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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Baboontyme

  1. I am a side sleeper. I sleep with a thin throw pillow in between my bent knees. I tuck my down shoulder arm up under my pillow and I usually bend my off arm up under my chin. I shift from side to side all night in this same position. It has recently come to my attention that sleeping like this is really contributing to my tendonitis in my elbows. I am trying to change but I don't know how. Where the hell else can you put your arms if you are a side sleeper that doesn't feel unnatural? How do you change sleeping habits without going back to your default while half asleep? What say you surlers.
  2. I don't know if others feel this, but having kids also makes for some complicated matters of self reflection. If you plan on being a good parent, take whatever part of you is unique to you, that you self identify with, and realize that a big part of that is going to die off. You will no longer be LT Bear. You will be LT Bear in charge of his family. It changes you - in a good way. Your identity is now family man and Dad, first and foremost. There is room for other stuff if you keep healthy boundaries but it's very hard to keep healthy boundaries. This transition is wonderful, and eventually you likely will find yourself totally embracing it. There is nothing more rewarding (and challenging and difficult) than parenting children. It is the best thing I've ever done and at the end of the day my purpose on this planet is going to be to produce two other people that hopefully can help make this a better place. However, I've been Baboon the Dad for 12 years now. And my oldest just started middle school and my youngest is 9 and more mature than he is. And I find they don't really need me as much as they used to, sometimes hardly at all. I used to be up at school all the time doing stuff and it gave me great joy. Now I'm just kinda lost. There are days they don't really even think to talk to me other than if they need something. Childhood is sacred. You spend your entire life reminiscing about how much fun it was to be a child with no responsibilities. I see this in my 12 year old as he gets older. I remember feeling it myself. I STILL feel it. There are great times ahead for a 12 year old - perhaps girlfriends, college, Senior Trips, whatever. But nothing will ever be like childhood. Ever. It's sad. I never thought about what it was going to be like to see that childhood ending in my kids, and I never thought about what it was going to be like for me, either. I am still Dad first, but I have a lot more time on my hands and I don't really know who I am anymore.
  3. I really want the Mexican pizza back. Like I might kill a hobo to make it happen if given the option.
  4. Anyone know anything about the on property villas? It seems a number of the properties have them but I am having a hard time getting any to come up in search. Can you rent third party from a dvc member and still get the perks such as early park entry?
  5. Just change your itinerary and come to MI instead. We've got legal weed and instead of Vail you can hit up Mt. Holly or Pine Knob. Spectacular.
  6. Baboontyme

    Gym Pet Peeves

    @gyroprotagonist talk to me about the bone spur grinding procedure. I have one in my elbow and I just can't get the inflammation/pain to a manageable point. I've taken two breaks from lifting since December and it doesn't ease up even a little.
  7. UW = Wiscy or Washington? I always assume Wisconsin but I'm in B1G territory and I know you're out west.
  8. How about Mickey Rooney in Breakfast at Tiffany's.
  9. My experience has been more in line with Brew's. Sounds like some shitty companies/jobs/bosses. Or maybe I am very fortunate.
  10. Any recs on a tool or app? I'd like something that lets me tag with month/year and organizes accordingly. Perhaps notes or other data, as well.
  11. Every time I watched this when my oldest was obsessed with it I was blown away that it hasn't been Song of the Southed. And that was roughly a decade ago.
  12. Thought I'd throw this out there for any thoughts, additional suggestions or ideas. Most importantly writing it out is helping me organize my thoughts. 8 traveling, my 4 (boy 12, girl 9) plus my parents (nearing 80) and my two 15 yo nephews. The basic parameters - parents aren't super mobile so we're trying to keep it within a 3 hour direct flight or so of DTW, or a 4-5 hour drive max. I think the primary goal is to find something that the kids will enjoy but will also be something the olds don't hate. Timeframe is somewhere mid June to mid August. Strongly prefer some sort of condo/villa setup, 2 separate accommodations. What I've come up with so far. Did not consider New England area. Not into Colonial/Patriot crap. Don't think that's a great kid friendly trip. Did not consider Central FL/theme park. Parents would hate. Did not consider TX, or New Orleans for a variety of reasons. Not the right fit. Did not consider adventure Out West - RVing out to Mt. Rushmore/Yellowstone, etc. Not the right fit for this group. Stay in Michigan option. Northern MI in the summer is easy, beautiful, accessible, lots to do. Not very risky which will appeal to my parents. Cons - boring because we've all done this 5000x. This is probably a 2-3 day trip, max. Somewhere driveable. My default is always Chicago because it's great. Hard to find accommodations for 2 families, also we have all been many times. Toronto is also within driving distance but I don't think it would be as much fun for anyone as Chicago. Niagara Falls is driveable but seems not great. We've all been there before but it's been years. Atlantic beach trip - non FL - Va Beach has been raised, Outer Banks, South Carolina, possibly Tybee Island/Savannah. Big con to me here is I fear the unknown and I kind of think if we're going to a beach, why wouldn't we go to FL or the Caribbean. Mountains - East - Gatlinburg/Asheville. Peaceful and beautiful up in the mountains. Plenty of shit for the kids to do, teenage candyland tourist hell hole, but parents wouldn't need to do any of that if they didn't want. There are some great cabins to rent up on the mountain and many have pool access. This is probably a 4-5 day trip max. Mountains - West - Park City or somewhere above Denver/Breck? - not great because we would still have to drive up the mountains after a long flight but could be doable. Wife and I have been to many/most of these towns before but no one else has, and we've only been in the snow. I'm sure there would be plenty to do, and it would be beautiful but would we be missing out on things because my parents aren't super mobile? We're not hikers/super outdoorsy in general. FL Beach track option. My old man loves the track. The only track that seems to have live racing in the summer in FL is Hollywood Park. Find some condos on the beach in Hollywood Park area, etc. The downside to this is most of the accommodations in this area are high rise hotels/condos on A1A with a shared pool and a small strip of beach access. I don't love this setup. I don't really love this area but I'm sure we would have a great time. Very accessible via FLL or MIA. FL Beach non track option. I know we would have a blast if we went back to Captiva Island. I'm sure I could find a setup elsewhere that I really liked. We've looked at Hawks' Cay in Duck Key. I've looked at Marco Island. Accessible via RSW. Panhandle/30a - love the beaches, would go back to the place we stayed before in a heartbeat and I know we would have a blast, or I'm sure could find something else. Not super accessible. Splurge option - this is probably a pipe dream and too risky for my parents but Delta flies direct to a few places in the Caribbean - Montego Bay, etc. I'm sure we could find an all inclusive. Other - convince them to stay on the plane for another hour or two and check out San Diego (Del Mar?) or I think there's a track outside of LA? Disneyland? These are my initial thoughts. Any input appreciated. Surl gonna surl.
  13. Familiar with Playaz Club. Didn't realize until last night that it was 4 Tay. Too Short Radio has been a mainstay on my Spotify the past few weeks.
  14. Hey I think this is great. I had never heard it before yesterday and I would say 80% of the music songs I listen to are from this genre. I guess the stuff I like is pretty mainstream. I had heard of 4 Tay through Only God can Judge Me and some Too $hort. Anyway I might be high and the bars are kind of cheesy, but I think this is one of my favorite samples and beats I've ever heard. Can you listen to that without nodding along?
  15. Looks like someone forgot to pay their bills.
  16. Pretty indifferent on Howard and the whole incident. I just wanted to see what mostly neutral college sports fans were thinking. Most of the shit I see is pretty MSU slanted and we have our share of nutjobs. I don't think he'll be fired. If he were going to be, it probably already would have happened. Probably suspended the rest of the season and on a short leash going forward because of the pattern of behavior.
  17. With dressing or not? I measure. So when are we doing this?
  18. How is the skinny girl Italian? I don't even use the light OG dressing, I go straight for the regular OG sugar crack and I use it pretty much every day at lunch. 80 cals/serving isn't too bad for sugar crack and I don't use much. But 30 cals sounds pretty tempting.
  19. Not working out so well. I'm going to go with Nah. The Dad who was determined to pave the path for his kid's success (in a shocking turn of events) has made selfish bad decision after selfish bad decision. He's been away from the team for a few weeks and they are winning without him. Dad insists he's not leaving the program but we'll see. Sucks, this kid had a lot of promise. Hopefully he can turn it around. And Memphis is sort of a disaster even without the Bates sideshow.
  20. Here are some general thoughts, that helped me. I took off a good bit of weight last Spring and I've kept it off and not going back. I'm still in the middle of this journey so I am far from a guru, but I really think the framing of how we each approach these lifestyle changes will ultimately determine whether they are successful or not. I will try not to speak definitively because everyone is different. I did not approach it as a "diet". It was a "lifestyle change". It was a permanent way of living. I would recommend not undertaking any sort of a diet that you don't plan to stick to for the rest of your life. I mean of course it will evolve but it needs to be an entire mindset shift to this is how I eat/live now. Not I'm going to do IF for 3 months, drop 25/30 and then go back to my old ways. You need to live it into habit, though. It will take months and months but that's ok. Do not fear "failure". There is no failure. It is not a linear process. 2 steps forward, one step back. If you approach it as a lifestyle change, when you fuck up, because you WILL fuck up, it's just a small set back. Get back to work. One binge should not cause you to give up. The lifestyle is permanent, the binge is the one off. Calories, calories, calories. It's all calories when you boil it down. Count your calories. Know your calorie targets. When you exercise, don't add the calories back into your daily budget. Add half of them back into your daily budget if you need the motivation. You can even eat some of the shit you want. Just plan accordingly. It's math at the end of the day. Weigh yourself every day (if you're trying to lose weight). Scale anxiety is real. Food tips - water! Drink a lot of water. Eat a lot of food that has low caloric density, like fruit. Go buy a bunch of fruit and when you start feeling like you need a snack, eat some watermelon, grapes or an orange. The calorie counts in most fruit and veggies is negligible as long as you aren't slamming avocados and bananas at a breakneck pace. Don't let yourself get hungry. This is when you make bad decisions. Eat before you get hungry. I would order pizza every night if I skipped dinner. Sometimes I do. If I ate even a simple bowl of fucking chicken soup I would not be hungry and not make a stupid decision. Pre-planned/easy meals are great in this regard if you have low will power. Salads (add grilled chicken if you like, it's one of my go tos), pre-packaged or prepped meals. Basically make it easy on yourself to stay on the right path. My meals are between 3-500 calories. Move. Every day. Find something that works in your daily routine and stick to it. I try to do at least 2 major calorie burning "events" every day. In the summer it's a lot easier and sometimes I can do 4. I ride the exercise bike every morning for 40 minutes. Simple HIIT program. I can do it with my laptop in front of me so I can "work" if someone needs something desperately during those 40 minutes. I also try to go to the gym and get a lift in. I can comfortably do this 5 days a week. If I can't make the gym I try to take a 30ish minute walk. If you can't make time for stuff like this, walk places, park further away, count steps, etc. Mindset. I found that when I approached things from the mental side of it rather than the physical it was a lot easier. Weight loss/transforming your health is not a physical issue at the end of the day, it's a psychological one in my opinion. The work isn't that hard, it's convincing your brain to do the work (and keep doing it) that is the ultimate trick. Life is hard, there are a ton of obstacles affecting our brains every single day. Even something as simple as your kid having a hard time in school might throw your brain off and make you not want to do the work. I am not hear to argue with anyone and the above is not a definitive guide for anyone, but like I said, it helped me.
  21. I have not been engaged in any trades and I usually see them after the person has already pulled them back. I apologize. I like my team but have been waiting for everyone to get healthy and I think I will finally have that coming out of the AS break so I haven't tried to break things up.
  22. Search Amazon for '(your phone model) wallet case'. And stop carrying all of those unnecessary bills.
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