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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Baboontyme

  1. What in the hell is going on with CP?
  2. Great call out. I've been thinking for like a week that Jenkins had his head up his ass because he didn't realize the Warriors didn't run pick and roll until Game 4 or whatever. Totally forgot he was in protocols.
  3. I just want to know how Lalo is going to kill Kai.
  4. Kind of a bullshit response to be honest. 31 year old. Lots of stuff I didn't know at 31. Not to mention none of us have any idea what other details are out there regarding these relationships. Save the mansplaining for the chick who shouldn't have gone to the frat party wearing that.
  5. Fucking brutal. https://www.freep.com/story/sports/college/michigan-state/spartans/2022/05/10/adreian-payne-shooting-details-michigan-state-lawrence-dority/9716053002/
  6. Here is the report I mentioned the other night. This is consistent with what I'm hearing elsewhere. I'm a big Ja fan so no shade but they are milking this code thing. He was not hurt by Poole. https://sicscore.com/nba/updates/heres-the-latest-on-ja-morants-knee-ahead-of-game-4
  7. Sounds like possibly ex bf of current gf. Tragic. Honestly his entire career is kind of tragic. Accused of an assault he didn't commit, got piled on during the whole Nassar/MSU/ESPN OTL fiasco, and got dumped by the Magic. Not good enough to take a pr hit for. Was making a living overseas and had to come home because his 4 year old son was having brain surgery. And now murdered at the age of 31. RIP AP.
  8. Old man yells at cloud. All of this finger pointing, broke the code, dirty v. clean crap can kiss my ass. I like Steve Kerr and I understand that he was upset but everyone needs to calm the fuck down. It's playoff basketball. Put your big boy pants on. No one is deliberately trying to hurt anyone else. I grew up on the Bad Boys. I know that stuff when I see it. Play ball.
  9. Source? I've been following that pro football doc guy on Twitter since football season. He seems to think tendinitis flaring up rather than new injury. I'm guessing he plays.
  10. Just a reminder that Glen Taylor kills animals. RIP animals.
  11. I guess you don't watch a lot of Warriors games.
  12. I don't understand why it was necessary to have Steph Curry dress up like a mime. Is that some kind of inside joke that I'm missing or is it as baffling as it seems?
  13. I don't know if I agree with that. This is the weakest team left in the tournament by far. I can't claim credit for this idea, I will cede that to JJ Reddick, but Luka needs - rather than describing all of the traits I'll just say Brandon Ingram. He needs a Robin. The dudes he has now are Alfreds. I don't watch this team regularly so I'm mostly talking out of my ass for the record.
  14. Pretty sure those two are tight from Jimmy's brief stint in Philly. Y'know I'm not a Mavs fan, and I absolutely hear the criticism about his D. However there is something to be said for having to shoulder 85% of the load offensively and how that wears on you. It also can help explain being in foul trouble. He needs some help so that he CAN have something in the tank to give effort on the defensive end. If he still can't at that point then it's a different conversation.
  15. Granted I don't know the backstory but a good start would be changing your name? Or one of you changing?
  16. Joel is playing tonight. I mean not confirmed but confirmed.
  17. Draymond with the most Draymond take ever on the Brooks play. He gives Memphis credit for setting the tone. I get he's not everyone's cup of tea, but love his honesty.
  18. I'm sort of rooting for him. I have no prior bias against him. They are absolutely hunting Luka. He is spectacular. On one end of the floor. He doesn't really even try on the other.
  19. Saying thank you is the important part. The preferred delivery method is entirely subjective depending on the on the thanker and the thankee and shouldn't be subject to too much judgement.
  20. It's a TV show. Acknowledged. But while I find the Howard stuff entertaining and funny, it's really fucking stupid. How do they think they're not going to get caught? Howard already called Jimmy out on the bowling ball through windshield and the hooker at the country club. He knows it's him. All it takes is a 90 second conversation between Cliff and Howard and the perps are beyond obvious.
  21. It's a joke. Lots of talking heads kept dismissing Ja's MVP candidacy and such because the team's record was quite good without him this year.
  22. Relax. Bane has been very good all year. He's banged up and having a couple of rough outings in the playoffs. No secret lizard people conspiracy against the Wolves.
  23. We're gonna need another emergency podcast.
  24. Wife is a teacher. Gift cards. Most everything else gets thrown away, donated or regifted. If you don't know their favorite restaurants Target is safe.
  25. This is the move. I think about this every time I watch Nat Geo Wild. You stupid fucking lioness, pick one hyena and make an example of him. You might take some bites but they are going to see you fuck up that hyena and be like woah, this lioness is not fucking around.
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