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Everything posted by Chooky

  1. Then you have to feed the monkey and buy a monkey toilet. And any monkey that can lift as much as i can is concerning. This truck monkey proposal just doesn't sound like good monkey business.
  2. You fools! It's called cyber rust. It's the best rust money can buy. If you don't understand that, then I'm not gonna explain it to you.
  3. It's one of the most fascinating photos on the entire internet that doesn't involve breasts. Like why is this group together? And what is that young man doing there? Why do his pockets have zippers? Is he determined or angry? And the lady vomiting was prepared enough to have a waste basket handy for puking in, but why is she still holding a beer? And why is Ethel looking off into the distance as if she's afraid of getting caught? The whole picture leads to ... why?
  4. "I'm just goofin'. New boot goofin'."
  5. Did you create a toxic environment that demotivated and belittled your team? The only reason they're saying that is because they suck.
  6. And one of his partners left him for a trans girl. Billions of dollars aren't enough for many people to continue being around him, business or personally.
  7. Ah, the old hide the shameful MW in the deli style horse radish bottle. Rookie move.
  8. You prefer Miracle Whip over mayonnaise and have a dreamcatcher on your rear view mirror.
  9. The Legacy of Gergg Abbott's Floating Balls
  10. Design a policy. Fill a fucking pothole. Build a goddamn bridge. Allocate some cocksucking funds. Just do some fucking government and fuck off.
  11. We have to force @Armybrat into a shiny suit and a sleeve of tattoos and Hulu. And make him say "Hulu" with a straight face. Over and over.
  12. Yeah, that sucks. I'm all for conservation. For y'all. I'm not sleeping at 82 degrees.
  13. This clown saga just continues to get more and more silly. It's cheap slapstick at this point. If Yakety Sax isn't strongly copy protected it should be played every time Elon enters a room.
  14. You have to subscribe to find out if geoff ketchum got better at distinguishing his flatulence from a belch. That's how they reel ya in.
  15. 8 aces is clearly the path for a DeSantis primary victory. Donny showed his hand too early.
  16. Agreed. I want to see that bald pig man get his skull split open like a melon. Ultimately, they all showed themselves to be nothing more than a gaggle of dysfunctional, murderous, soviet-minded, commie bags of fuck. Anyone capable of being honest with themselves will understand that Ukraine is a beacon of light in comparison.
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