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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Baboontyme

  1. Regardless of collegiate or political affiliations she is in an extremely vulnerable position. I don't pretend to know the politics of the situation but my understanding is that there was a time to be low key on this and that time has now expired and more noise is a good thing. Sign the petition if you please. If not kindly refrain from commenting. https://www.change.org/p/secure-brittney-griner-s-swift-and-safe-return-to-the-u-s
  2. @Skipper Are you still liking that Bowflex max? I am in the market, I have ridden my recumbent ex bike nearly every day for a few years but my lower back is giving me fits and so I've been using the elliptical. I dig the extra calories it burns vs the bike. I love the small footprint of the max and it appears to be an even better calorie burner vs a straight elliptical. The problem is the height. My ceilings in my basement where I would put it are 6'11.5. Without shoes I'm a shade under 6. I tried one at Dick's with my tape measure in shoes and it looks like I might just barely hit 7'1. But I have padded carpet down there and would be riding barefoot. Plus I can't imagine I'm standing totally upright during a workout. The backup plan is that I'm knocking out my drywall ceiling in an area of the basement within a year anyway so I would have the clearance then. Does it have a slope setting today would make it go even taller?
  3. This night is a little depressing for me. They are buffoons but I really enjoy the Inside crew. I also really enjoy the NBA and I hate that it's coming to an end. Even though these games have been terrible.
  4. Oh boy. The Warriors have something to learn about winning a conference from their NHL brethren. Never touch the trophy! This has Pat Bev play in vibes. It's on the NBA not Golden State but it's kind of silly.
  5. I am on edge waiting to find out who will win the inaugural Earvin A. Johnson WCFMVP Award.
  6. Ah, the sweet soliloquy of the Guatemalan Ass Pigeon.
  7. What in the shit is that woman wearing? Is that Cruella DeVille?
  8. Was there some sort of interaction between Saul and Lalo in BB? Can't remember. Also why are Jimmy and Kim so mad at Howard?
  9. James McGill lettered in track at Morton High in Cicero.
  10. Being high is supposed to make you less surly.
  11. I guess now we'll never know. Namaste.
  12. Check out the Letterman KD interview on Netflix. Interesting stuff. Watched it last night. Also I think the best word to describe KD is surly. Legitimately. He's a surly mfer.
  13. Pretty striking parallel there between Howard and Lalo. Both are being targeted in next gen thinking scams. One realizes after the fact, the other sees it real time. Is Gus smart enough to know that Lalo would sniff out his trap and plan a second contingency?
  14. I still really like the show. It does seem that they somewhat accidentally hijacked the premise of the show. Mike/Nacho has been so compelling that we don't really care much anymore about Jimmy's antics/him turning into Saul. I was much more invested in the Jimmy and Kimmy stuff during the Chuck ordeal. Honestly they are all brilliant actors but it sort of feels like Tony Dalton has been so good as Lalo that he is the one who has really hijacked the show. It will be interesting to see how they try to keep Jimmy/Saul involved in the meat of what the show has become once the D Day crap is over. The show will end with a showdown between Gus and Lalo in the underground lab, Gus kills the power, finds the gun on the excavator, and shoots Lalo. Then Saul pops up from behind some crates and yells out Knibb High Football rules and the credits roll.
  15. I have been hearing for months that Troy Weaver in Detroit is planning on making a bid for Brunson and they want him as Cade's sidekick. Falling to 5 in the lottery may have shifted those plans if they are looking at a G now instead of a 4.
  16. I think Luka is the best I have ever seen at bailing on a shot mid air and delivering an absurdly precise pass to someone the instant before his feet hit the ground. It's wild.
  17. Vic have you looked into Twitter or Instagram
  18. JVG 🤣🤣🤣🎯
  19. I'm an Orthopedic doctor in my spare time and that wasn't shit. Get back out there JT.
  20. Back on Poole, I think the key trait that the Warriors liked along with that stroke is his irrational confidence. He has really developed a lot in many ways since he was at UM but if you have to pick two traits to start with those are damn good ones to have. Grant Williams plays basketball like a middle linebacker.
  21. JP went to Michigan. I watched him frequently in college and rooted against him. He was a no conscience chucker with a nice stroke. Played no D (some things don't change) and the word pass was not in his vocabulary. Did not play situationally aware basketball and disappeared a lot down the stretch. Guess the Warriors liked that stroke.
  22. I'm kind of with @South Austin I've been thinking about this topic lately and I'm not exactly sure why. I think part of it is getting older and having other responsibilities but for me part of it was also probably the whole Covid thing and also nil. I support NIL but there is no question it is further distancing me from my sports fandom. I care about Michigan State sports primarily because I went to school there, graduated from there, met my wife and lifelong friends there, shared classes and shots and house parties with athletes and coaches etc. I've always had a healthy respect for the fact that this is a school that l attended and I love those colors because of it and you share the love of that school and those colors and thus I find it healthy to root for that. Probably a bit naive but I could always find a way to get back to that place in my head. Now it's nearly impossible. So that said I follow MSU football and basketball (tied) year round. I watch all of the games that I can, follow recruiting somewhat casually. But ultimately the highs aren't as high and the lows aren't as low anymore. I remember wasting entire Saturdays in the early 00s brooding because we lost to Rutgers. Now I laugh and basically give zero fucks.. I casually follow the Detroit Tigers mostly because of childhood memories and there isn't shit else to do in the summer. I don't have a rooting interest in a NFL team other than who I am betting on. In NFL and NBA I like to watch teams with guys whose careers I watched at Michigan State. I have developed casual rooting interests in some of these teams after watching them for years but I don't bat an eye if they win or lose. I like to watch the Hornets, Grizzlies and Warriors in NBA which is far and away my favorite league right now despite no real rooting interests. If the Red Wings ever get good again I will probably casually watch and root for them. I'm interested in the Pistons rebuild because I think Cade Cunningham might really be special but I don't see myself ever really becoming a fan again. Man getting old is kind of depressing.
  23. Gotta be honest I wondered this as well. I'm sure SH has his reasons but I read it 3x looking for them and they weren't stated. And thus I've concluded that SH just wants to be the company narc.
  24. I just think Dallas is going to have a game or two at home where they shoot like they did in the first half last night for the entire game. It's a different animal on the road and that arena (AA) is insane. Those shots keep falling at home. Unless GSW plays perfect they won't be able to keep up. I don't think they will lose by 50 again but 20, 25. Game 3 is usually the prime candidate for an outing like this.
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