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Everything posted by Chooky

  1. They rejected my application.
  2. This is due to insufficient torque and can be fixed in five minutes at the YMCA in Vidor, Texas.
  3. He basically said the article that he didn't like was 100% accurate. That was the rant. "I need to call this article out. They said I don't go on visits. That's bull mess. I never go on visits. Sorry, but I needed to get that said."
  4. The classic tale was the guy who picked up a manhole cover, smashed a storefront window, grabbed a bunch of loot and then fell through the hole on his getaway. Smashed his face on the side of the hole and broke his leg.
  5. Free speech absolutists on the march again. Time to go backward and do Edwin Meese bullshit again. Tell us more about morals, purity and fidelty, Mr. Paxton.
  6. The Louie Groba Award The Fred Meinkampf Award Probably not that last one.
  7. That was the written version of someone having a stroke. Reading that made me feel like I was riding down a bumpy road.
  8. Yeah, an entirely different engine. And that will probably lead to some gameplay issues early on. But I think overall, after some patching here and there, this game will be great. I feel like this is one EA knows they have to get right.
  9. The convenient thing about hiring Rivera is that it buys you at least 3 years before you have to fire him. He's gas station food -- filled a void but nothing exciting.
  10. CU has self reported 11 minor NCAA violations. 5 for bull junk. 6 for bull mess.
  11. No, not really. Didn't seem like a dynamic hire but I have no idea. He might be a wizard. All I've heard is that he has some Atlanta inroads. I probably shouldn't have started a thread but I didn't see it being discussed on this board and didn't realize it was brought up on the recruiting board. And I've always been easily amused by the "fire blank" threads.
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