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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Baboontyme

  1. Chuck is going to be so mad if Utah wins and he has to "work" Saturday. Nice job Inside crew!
  2. I have a whole TL;DR theory that Bolsa is working with Gus behind the backs of Eladio and the Salamancas. I think it's quite likely the way everything has played out given some logic gaps. My guess is that this dynamic will be explored a lot more in the next few episodes.
  3. Tell me you're not complaining about what Allie LaForce was wearing. Username does not check out.
  4. This is an incredible coincidence. I have been looking for a pair of 22 earrings and also a pair of 44 earrings. Do you happen to own a Dremel and a soldering iron?
  5. Bees are not a damn pet! 🤣 Chuck is fired up.
  6. I saw this earlier. You have you wonder how many combos these guys play. Of course you only see the lotto slip that hits. Obviously a tremendous hit regardless but these things don't just happen in a vacuum.
  7. You mean Draymond is actually going to watch basketball games? Honestly it's a credit to Chuck that he's still as entertaining as he is while bringing almost zero knowledge of what's happening around the league other than what he hears in Studio J. The best part about it how much he bemoans having to "work" and how he can't wait to retire. Sorry, sidebar. Back to Joker.
  8. No one asked me but to me, Ja's potential is almost limitless. His physical skill combined with his already high IQ and his basketball instincts make him a generational type of prospect. The only one who will limit his ceiling is himself or injuries. How bad does he want it? How strong is his will? Can he work like Kobe? I don't know the answers. He seems a little thin skinned to me a la early KD but that could be a good thing depending on how he uses it. I'm here for it, I'm a huge fan.
  9. Much like the kid, I like turtles. I really want them to persevere. I do. But come the fuck on Kia. Buy a Kia so you can comb the beach for trash and save the turtles by the moonlight. Amazing.
  10. He cannot move his feet so he gets caught in the blender on the perimeter with KAT and in p&r situations. He was in heavy foul trouble for the first game or two when Jenkins decided to play Clarke/Anderson/Tillman more.
  11. New Orleans is really interesting. Seems like a lot of potential there if you can get BI and CJ to buy in. I would absolutely be shopping Zion. Culture vibe.
  12. Give us the script man! Did you have it written on a little laminated card like a telemarketer?
  13. I've still got some quibbles with the way the whole thing went down and the chicken org taking some unnecessary risks. That said, can someone remind me who Alvarez is?
  14. I'm only a half hour in. This is terrible and extremely over dramatic. Not commenting on any of the actual substance, just the movie making aspects.
  15. Never realized that What the Buck was Jersey Man's creepy uncle. HG if you don't mind for those of us who were not around at the beginning how did you get involved in the first place? Plan on watching tonight.
  16. She was on the terror watch list no doubt. Hell he was only sitting there to watch her.
  17. PB is a goddamn cartoon character. He's like black bugs bunny or something. Highly entertaining.
  18. Scottie Barnes wins ROTY
  19. I had to miss the action tonight. I drove across town to meet a friend. I don't drive much but it was a decent hike so I dialed up the Draymond Green show on Spotify. Very good listen for basketball nerds. He's had some really good guests but he's suspending that for the playoffs and basically he just breaks down the action and the current series, and he gives some good insight into the Warriors and his mindset. I think it's a good listen the NBA hoop heads would appreciate.
  20. Mike should fuck around with Kevin and find out.
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