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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Baboontyme

  1. I've still got some quibbles with the way the whole thing went down and the chicken org taking some unnecessary risks. That said, can someone remind me who Alvarez is?
  2. I'm only a half hour in. This is terrible and extremely over dramatic. Not commenting on any of the actual substance, just the movie making aspects.
  3. Never realized that What the Buck was Jersey Man's creepy uncle. HG if you don't mind for those of us who were not around at the beginning how did you get involved in the first place? Plan on watching tonight.
  4. She was on the terror watch list no doubt. Hell he was only sitting there to watch her.
  5. PB is a goddamn cartoon character. He's like black bugs bunny or something. Highly entertaining.
  6. Scottie Barnes wins ROTY
  7. I had to miss the action tonight. I drove across town to meet a friend. I don't drive much but it was a decent hike so I dialed up the Draymond Green show on Spotify. Very good listen for basketball nerds. He's had some really good guests but he's suspending that for the playoffs and basically he just breaks down the action and the current series, and he gives some good insight into the Warriors and his mindset. I think it's a good listen the NBA hoop heads would appreciate.
  8. Ricken is amazing.
  9. Mike should fuck around with Kevin and find out.
  10. Mallory is my district rep. 😍 Of course they are in the process of redoing the maps. I haven't figured that mess out yet.
  11. Charlotte fired Coach Kendall Roy.
  12. This is just my opinion but: There are plenty of reasons for Jimmy to trash Howard's car; the HHM partner constantly belittled Jimmy, stood in the way of his legal career and drove a wedge between the two McGill brothers. However, the reason behind Jimmy's act of ten-pin vandalism goes beyond just the resurgence of an old grudge; like most things in Better Call Saul's recent seasons, Chuck's death is the root cause. Crippled by the guilt and grief surrounding the loss of his brother, Jimmy found solace in becoming Saul - a character that helped Jimmy avoid processing Chuck's suicide. Deep down, of course, Jimmy knows that Saul is a mask, and his brother's death still burns fiercely upon his soul, and this is why he now hates Howard even more - because the successful, perma-tanned "swell guy" has done what Jimmy couldn't. In season 4's "Breathe," Howard deliberately has Jimmy sidelined from Chuck's will, but is clearly very affected by the entire situation, reacting with an uncharacteristic vulnerability when Kim gives him a dressing down. Later, in "Quite A Ride," Jimmy meets Howard in a court bathroom, and the former king of HHM has fallen considerably, along with the company's fortunes. Howard is riddled with insomnia, seeing a therapist, and no longer representing the most lucrative clients. Although Jimmy shows concern, it's clear when he rips up the therapist's contact card that he feels he has "won" in a twisted sense. Chuck's death broke Howard, but Jimmy soldiered on with a plastered-on grin and a "s'all good, man." He finally got one over on the great Howard Hamlin. Of course, while Jimmy might've seemed to be handling the loss better than Howard in Better Call Saul season 4, the roles are flipped in season 5's latest offering. Over the course of their lunch, it's made apparent that while Jimmy is still hiding behind Saul, Howard has made it through the other side of the tunnel. By addressing his grief and seeking help, Howard has recovered as a professional, is back to his usual smarmy self, and now has a drive to be more righteous - offering a job to Jimmy, championing his scholarship pick, hugging him goodbye. All of this new-and-improved Howard is summed up by his pretentious "NAMAST3" plate. And this is why Jimmy makes such a concerted effort to decimate Howard's car. As Saul Goodman, Jimmy is now financially successful and enjoying the kind of morally ambiguous schemes he always reveled in. But Jimmy is far from over his brother's death, with that pain still bubbling underneath unchecked. Howard's recovery enrages Jimmy far more than professional success or snide comments ever could.
  13. I was hoping for some inside stories/scoop as well, if HG was up for it. Maybe if he was, immamac could move the thread.
  14. Girls Gone Wild. Documentary commercials airing nonstop during NBA playoffs. Airs Saturday. Seriously though, I plan to watch this. I don't remember all of the details from the old board but I know there have got to be some great stories.
  15. Should there be a thread? I think there should be a thread. Any surly members gonna get interviewed in this and given the Mafia treatment with the pixeled face and low pitched voice?
  16. Middleton sprained MCL? Did I just get ballsacked? https://twitter.com/NBAonTNT/status/1517004823031394306
  17. Can anyone recall how the interaction went down between Jimmy and Kettletits on S1? Was Cliff Mayne involved at all? Was he aware Jimmy was involved? I can't. But I kind of am running with Gould's answer here - 'these people are smart'. Howard knows it's Jimmy fucking with him. Cliff was with Howard when the hoes showed at the CC. Cliff was with Howard when the powdered sugar came out of his locker. I get this is not real life but if this is real life HH had undoubtedly tried to explain to Cliff what Jimmy is doing and Cliff is smart enough to understand that the whole Kettleman thing is a Jimmy/Saul play. Plus Cliff gave that look like hmm. I wonder if the car following Jimmy and Kimmay is related to Cliff having some suspicions.
  18. Great tv. Can't wait for next week. What doesn't make much sense to me is that the Fring people wouldn't consider that the cartel would try and take Ignacio alive from the get go? I read the above from Gould - 'they gave him a gun and hoped he would die in a firefight'? Seems like a risk Gus would not take in the first place. Whether Lalo is dead or alive, they still would want to know who Nacho was working for and why. Oh well minor grievance.
  19. Monte and Dray going back and forth. These guys love it. Flint <--> Saginaw connection. They live for it. I am not claiming any part of that but I am familiar with the mindset.
  20. I'm going to be very pissed at Pat Bev if we don't get a Memphis/GSW semi series. I celebrate most things Pat Bev but come on PB. We need this.
  21. He's been rusty since about January but it's wild how once the lights come on he's back to being Steph. Very special talent.
  22. I mean the guy is sprinting full speed through the paint towards the arc, takes a pass as he's still facing the sidelines with a guy no more than two feet from him on his heels, turns and fires without even being able to see the basket for more than a quarter of a second. Swish.
  23. I don't really have a team but I guess I do find myself pulling for these guys in the playoffs. I don't think they can pull it together and I think ultimately their window with the big 2/Dray/Dre core might be closed already but I definitely find something inside me pulling for these guys pretty hard. Thanks for sharing random Internet guy.
  24. I've got a semi. The new lineup of death is finally on the floor together and it's the playoffs.
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