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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Baboontyme

  1. Baboontyme

    Getting old sucks

    Thank you, I'm more interested in the stem cell aspect than the hip replacement. I'm 44 and have already been told knee replacements are in my future. Shit I want to inject that stuff into my elbows, too. That's awesome that it was so successful for you. What the hell happened to your hips that they had to be replaced at such a young age?
  2. Baboontyme

    Getting old sucks

    Please keep us updated on how this works out for you. I'm interested. Good luck.
  3. I started the book for the first time. Jesus christ the depiction of Sonny boning the maid of honor at Connie's wedding might as well have been taken straight out of Penthouse Letters.
  4. Fune is a cool place. Looks like it's closed due to Covid but may be open by May.
  5. SA - I hope I'm wrong but prepare yourself mentally for your 5th grader not being your best buddy anymore. It's good in a way as they discover themselves and are with their peers more. But it also sucks as a parent. Mine just hit 6th this year. Pre-pandemic and at the beginning (end of 4th), he hung out with me every night. Now not so much. As in never.
  6. Yep he wins at being a stupid selfish fuck who outlasted the pandemic. Congratulations.
  7. I thought Beard's issues with the Nets were more related to the fact that Kyrie is a fucking space alien. Wasn't that relatively well known?
  8. Well shit man I don't know. Are we just calling this thing a wash? Not super fair to the top 2 guys. But I didn't mean to try and spring changes on anyone, just no one was really doing anything. I can maybe change it back? @Radical Larry @RexWilson I don't know who the other top seed is or I'd @ him. I'm fine sending my money directly to whoever.
  9. Had to change the regular season to 21 weeks and the playoff period to 1 week instead of 2 before it lined up properly but done. Semifinals end Sunday night.
  10. Ok I'm trying to pull this together. I should have done it earlier before games started. I was able to subtract today's stats and figure out that Durdy and Radical Larry Were 5-5-1 with FG % as the pending factor. Doh. So I had to go back and add the daily FGM/FGA for each because there was no way to back out the current stats even with screen shot stills - only shows current %, not total FGM/FGA. Anyway, it wound up Radical Larry .476268 and Done Durdy .476702 so Durdy wins. I'm going to try to set the finals up as Rex outlined above. Seems like no one really cares but if anyone does speak up.
  11. Fine by me. Any idea what the matchups are? I can set it up.
  12. I could only see that it's set for top 4 to make it and each round is 2 weeks. I have no idea what you all did last year. I'm happy to set it up however you guys think it should be I just have no clue where to start with that or what the structure should be.
  13. @BigOrange1@shadow_operative @RexWilson where the heck is everyone? Not sure what's next here. We giving up?
  14. I think maybe I won 6-4-2? I don't even know who Derka is but I think he's Omar. I have: 442 517✅ 106 135 ✅ 54 117 ✅ ✅ 58 33 ✅ 234 176 ✅ 178 153 41 41 15 26 ✅ 74 70 ✅ ✅ 14 1 0 0 618 872 ✅ Is this sorta correct
  15. The Lily thing has gotten outrageous. It's almost like they are trying to make a caricature out of the green screen/Lily is AI movement. I'm here for it, whatever it is.
  16. Don't think I got manager access. So this matchup will end on Sunday and it's win or go home? Is that right? I'm hosed with Steph and Mitchell done for the week. What is the draft keeper rule again? Is it kosher to cut good players loose if they're not going to play for a week or two?
  17. Well I'm glad you are because I'm not. If you want me to do anything I would be happy to. Do you want me to also check for cross reference? Text me 248.953.90 Rodney Harrison
  18. This is outstanding. I have gotten to the stage as a parent where I'm starting to get existential. When you boil it all down, life is really about one of two things. Do you believe we're here to make the world a better place or do you believe we're here to experience as much cool shit as possible during our existence? There are plenty of healthy balances in between but I think that gets to the core of it. No absolute truth to either answer. It is totally fair to realize that procreating is not going to make the world a better place and it's equally ok to think the mystery of life revolves around experiences and you think being Mormon and having 14 kids is the ultimate experience. But it's a question worth pondering, and the reasons behind that answer are worth pondering.
  19. Bad thread with no context. I don't know why but I Google image searched Dale Doback today. I think the exact moment when Dale surpasses Brennan is when he says "Hello Mz. La-dee" during the interview with Pand. I've always been a Brennan guy. But today it was all Dale. It's Dale.
  20. Shit guys I'm setting my lineups but I have no idea what's going on. I have a laptop and can do commissioner stuff if someone can tell me what to do? Just set the matchups Derka outlined?
  21. Let me tell you how awesome it is when Christmas is over and it's 20 degrees and dark by 5 PM every day for the next 2.5 months. It's the fucking best.
  22. Purely Brennan vs Dale. I gotta go with Doback.
  23. I think this is bullshit. I'm on mobile. Who repped this? The childless or the not childless? I don't know a single person with children who gives a fuck what you do. We've got our own shit to worry about. Now do we scoff at your "responsibilities"? Hard yes. Edit. My theory is that the persecution complex that is alluded to is more of a reflection of the semi-subtle dynamic about responsibilities mentioned above. Maybe not.
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