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Everything posted by Chooky

  1. Not calling off the dumb dumb army might be a display of bad character. His civility apparently extended only to offering a debate that he'd promote like a Logan Paul celebrity boxing event. But the counter is that if leading researchers are too afraid to argue with a guy in a backward hat who talks through the Skoal bandit in his lip then he's probably a nerd ass beta bitch. Dr. Hotez would probably flinch if you popped your shoulder and faked a jab at his nose. Then you tell him two for flinching while giving him the peace out sign. Boom. Debate victory. Suck it, medical community. Buncha soy boy cucks.
  2. Defense opening statement: "I have the best lawyer in Miami. He's such a good lawyer, that by tomorrow morning, you gonna be working in Alaska. So dress warm. Fuck the fucking Diaz brothers. Fuck 'em all. I bury those cockroaches. I just want what's coming to me. The world, Chico. And everything in it."
  3. That's what made me think this happened in Oakland. Well, that and a couple other things.
  4. There are probably monkeys that don't know what I'm complaining about. I just use the site as it is and won't even download the app they constantly suggest. But am i really that much of a Luddite if i just expect sites to work without ground work on my behalf? That's a rhetorical question. I'm an old that's not even that old yet.
  5. I'm a functioning regarded person and the functioning part is arguable. I use reddit and don't know anything about third party apps. But I do know that reddit uses the shittiest video player that was ever made since the 2006 era. It's truly pathetic. Everyone seemed to figure that part out except for reddit. While the reddit execs are answering questions, I wish just one journalist would thump them on the bridge of the nose for that.
  6. Chickens walking around a courthouse is a third world indicator. It has begun. Shanty towns and riots. We're now rural Guatemala. It was a good run. See you guys at the next Aztec mutilation ritual.
  7. These men are cowards, Donnie.
  8. Oh let's see ... uh, hell, DeSantis fucked her.
  9. She's a frog woman. Don jr caught her at her floor. In three years she'll be insanely obese. Cheese fries and box chardonnay will be the only things that can console her.
  10. I blame Twice for drought and traffic. That's why I dump trash on his lawn. And I resent him for having trash on his lawn. Like, clean your yard, asshole. Stop making everything unpleasant.
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