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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Baboontyme

  1. Yes, I think it was just last season.
  2. It was. I am surprised that anyone is just now considering that Gus might be gay. While it's never explicitly stated it is heavily implied.
  3. They are not wings. They are hybrid chicken nuggets/tenders with sauce. Get that boneless shit tfo.
  4. the 3:30 AM photo from yesterday Last two small guys (bone in) finishing up yesterday I bought this thing probably 10 years ago and this is maybe the 3rd time I've used it. It works but it's a bit unruly. Meat flying everywhere unless you can cover the bowl.
  5. Something is up with the 3 As in the Max sign. I noticed it when it aired. Do we know what that is yet or do we have to wait until the episode where they reveal that Gus is gay?
  6. Just because you never did it in your encampment doesn't mean it doesn't happen in others.
  7. Sounds like the plot of a straight to dvd movie starring Ice T. Btw never thought this would be the thread that had me cracking up today.
  8. no good deed...trying to drop shit off in the teacher's lounge this morning after the bell rang so I can just bring the pork at lunch time. Fucking plastic grocery bag breaks and my jar of pickles falls straight out and smashes on the floor of the lounge. Glass, pickles and pickle juice everywhere. FML. Oh well no pickles I guess.
  9. Green works... Mower, blower, power washer and maybe that's it. I love it.
  10. Kevin would smoke him.
  11. These are $21 for 40 dogs now. I think I paid $5 for a brick 2 years ago according to my somewhat shoddy records. This is Teacher Appreciation week. Do something nice for your kids' teachers. They have had a rough go of it the past couple of years. 50 school staff, pulled pork, mini bag of chips, a cookie and a soda. Self serve this year with no protocols. 4 butts (~ 41 lbs) or 5? I do not think I need to budget a half lb of cooked meat/person for this group. Do I?
  12. lockquote widget Honestly I'm on mobile and i am giving up on fixing either of these posts.
  13. Luckily I was but a front row spectator to that shit show. But I do remember coming on here/shaggy when he was hired and congratulating you all on hiring a really good coach. My hoops IQ is legendary.
  14. Exactly what in the hell are these guys doing. I don't want a game 7. It will conflict with flag football.
  15. I almost added "other than Pat Bev" but I figured I would tee that one up. Well done.
  16. Just tuning in. Did a crazy person try to run on the court yet?
  17. F injuries
  18. Proud of Boban.
  19. Chuck is going to be so mad if Utah wins and he has to "work" Saturday. Nice job Inside crew!
  20. I have a whole TL;DR theory that Bolsa is working with Gus behind the backs of Eladio and the Salamancas. I think it's quite likely the way everything has played out given some logic gaps. My guess is that this dynamic will be explored a lot more in the next few episodes.
  21. Tell me you're not complaining about what Allie LaForce was wearing. Username does not check out.
  22. This is an incredible coincidence. I have been looking for a pair of 22 earrings and also a pair of 44 earrings. Do you happen to own a Dremel and a soldering iron?
  23. Bees are not a damn pet! 🤣 Chuck is fired up.
  24. I saw this earlier. You have you wonder how many combos these guys play. Of course you only see the lotto slip that hits. Obviously a tremendous hit regardless but these things don't just happen in a vacuum.
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