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Everything posted by Chooky

  1. If you have a sore throat Jim Jordan's doctor will need to insert two fingers in your ass and then jerk off while you take a shower.
  2. It was one of the dumbest things I've ever seen. And I've been awake a few times in the last five years. CNN should just go ahead and become a pro wrestling channel.
  3. Hamas had pieces of flair they made the Jews wear.
  4. Combaaaahhh with inflay ssshhh?
  5. That's the swamp he defeated. He drained it right on to our burgers. That's how good he is. Many people say he's very good. But, honestly, quite frankly, when you talk about it, he's quite frankly very, very good. Maybe the best, as many have said. But, quite frankly, he is the best.
  6. George Washington didn't kick the shit out of Vietnam just so a bunch of smartass panzies could make fun of the class of '23.
  7. People will cling to that but it's not such a huge accomplishment to turn a record around in the portal era. It was already being done last year by others.
  8. His momma call him Sanders. Ima call him Sanders.
  9. Too late, Ron, you doink. Lots of people tried to tell you that you can't duck your way through the primary without contesting the orange orb godking. It's too late, Elva.
  10. What a badass, almost mythical figure.
  11. Not for the internet's hypothetical heroes. They would've done more.
  12. He'll do all of that but he won't say "fuck you." He'll post a picture of a turd or something and then awkwardly post nine crowbarred jokes where either "schwing" or "a sphincter says what" is the punchline to each joke. And when nobody but his direct minions laugh, he'll convince himself that he's too abstract and deep to be understood. Then he'll fire one of his minions out of misdirected resentment that twitter didn't think his jokes were fire.
  13. Mario Cristobal saved the day for all head coach fuckery last Saturday. And his name eases into way more nicknames. Mario Gurglesballs. Neal Cristobal. Itsa Me Mario.
  14. That happened? Loved that guy as a player. Sounds like i now like him even more as a person.
  15. Jason Whitlock is fat on the inside. His soul is fat. But also he's fat in the regular way of just being fat as shit. His once manatee level of fat has dried up into an old fat lady kind of fat. His fat is transcendent in various forms of fat, fatness that plays two sides of the coin. He's the travis hunter version of fat. But seriously, he's rotund.
  16. It's been awhile since I've posted there. Still don't know what that forum has to do with victimhood. Either way, exhilarating to know you follow me so closely. Who are you?
  17. You managed to juice squeeze some victimhood out of a throwaway clip. Bravo.
  18. Those pants should be an additional felony.
  19. We should probably forfeit the season and concentrate on getting the computer science department shored up.
  20. Because I reside in Texas, my reaction to reading any good news about THC is to make that Mitch McConnell freeze face.
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