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Everything posted by Chooky

  1. I bought a set of 1/2" sockets for a pneumatic driver at Harbour Freight. Two of them cracked at the top on the first use. That was my first purchase ever from there. I've heard the universal complaints about their shitty merchandise forever but wondered how bad could it actually be? And how could anyone fuck up a steel socket in 2025? Welp. Now I get it.
  2. Dear God! No American deserves to live like that. It's unspeakable. I just pray that her kids didn't witness that.
  3. It reminds me of those Strike Anywhere matches.
  4. DJ Yella Jar Jar Stinks Gay Z Uncoolio VD Hammer MC Mogadishu
  5. If Jacob Manser has any better ideas for getting a nazi saluting South African shit dick to a trillion dollars then he needs to inform us.
  6. Shame on all of you jackals for giggling about Jacob's demise. The only thing funny about that are the sounds he makes as the the white hot cinder is being slid into his anus.
  7. Texas manufacturing index and prospects taking a Peter North geyser right off the face and neck. https://www.morningstar.com/news/dow-jones/202502246596/texas-manufacturing-activity-slumps-as-trade-uncertainty-weighs-dallas-fed
  8. BTC plummeting faster than a plane trying to land at a poorly staffed traffic tower runway.
  9. Fuck all of these people and their sad tears. Look on the bright side, redneck. You should just be happy that one trans guy in Magnolia, Arkansas can't take a shit in Hobby Lobby. And that effeminate emo kid in Canton, Mississippi isn't allowed to have frozen veggie burrito diarrhea at the Kwik Mart. Finally, we're a safe country again.
  10. Bang Pontoon will make a pretty solid FBI Director.
  11. I wanted to punch sheet rock this morning just because I randomly thought about how we hired Les Koenning in 2014. Then I thought about Shawn Watson and considered poisoning a lake.
  12. Shilo is probably somewhere between 26 and 39-years-old. It seems very likely that they played the Dominican little league thing with his high school days. Sorry, mom, but your high school junior son is gonna have to get trucked by a 20-year-old. Don't say anything to him or he might pummel a middle-aged man into permanent neurological damage.
  13. Here's your sign?
  14. Jennings couldn't make that flight for whatever reason and continued on the band's bus. When Buddy Holly was getting off of the tour bus he joked to Waylon Jennings that he hoped the bus broke down and he froze to death. Waylon Jennings joked back to Holly that he hoped his plane crashed. The last words he every spoke to his friend.
  15. JP Morgan had a thought. That should be the headline. Or "JP Morgan was fully aware of thing that they just kinda hoped would somehow pan out in a way other than the clearly obvious one."
  16. Even though all of this appears bad, it's good. America needs to get back to more practical and simplified trading. America will be closer to being great again when our currency can become nothing but celebrity crypto, animal pelts and smooth stones. Smaller markets can also use bits of strings and feathers. But not colorful, gay feathers. Only earth toned and brownish hued feathers will be used by true alphas. Gay feathers? Straight to jail.
  17. I'm not an economist or a foreign policy expert. But I imagine economic decline and disruption in Mexico will ... maybe incentivize border crossings. But that was never the point anyway.
  18. I bet there are some Caucasian long distance runners who are getting irritable that ICE isn't removing enough Kenyans.
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