and Brandene parents to have to draw from waiting for the hammer to drop and then the hammer actually dropping and pointing the blame at the victim is pretty blurry. That kid is going to be scared out of her goddamned mind and for good reason. Anyway good luck OP. Really hoping this does not have lasting effects on your kid. I also fully appreciate the posts about talking with your son and finding out what he really thinks and wants but I think you draw a firm line there like I understand but this is not your decision. And if you want to back that up I think the line of logic presented early in this thread about preventing this from happening to someone else is perfectly sound and something that a kid that age would understand. Sorry man.
  21. Man thank you both. You are speaking way above my head on the topic and I'm not really the type to get into the weeds on something like this. I don't even have an actual quote yet. The GC who is doing our remodel doesn't seem to have much experience with metal roofs and said the last time they quoted one it was years ago and it was about 6x the cost. I had just done some poking around online and at first blush they seemed to be much lower. I am waiting to hear back from the GC. I did some rough calculations and it looks like the area that would need coverage is about 1500 sq ft. I may take you up on your contact ROFL depending on what they come back with. I know there are some decent sized metal roofing companies around here. Erie is one that comes to mind. Thank you again.
  22. One thing I can't recommend enough for a snake drafter is go use the Fantasy Pros draft toolkit. I'm not sure what's paid and what's not at this point because they give you a free membership if you deposit $10 in one of their partner sportsbooks. They have a connector that will hook into your draft on ESPN or CBS or Yahoo or wherever. It can not only analyze historical results and tendencies of others in your league, but it literally will overlay your draft and you can use the FPros interface to not only tell you who to draft next when you're up, who should be top at each position, top ECRs at current draft position, but you can do it without leaving the FPros interface. With a bit of practice and following general direction of their wizard, it's pretty easy to consistently come up with an A-/A/A+ type of draft, regardless of draft position. I know imgur doesn't play well here but here's my last one. This is just stupid secondary league I'm helping a friend with. Wish it was this easy to ace my auction league draft. https://i.imgur.com/f2GjNFi.jpg
  23. In our auction league the guy who got Robinson yesterday went zero RB but also got Gibson because everyone knew he was trash. $5 for Robinson and $6 for Gibson. Now without his competition Gibson is projected Top 10. Oh yeah hope he's going to be ok.
  24. It went off today. Didn't go how I planned really but I got good value in most spots and I took my swings on Pittman and Javonte and Chase Edmonds and won them for a bit over market value. I took a swing on Herbert unexpectedly because he was under valued at his current cost and won him so I had to abandon my Hurts/Lance plans. I know they're not highly sought after this year but my favorite is the team that spent $6 total on QBs and landed Rodgers and Dak. It's really kind of impossible to plan for this kind of draft. Keepers were JT (40/200), Ekeler (45), CMC (45), Dalvin (40), CeeDee (35), Kupp (35), Saquon (40), Mixon (40), Mahomes (45 LOL), Najee (35). Looks like the guys in the rectangle are mine. In order: QB Tom Brady TB 11 $ 21 $ 1 $ 13 RB D'Andre Swift DET 6 $ 38 $ 2 $ 45 RB Derrick Henry TEN 6 $ 47 $ 3 $ 47 QB Josh Allen BUF 7 $ 36 $ 2 $ 30 QB Joe Burrow CIN 10 $ 8 $ 1 $ 13 RB Aaron Jones GB 14 $ 37 $ 2 $ 48 WR Justin Jefferson MIN 7 $ 35 $ 2 $ 70 WR Ja'Marr Chase CIN 10 $ 34 $ 2 $ 65 WR Davante Adams LV 6 $ 28 $ 1 $ 46 WR Stefon Diggs BUF 7 $ 30 $ 2 $ 55 RB Miles Sanders PHI 7 $ 23 $ 1 $ 15 RB Alvin Kamara NO 14 $ 44 $ 2 $ 57 WR Deebo Samuel SF 9 $ 24 $ 1 $ 44 QB Justin Herbert LAC 8 $ 23 $ 1 $ 24 WR Tyreek Hill MIA 11 $ 26 $ 1 $ 38 RB Javonte Williams DEN 9 $ 36 $ 2 $ 42 WR DJ Moore CAR 13 $ 17 $ 1 $ 30 WR Travis Kelce KC 8 $ 21 $ 1 $ 38 WR Kyle Pitts ATL 14 $ 14 $ 1 $ 21 RB Leonard Fournette TB 11 $ 42 $ 2 $ 45 WR A.J. Brown PHI 7 $ 17 $ 1 $ 35 WR Jaylen Waddle MIA 11 $ 9 $ 1 $ 23 WR Darnell Mooney CHI 14 $ 17 $ 1 $ 18 RB Nick Chubb CLE 9 $ 34 $ 2 $ 42 WR Keenan Allen LAC 8 $ 21 $ 1 $ 35 QB Lamar Jackson BAL 10 $ 7 $ 1 $ 16 RB Ezekiel Elliott DAL 9 $ 35 $ 2 $ 27 RB Travis Etienne JAC 11 $ 28 $ 1 $ 45 WR Mike Evans TB 11 $ 23 $ 1 $ 36 WR Michael Thomas NO 14 $ 12 $ 1 $ 24 WR Amon-Ra St. Brown DET 6 $ 17 $ 1 $ 18 WR Michael Pittman IND 14 $ 18 $ 1 $ 40 QB Matthew Stafford LAR 7 $ 7 $ 1 $ 6 RB Chase Edmonds MIA 11 $ 20 $ 1 $ 20 WR Terry McLaurin WAS 14 $ 15 $ 1 $ 18 QB Kyler Murray ARI 13 $ 14 $ 1 $ 24 RB J.K. Dobbins BAL 10 $ 31 $ 2 $ 21 QB Trey Lance SF 9 $ 1 $ 1 $ 9 WR Chris Godwin TB 11 $ 13 $ 1 $ 16 RB Breece Hall ® NYJ 10 $ 30 $ 2 $ 39 RB James Conner ARI 13 $ 41 $ 2 $ 27 WR George Kittle SF 9 $ 9 $ 1 $ 15 K Justin Tucker BAL 10 $ 1 $ 1 $ 2 WR Tee Higgins CIN 10 $ 19 $ 1 $ 28 RB Cordarrelle Patterson ATL 14 $ 30 $ 2 $ 12 WR Dalton Schultz DAL 9 $ 10 $ 1 $ 3 WR Drake London ® ATL 14 $ 8 $ 1 $ 6 RB Tony Pollard DAL 9 $ 25 $ 1 $ 11 RB Cam Akers LAR 7 $ 30 $ 2 $ 17 WR Darren Waller LV 6 $ 10 $ 1 $ 9 RB AJ Dillon GB 14 $ 24 $ 1 $ 12 WR Courtland Sutton DEN 9 $ 16 $ 1 $ 35 RB Clyde Edwards-Helaire KC 8 $ 23 $ 1 $ 15 DEF Buffalo Bills 7 $ 1 $ 1 $ 2 WR Mark Andrews BAL 10 $ 24 $ 1 $ 21 RB David Montgomery CHI 14 $ 34 $ 2 $ 24 QB Derek Carr LV 6 $ 1 $ 1 $ 2 QB Jalen Hurts PHI 7 $ 10 $ 1 $ 12 WR Gabriel Davis BUF 7 $ 12 $ 1 $ 14 RB Kareem Hunt CLE 9 $ 22 $ 1 $ 10 RB Devin Singletary BUF 7 $ 22 $ 1 $ 4 WR Allen Robinson LAR 7 $ 11 $ 1 $ 16 QB Aaron Rodgers GB 14 $ 8 $ 1 $ 3 QB Dak Prescott DAL 9 $ 17 $ 1 $ 3 RB Rhamondre Stevenson NE 10 $ 21 $ 1 $ 9 WR T.J. Hockenson DET 6 $ 4 $ 1 $ 2 WR DK Metcalf SEA 11 $ 16 $ 1 $ 12 WR Mike Williams LAC 8 $ 18 $ 1 $ 20 WR Adam Thielen MIN 7 $ 11 $ 1 $ 6 WR JuJu Smith-Schuster KC 8 $ 15 $ 1 $ 10 WR Chris Olave ® NO 14 $ 2 $ 1 $ 5 RB Elijah Mitchell SF 9 $ 30 $ 2 $ 18 WR Marquise Brown ARI 13 $ 5 $ 1 $ 6 WR Jerry Jeudy DEN 9 $ 15 $ 1 $ 12 RB Dameon Pierce ® HOU 6 $ 18 $ 1 $ 22 WR Diontae Johnson PIT 9 $ 18 $ 1 $ 14 WR Rashod Bateman BAL 10 $ 9 $ 1 $ 11 RB Josh Jacobs LV 6 $ 27 $ 1 $ 10 QB Russell Wilson DEN 9 $ 6 $ 1 $ 5 WR Brandin Cooks HOU 6 $ 19 $ 1 $ 9 WR DeAndre Hopkins ARI 13 $ 4 $ 1 $ 6 WR Amari Cooper CLE 9 $ 8 $ 1 $ 6 K Nick Folk NE 10 $ 1 $ 1 $ 1 RB Kenneth Walker III ® SEA 11 $ 7 $ 1 $ 7 WR Christian Kirk JAC 11 $ 8 $ 1 $ 8 RB Brian Robinson ® WAS 14 $ 8 $ 1 $ 5 QB Kirk Cousins MIN 7 $ 7 $ 1 $ 4 QB Trevor Lawrence JAC 11 $ 1 $ 1 $ 1 RB Damien Harris NE 10 $ 27 $ 1 $ 5 RB Antonio Gibson WAS 14 $ 18 $ 1 $ 6 WR Allen Lazard GB 14 $ 6 $ 1 $ 9 WR Robert Woods TEN 6 $ 7 $ 1 $ 2 WR Brandon Aiyuk SF 9 $ 4 $ 1 $ 9 WR Tyler Lockett SEA 11 $ 8 $ 1 $ 4 WR Russell Gage TB 11 $ 6 $ 1 $ 1 K Daniel Carlson LV 6 $ 1 $ 1 $ 1 WR Hunter Henry NE 10 $ 1 $ 1 $ 1 WR Devonta Smith PHI 7 $ 1 $ 1 $ 5 WR Elijah Moore NYJ 10 $ 9 $ 1 $ 6 DEF Los Angeles Rams 7 $ 3 $ 1 $ 2 RB Nyheim Hines IND 14 $ 14 $ 1 $ 3 WR Pat Freiermuth PIT 9 $ 1 $ 1 $ 1 K Evan McPherson CIN 10 $ 1 $ 1 $ 1 K Matt Gay LAR 7 $ 1 $ 1 $ 1 WR Hunter Renfrow LV 6 $ 11 $ 1 $ 6 DEF New Orleans Saints 14 $ 4 $ 1 $ 1 RB James Cook ® BUF 7 $ 12 $ 1 $ 4 DEF Tampa Bay Buccaneers 11 $ 1 $ 1 $ 1 DEF Dallas Cowboys 9 $ 1 $ 1 $ 1 RB Alexander Mattison MIN 7 $ 4 $ 1 $ 1 DEF San Francisco 49ers 9 $ 1 $ 1 $ 1 DEF Denver Broncos 9 $ 1 $ 1 $ 1 DEF Green Bay Packers 14 $ 1 $ 1 $ 1 DEF Pittsburgh Steelers 9 $ 1 $ 1 $ 1 DEF Baltimore Ravens 10 $ 1 $ 1 $ 1 RB Rachaad White ® TB 11 $ 1 $ 1 $ 2 RB Rashaad Penny SEA 11 $ 16 $ 1 $ 3 K Rodrigo Blankenship IND 14 $ 1 $ 1 $ 1 DEF New England Patriots 10 $ 1 $ 1 $ 1 WR Kadarius Toney NYG 9 $ 8 $ 1 $ 1 K Robbie Gould SF 9 $ 1 $ 1 $ 1 RB Zamir White ® LV 6 $ 1 $ 1 $ 3 K Harrison Butker KC 8 $ 1 $ 1 $ 1 RB Isiah Pacheco ® KC 8 $ 1 $ 1 $ 3 K Greg Joseph MIN 7 $ 1 $ 1 $ 1 WR Garrett Wilson ® NYJ 10 $ 1 $ 1 $ 1 WR George Pickens ® PIT 9 $ 1 $ 1 $ 9 WR Cole Kmet CHI 14 $ 1 $ 1 $ 1 WR Dallas Goedert PHI 7 $ 3 $ 1 $ 2 RB Melvin Gordon DEN 9 $ 16 $ 1 $ 5 WR Julio Jones TB 11 $ 1 $ 1 $ 3 WR DeVante Parker NE 10 $ 1 $ 1 $ 1 K Tyler Bass BUF 7 $ 1 $ 1 $ 1 WR DJ Chark DET 6 $ - $ - $ 1 WR Michael Gallup DAL 9 $ 1 $ 1 $ 2 WR Skyy Moore ® KC 8 $ 1 $ 1 $ 2 RB James Robinson JAC 11 $ 11 $ 1 $ 3 WR Jahan Dotson ® WAS 14 $ 1 $ 1 $ 1 RB Kenny Gainwell PHI 7 $ 8 $ 1 $ 1 RB Jamaal Williams DET 6 $ 9 $ 1 $ 5 RB Michael Carter NYJ 10 $ 13 $ 1 $ 2 WR Rondale Moore ARI 13 $ 1 $ 1 $ 1 WR Romeo Doubs ® GB 14 $ 1 $ 1 $ 4 RB Darrell Henderson LAR 7 $ 5 $ 1 $ 1 RB Mike Davis BAL 10 $ 1 $ 1 $ 1 RB Isaiah Spiller ® LAC 8 $ 4 $ 1 $ 2 WR Marvin Jones JAC 11 $ 1 $ 1 $ 1 RB Tyler Allgeier ® ATL 14 $ 1 $ 1 $ 3 WR Jameson Williams #N/A #N/A $ - $ - $ 1 WR Isiah McKenzie #N/A #N/A $ - $ - $ 1 QB Ryan Tannehill TEN 6 $ 1 $ 1 $ 1 RB Chuba Hubbard CAR 13 $ 1 $ 1 $ 1 WR Randall Cobb GB 14 $ - $ - $ 1 RB Eno Benjamin ARI 13 $ 1 $ 1 $ 1 WR Jalen Tolbert ® DAL 9 $ 1 $ 1 $ 1 WR Chase Claypool PIT 9 $ 2 $ 1 $ 2 WR Nico Collins HOU 6 $ 1 $ 1 $ 2 RB Khalil Herbert CHI 14 $ 1 $ 1 $ 1 RB Raheem Mostert MIA 11 $ 8 $ 1 $ 4 RB J.D. McKissic WAS 14 $ 8 $ 1 $ 2 WR Josh Palmer LAC 8 $ 1 $ 1 $ 1 WR Marquez Valdes-Scantling KC 8 $ 1 $ 1 $ 2 WR Alec Pierce #N/A #N/A $ - $ - $ 1 RB Gus Edwards BAL 10 $ 1 $ 1 $ 1 RB Mark Ingram NO 14 $ 1 $ 1 $ 1 WR Treylon Burks ® TEN 6 $ 1 $ 1 $ 1 RB Rex Burkhead HOU 6 $ 2 $ 1 $ 1 RB Hassan Haskins ® TEN 6 $ 1 $ 1 $ 3 WR Tyler Boyd CIN 10 $ 3 $ 1 $ 1 RB Chris Evans CIN 10 $ 1 $ 1 $ 1 K Matt Prater ARI 13 $ 1 $ 1 $ 1 WR Van Jefferson LAR 7 $ 1 $ 1 $ 1 DEF Indianapolis Colts 14 $ 1 $ 1 $ 1 QB Marcus Mariota ATL 14 $ 1 $ 1 $ 1 K Ryan Succop TB 11 $ 1 $ 1 $ 1 WR Robbie Anderson CAR 13 $ 1 $ 1 $ 1 WR Gerald Everett LAC 8 $ 1 $ 1 $ 1 RB Tyrion Davis-Price ® SF 9 $ 1 $ 1 $ 1 RB Sony Michel MIA 11 $ 1 $ 1 $ 1 RB Jerick McKinnon KC 8 $ 1 $ 1 $ 1 RB Marlon Mack HOU 6 $ 1 $ 1 $ 1 WR Wandale Robinison #N/A #N/A $ - $ - $ 1
  25. Probably Andrea Zuckerman, too. I'm pretty sure she was in her early 50s when the show taped.
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