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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Baboontyme

  1. Love that you did this. I almost posted please talk to your Dr first but I stopped because I didn't know that you hadn't, and common sense and some things I've read from experts dictate it's probably a good approach, and how did I know that you weren't on top of that, as well. Anyway, nice job.
  2. Good for you man. I hope others follow your lead.
  3. Everyone should be going to get their booster if they're Pfizer and > ~ 6 months since their last shot, imo. Has anyone tried? The list of conditions is quite extensive and I'm pretty sure you could march into any CVS or Walgreens or Kroger or Wal Mart and be like I have hypertension and they wouldn't bat an eye. Has anyone tried? There is no supply shortage in the US, and you aren't saving a vaccine for someone in Africa by holding off. Really kicking myself for not pushing this with my wife and in laws a few weeks ago.
  4. ...and not to sound too skeptical, because I'm extremely pro vaccine (mentioned elsewhere I'm in the Moderna trial), but I suspect that when all is said and done and we look back on Delta, those numbers are going to be lower than that. Or maybe it's just the early adopters immunity waning. The way Delta tore through everyone in my wife's vaccinated circle is a little concerning. Also re: Delta, take a listen to Andy Slavitt's On the Bubble pod with Fauci a few weeks back. They make an interesting assertion that we are somewhat fortunate with Delta because it's mild but it's so overwhelming that it is knocking out the other variants by taking them over. Nightmare fuel is if we get a variant that is just as transmissible but more severe.
  5. Ok yeah, no promises obviously but I have all of these alerts already set up and I'm online a lot so if stock comes up at a retailer, or a bundle with a stock price (499) PS5 in it I'll try to grab it. Now that I got one for Jr the stress is gone and the chase is fun.
  6. Can someone with a NYT sub please post this article? https://www.nytimes.com/2021/09/22/health/covid-moderna-pfizer-vaccines.html?campaign_id=190&emc=edit_ufn_20210929&instance_id=41574&nl=updates-from-the-newsroom&regi_id=135361148&segment_id=70175&te=1&user_id=2dc19957a08ac80e2324537a278a9160
  7. Who all is still looking and for what? @Jkwellborn and @utee94 for PS5 disc editions? If I'm online and see a drop and can cop one for you do you want me to? Also if anyone needs a Series X with a Madden bundle for cost, ideally for Christmas for a kid, send me a PM.
  8. I have no idea how it works in Arizona, or TX. But it's very frustrating that the data has so many faults. Case in point, Michigan updates their school outbreak database every Monday at 3 PM. I was waiting to scope it. Lo and behold my wife's school is somehow not listed on this week's report. To recap, unmasked district, unmasked symptomatic Kindergartner came to school 2 weeks ago Wednesday, infected half the class and my (double vaxxed, double masked) wife, who then went on to infect both of the other Kindergarten teachers, one of whom also had her class shut down due to positive cases among the kids, and at least two other staff members. Oh and also obviously my kids, and my in laws who happened to stop by for a 5 minute visit the day she came home with the sniffles. Wife says they cook the books to make it look like the outbreak did not occur in school. I have no idea how they do that, I suppose the County does not follow up and contact trace the way they do in the County in which I reside. Or maybe they leave it up to the parents to contact the school and half of them don't do so. But yes it's somewhat maddening.
  9. I am not sure where you are getting that from? Can you please elaborate? It seems pretty straightforward and absent of gotchas to me, even in re-reading it. Two biggest counties in the State that hold 75% of the State's population. Tiny percentage did not have data available and another tiny percentage had immediate outbreaks that likely did not originate in school so they weren't included.
  10. Not really sure what to do. I installed a Nest maybe 2 years ago. I noticed last week that it was dead on the wall. I took it off and charged it via micro usb. Put it back on the wall. It died again. I tried chatting with nest support. They told me to fully charge it and try to connect to wifi. I did. It would not connect to my wifi. I turned wifi off. It still died. So I'm down to either one of two things - bad unit, or that suddenly the power to the unit stopped. I was obviously hoping for the former. I ordered a new Nest and installed it. There's no power. Do I call an HVAC person or an electrician? Any tests I can do myself? I am a little paranoid of cutting the wires too short if I try to start re-stripping them.
  11. But seriously I fucking hate that commercial. I hate it so fucking hard.
  12. Here's the thing though. My rage and scorn is not for the people who wondered if it's the same girl. No. It's reserved for the fucking ad/marketing execs who somehow, somewhere sat in a fucking room and made a conscious decision to cast two similar looking people for... Some reason?? They decided to cast two Asian women, with long hair, with glasses. It's not that they look like the same person, but it's purposeful. They didn't decide to cast an Asian woman and an Indian woman with short hair. They WANTED people to question if it was the same person. That's what really irks me. What is that fucking reason?? It's not related to the product so far as I can figure. Is the cash "match" supposed to be representative of the "match" between the caller and the call center rep? Is it just supposed to be a random coincidence? Was it designed to make people at home like you and I angry? I do believe they have other commercials with a similar dynamic, but they are not nearly as annoying, nor do they run them every 13 seconds. It's a terrible, awful ad campaign, and whoever came up with it should be strung up by their ballsack and pelted with animal feces.
  13. BMW is running this fucking Alexa play our playlist parent date night spot every 25 seconds during the Ryder Cup. I hope they crash that fucking car into the cash back cash match skinnyfat twins and they all die in a fiery explosion.
  14. Yeah from what I've read it's best early on or even pre symptomatic. It is actually only offered (at least at the place we found) within 10 days of positive test. We did a zoom with the Dr and she said exactly that ... Worth a shot. Glad you are feeling better.
  15. Does it seem to be helping? Thanks for the info, it prompted me to look a bit more into it and we signed the wife up to get it tomorrow. She's late in the game as she tested positive a week ago but she still feels like shit so giving it a shot.
  16. The CDC has obviously had some issues but this is interesting. https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/70/wr/mm7039e1.htm?s_cid=mm7039e1_w
  17. This show is fantastic. It lulls you too sleep while still being entertaining and then all of a sudden you get smacked with a 2x4 and a couple of episodes that put you on the same vibe of Season 1. I got emotional during this episode. It's been a rough week but this episode hit me for some reason.
  18. @Dr. Beeper How and why did you come to get the monoclonal treatment? Are you severe, on the verge of being hospitalized? Just curious. My wife asked about it and I basically assumed she is not severe enough.
  19. It's the same link, it will just show as $499 when it's in stock. Here is the direct url for PS5 disc edition: https://www.walmart.com/ip/Sony-PlayStation-5-Video-Game-Console/363472942?=&irgwc=1&sourceid=imp_QdhyKAyHSxyLRGMwUx0Mo3ZwUkBVStzcEQz6Qc0&veh=aff&wmlspartner=imp_2504280&clickid=QdhyKAyHSxyLRGMwUx0Mo3ZwUkBVStzcEQz6Qc0&sharedid=&affiliates_ad_id=565706&campaign_id=9383 Here are some accounts to follow https://twitter.com/DealVibes https://twitter.com/mattswider https://twitter.com/GYXdeals There are a few more I can't find right now. I'll go back and add them next time I see them pop up.
  20. Yeah those are resellers. When stock drops at a retailer it's a whole ordeal. The site often gets bogged down, you can't add the item to your cart, if you're lucky enough to get one in your cart, you can't check out without it being removed from your cart, etc. I've been working pretty hard at it for a couple of weeks and was ready to give up until I got lucky last night. Walmart was supposed to have retail stock drop online at noon, then it got postponed until 9 pm. I had the app on my phone and my laptop both working trying to get one in my cart. Tried for 25 minutes and no luck. I gave up and randomly decided to try again on the app at 10 and ty my surprise there was still inventory left. A bunch of these guys on Twitter/YouTube have videos with tips on the various sites. Like there is actually a way on Amazon to put it on your wish list and it's easier to add to your cart from there, etc. I'll post some of the accounts to follow in a bit. That Wario guy that TexasEx posted is one.
  21. I got one from Walmart using the app about 15 minutes ago in case anyone is still looking. PS5 disc
  22. Forget Cousin Larry, what about Mr. Twykacetti?
  23. Thanks. I saw that but can't make it to a store. I got a drop on a Madden Series X bundle at Game Stop (I joined Pro yesterday) so I bought it. $694 comes with Madden, two controllers and a $20 Game Stop card. What is the best way to trade it for a PS5? Edit - Link for anyone who wants to try. I had to try adding it to my cart a bunch of times before it took. https://www.gamestop.com/consoles-hardware/xbox-series-x|s/consoles/products/xbox-series-x-black-controller-and-madden-nfl-22-system-bundle-with-20-gamestop-digital-gift-card/B224745M.html
  24. I've got two kids upstairs who are intermittently running 102 who are foolproof anecdotal evidence that lack of a mask mandate doesn't work.
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