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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Baboontyme

  1. Anyone have any good recs for a salet chopper? I eat a salad with grilled chicken almost every day for lunch. I like it chopped. Sick and tired of using a pizza cutter in a plastic bowl that doesn't do the job very well and leaves me with smashed cherry tomatoes and uncut onions and a mess to clean up. I looked into it a bit. It seems there are a few tools out there - an extra special pizza cutter with a better handle like this right here , a rocker/chopper thingy , and then some power and non power options that are basically food processors. I bought this thing and used it today for the first time and it sucks. It only holds 3.5 cups, and it only chops the stuff at the bottom of the container so you have to basically pause and mix it and then chop again, and then empty and then put the rest of your salet in and rinse and repeat. Returning it.
  2. Based on what I've gathered that land should be good for boxface huntin'.
  3. Last year I wrote down 5 goals on a post it, put it in my bedside table. Looked at it every so often. All were reasonable, tangible and clear - some personal, some for others. 5/5. First time I've ever tried that. Best believe I did it again this year.
  4. I've worked from home for 12ish years, in a project team environment. We NEVER used cameras before the pandemic and rarely turn them on now, even if clients have them on. Throw on something to take kids to school. get home and change into shorts and a t-shirt. Ride exercise bike before or during morning meetings. When I stop sweating, change into shorts and another t-shirt and a hoodie. Have next set of calls. Go to gym during lunch. Eat. Conduct more calls in sweats. Jeans on if it's cold to go pick up kids. Home for more calls. I guess that would be a no.
  5. I puked and rallied to finish Century Club. Ah to be 20 again. Love Waffle House. I would like to lobby the establishment so that I could open one here but I think it might be filled with gang bangers all night long on the weekends and I ain't got no time for that.
  6. Hey @markstanco still liking your short throw projector? Do you have a link to what you bought? I think I am going to need to pull the trigger on this soon. My overhead sounds like a 747 taxiing down the runway.
  7. Now that Discover has thankfully scaled back on the airing of the cash back cash match commercial I need to find a new focus for my range. Kate McKinnon is running really strong. Why does she walk like that? Someone posted up thread about her not being able to walk in heels. I think that's a bit, that part of the ad has her in heels on fake ice. But the rest of the commercial she walks like a sasquatch. Why does she swing her arms like that? Strong Patterson-Gimlin vibes. I mean what in the actual fuck? Who walks like that?
  8. I pulled the trigger on something from Lowes, delivery and haul away tomorrow. I found the top rated one with a slightly larger capacity to what I was using because no doubt my wife throwing 14 Beach towels and 8 horse blankets in simultaneously contributed to the early burn out. I went back to the agitator. I did not like the impeller. Love that these appliance companies basically have us consumers strung up by the balls and we have to replace dishwashers, washers, dryers, fridges etc after 5-8 years of use. Assholes.
  9. I think the biggest thing that anyone can PHYSICALLY do, is understand and adhere to calorie counts. You don't have to be psycho about it forever. I only used an app to count for maybe a month before I got a good understanding of what my daily intake needed to be if I wanted to maintain, lose weight, etc. Even when I "cheat" I manipulate my other caloric intake that day so that it is not as impactful. I have go tos that I eat every day for breakfast, lunch, dinner. I know that I can basically have oatmeal with blueberries and it's going to be around 180-200 calorie. The salad with chicken and Olive Garden dressing that I have for lunch is around 300 calories, etc. If I am going to drink I drink something that will not impact my caloric intake as heavily. It all works out and I'm pretty stringent with it. I don't think I've had a single day since I started the Noom journey in May where I have just said fuck it today I'm eating and drinking whatever I want. I have had lots and lots of days where I've ended the day by ordering pizza. I need to cut that down in 2022, but even on those days I wind up staying pretty close to my daily caloric intake because I basically will do intermittent fasting that day. Maybe I will have a salad and some grapes and that's my only other caloric intake that day. It's become a lifestyle and it's not that difficult to maintain. Of course, the biggest obstacles are always not physical, they're mental.
  10. Is there any sense in having someone come out to look at a washing machine these days or just scrap it and buy another? It's a top load, new enough that there's no agitator and it's giving out that burning electronics smell while not agitating or spinning properly. It drains but the clothes are still wetter than they should be and I don't think it's doing the full on cycle that it's supposed to. I'm thinking just buy a new one vs having to deal with some asshole whose going to come out and tell me that I need a new motor and it's going to cost $1400.
  11. Nice. 2 other suggestions should this not prove to be enough - allow more than 7 adds or whatever it is per matchup period, and shorten the waiver period or eliminate it. Not suggesting we need to do it now, maybe it's wait and see. Just a thought.
  12. I tried to use targeted advertising/eye in the sky technology to get a solo stove or an ooni to show up on my wife's FB feed but it did not work. I got a mug and a Ted Lasso novelty t-shirt even though I told her no more novelty t shirts.
  13. I'm thinking a water pik might be a nice finishing touch to add to the travel bidet toolkit.
  14. So here is what I think. I know no one cares but I just want to vent because my wife doesn't understand. I am someone who has erred on the side of caution all along and I strongly believe in science and am participating in the Moderna trial. It's just an opinion and I am an idiot but I listen to some smart people and I can do some math if I carry the one and dot the Ts and cross the Is. I think O is going to be the end of the pandemic, more or less. People who are double vaxxed and boosted, and kids under 5 will not get sick from O. Most will be asymptomatic or have very mild symptoms. The number of folks in the above categories who get very sick and or pass will be miniscule. Maybe even flu like. Among the rest of the population, immunity will build up some because they're all going to get O as it out-competes Delta and everything else. The very few amount of people who are able to evade it and remain highly susceptible to Covid and its mutations at this point will be so small in numbers that it won't really matter. There will be an annual Covid shot available and plenty of therapeutics to fight the annual endemic strains, and enough immunity in the populations that even more contagious/severe variants won't be able to wreak havoc. I mean I guess there could already be a variant that has started circulating at this point that is as contagious/more than O and is more virulent/severe? Seems unlikely to me but I just interpret the stuff I read on the internet For those in Science/epidemiology please feel free to take a blowtorch to the above, if applicable. My mind is wide open, I'm just trying to interpret things and I've got a little sense of optimism because the above seems highly plausible, if not likely to me.
  15. Any thoughts on expanding IR? Deal with it? Fuckin omicron gonna have us either dropping 60% of our teams every week or rolling out lineups with like 5 man games in an entire week.
  16. This is an entertaining read, but Debbie D alert, this shit isn't going to happen. He doesn't want it to happen and neither do you. Unless he's more stubborn than my guy Derka, he's gonna move to cancel before he has to actually consider working out for this and you're going to agree because you don't want to train for this, either. I don't blame you, but prove me wrong, I double dog dare you.
  17. Sounds like someone had a few drinks last night. I celebrate that, personally.
  18. Do we have any ortho docs here? I'm pretty sure I tore a tendon or ligament in my elbow fully yesterday. It had been bothering me for months if not years occasionally and I have been lifting but obviously avoiding anything that causes pain, doing presses only to 90 degrees, etc. Ironically it was fine during my workout yesterday but after I got home I was moving a light box and I had to yelp out in pain. Could hardly move it for a few minutes. Lots of ice and naproxen and it's still messed up today. I do not have full range of motion. I cannot extend my arm out flat, as if I were in a begin position for a curl. Alternately in the curl position I cannot get my hand near my shoulder at the top of a curl. The pain is both at the point of my elbow and on the outside of inner arm/elbow. I've torn knee ligaments and this feels more like an injury of that nature than tendinitis. I ordered an infrared heating pad, just wondering if anyone might have an informal diagnosis and thoughts on what next steps might be if something is torn. At 44 I don't really want to have reconstructive surgery but I also really enjoy lifting weights. I will make a Dr appt but given the time of year and the status of hospitals around here I don't think I'm going to have any answers for awhile.
  19. I don't know what your situation is but I think one of my life decisions that I will go down to sort of regret is not spending some time - even a summer - living there. Some of my good friends, and even my sister did that thing for awhile and I visited often so I got somewhat of a taste. That would have been an absolute blast had I chosen a different path.
  20. We didn't end up doing either. The airbnb was basically at Lake and Michigan so we walked everywhere. I don't think that pic worked. A few from the trip.
  21. Yep I'm aware of all of that. My contention is that none of it aside from the lap dance incident amounts to much, and would probably be going largely unnoticed if the national media didn't have a hard on for the guy. Whatever, not my fight to pick but it's somewhat of a tired routine to me.
  22. I have zero affinity for Urban or the Jaguars, and I'm not an 'All media is fake news' guy but the national sports media annoys the shit out of me. Most of this Urban shit seems like a non story to me. The Jaguars suck? Shocking. The national sports media loves nothing more than a good feeding frenzy like this. Obviously when you come into a new situation as the head dude in charge with a new set of rules you are going to ruffle some feathers and make some enemies. Ho hum. For no other reason than sheer curiosity, I'd like to see if/what he could do to that organization in 3 years. This was never going to be a quick fix, it's wild to me that the media is acting like the Jags being 2-11 is some sort of unpredictable, unmitigated disaster.
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