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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Baboontyme

  1. Do people realize how tight these guys are? Is this sarcasm? Media invented beef.
  2. We got a game. Let's go. Not sure I'm ready for the season to end.
  3. Honestly that was what was going through my head as well, the 11 Finals. Sometimes I guess you're just not ready to be that guy.
  4. What is he doing?? He has Draymond iso and he gives the ball up to Smart. He just did the same with Steph on him and the clock winding down.
  5. I rented a Ford Transit on turo for a trip this summer and it was much cheaper than going through a car rental company. Still not cheap but might be worth checking out.
  6. I agree with a lot of what you post but I think you have it backwards. Boston does not switch everything. They do all they can to slide off of the pick and the man who is setting the pick's defender "drops". GSW is switching. Boston is not. They are relying on their cohesive whole team D and ability to recover and contest. Hard to say if it's working or not but they aren't changing it at this point it seems.
  7. So Haggis lived in Memphis for 17 years? Who knew.
  8. Man I haven't read this thread for a few days. I guess I shouldn't be surprised. Draymond brings it all on himself. All of it. And he'll take it, too. Bad or good and right now it's bad. He has put himself the hell out there and this microscope is either a distraction or it's a blessing. I have my own criticisms and I don't really share them because who the fuck am I and who really gives a shit. But this man is a treasure because he will do the opposite of what we think he should do, he'll tell you about it, he'll give credit where it's due, and he won't apologize. I also don't think he's nearly as washed up as the hot take du juor crowd does but see previous statements about what my opinions mean. Knibb High Football rules.
  9. I went back two pages, if I missed a thread I apologize. I really liked this. It combines my favorite type of 90s redemption story arc with current NBA with my college years (Sandler). Really impressed with some of the acting, particularly JHG and Ant. It's like a fun cross between Happy Gilmore and Uncut Gems with some Blue Chips mixed in. 7.4/10. Would watch again.
  10. If you have had issues in the past I might suggest seeing a podiatrist or going to one of those custom orthotics places. Best is pretty subjective depending on your foot type, body type, etc.
  11. Hard disagree. Draymond was definitely limited athletically in college and his first few years in the league. He is a guy I point to as proof that you can improve your athleticism. He is much more explosive even now ten years in than he was during his first 2-3 years in the league. The insane wingspan helps but watch him explode off of a dho. He is not Oliver Miller. He can be explosive. I don't think the Rodman comparison is unfair or off base but I think both guys' athleticism is being a bit undersold here. Rodman was The Worm before he became a villain. His athleticism was the spark and the rallying cry of the early version of the Bad Boys. Worm and Spider. Draymond is limited athletically compared to LBJ and Ja. He's as good of an athlete as anyone else on that squad short of Kuminga and maybe GPII. It's actually pretty impressive how he has dialed in on training and nutrition to become a world class athlete in my humble opinion.
  12. I don't even know what to say about Draymond. I feel like he was completely out of control in the first half. He lived up to every stereotype I've ever read here or elsewhere about him. He was absolutely dirty. He should have been thrown out 3x. It's frustrating because he's such a gifted player and his team needs him. I'm like they don't need you to be an asshole guy, they need you to run the offense and be the head of the snake on D. But yet here we are and they going to run away with this game and it was a Draymond Game. He did set the tone, he got Boston frustrated, he put the officials in tough spots and ultimately that got into Boston's heads. Steph being Steph of course was a huge factor but I really feel like Draymond kinda willed this team to win by being an asshole tonight. I don't say that with pride, I think it's a little embarrassing. I've been watching the guy for 14 years or whatever but I think I can still call it like I see it. But I'm sure he'll take the W.
  13. It was Diamond kosher... Really fine. Not my favorite but I wasn't going back to the store. Solid 2:1 on all 3 cuts just can't really see it. I don't remember who convinced me to run my briskets cap up but I will not be doing that again. Basically had to carve off a layer of crisp to serve. Other than that tho they were dynomite. Sold out of ribs first, then brisket and have 1 butt left over. Went through about 180 hot dogs, 75 waters, 135 cans of soda. (This is all so I can remember when I bump the thread on a year). PTO profit TBD and I am wary of my wife's accounting skills but we shall see. Probably my favorite night of the entire year, I hate that we missed two years of this and I only have two years left. That stupid school has become just about my favorite place on earth. Just great people. And they are dumb enough to think I'm basically Aaron Franklin because no one knows any better up here. God bless em.
  14. They will continue to cook if you wrap right off of the pit. Doesn't matter much with a pork butt but brisket you want to wait if you're trying to hold. I'm unsure how long it will stay warm coolered when you let them get down to 170 but we will see and I'm going to have a small fire onsite and I figure I can pop them back on at 200-225 for a bit wrapped.
  15. 5/6 off. Rested down to 175ish wrapped and coolered. We shall see how they respond come 6 pm. Ribs on!
  16. Getting close on these. 1AM and 7 AM. Pork asses still in the stall.
  17. There are really some intangible/experience related advantages here for the Warriors that one would think would go a long way. The practice structure is different. According to some of the stuff Draymond was talking about on his show yesterday it's a circus because the media is on top of you for half of it. You are mandated to practice in the arena, the media gets to watch a half hour of it and then you have media availability immediately after or before. He said it's not like a real practice that you can get through. This is something one team is intimately familiar with but the other is not..In addition, the mindset is just noticably focused and locked in. Hard for me to explain but Draymond isn't on court Draymond on his show and I came away from listening yesterday thinking wow these guys know exactly what they need to focus on. Half of their team has been in the Finals a handful of times. I think that is an underrated edge that is going to play a major factor. Nothing surprises me in sports but to me looking at the matchups, the experience, the intangibles, the home court and just the overall talent level it is hard to think that GSW doesn't wrap this up in 6 or less. But crazier things have happened and this is why we watch.
  18. Having sex with his wife first is a given. Duh.
  19. The media is so petty. Just trying to stir up shit. I see this so often. I listen to a lot of podcasts, mostly about hoops. They will take literally 1/20th of a pretty good take from a player, throw it onto an infographic with quotes and none of the original context, and then put it out on IG or FB for people to gobble up.
  20. Does this have something to do with Lalo?
  21. Thanks Skip! I am really close to pulling the trigger. Do those little adjustable feet come off?
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