I do believe she was on something else. My malamute started having seizures at 6 or 7 years old, ultimately deemed to be a brain tumor. This was about 20 years ago. They put her on phb and it was brutal on her liver. She turned into a zombie dog. She was a big dog (> 100 lbs) but not as big as Weezy. I guess pheno is the initial go to still. I had to help get Louise to the vet a few months back during one of her episodes as her Dad was out of town (he actually works for the Pistons, so sad that he is in Paris for what should be a cool experience and has to say goodbye over the phone to Louise in the middle of the night). Let me tell you it is not easy to carry a 160 lb St Bernard from inside of her house to the back of a vehicle in the driveway, but I digress. That was the first time they put her on pheno. She seemed to adjust ok after a few weeks, probably due to her size. Her parents told me a few months after that the pheno wasn't really working so the vet had her on something else, and had also given them some shots to administer at home in the case of another cluster. Very sad stuff, I'm still broken up about it. I kind of hope they get another pooch soon, for their sake. Not to forget about Louise, but to have something new to channel their energy and love into. It helps, for sure. I feel selfish being this sad about it when she isn't even mine. I can't begin to imagine how heartbroken my friends and their kids are. Way, way too young. What a loveable dope. I will miss her so much.