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Everything posted by Chooky

  1. She was dancing around in front of the pinball machine in a denim skirt. We all saw it.
  2. When you purposely tank public education for 35 years and feed that collective a seven layer dumbass burrito of talk radio, cable news, fringe forums and various social media gibberish you get this result. Nobody will wake up in an emulsion pod and get a refreshened course correction. If we do though, I prefer we not try jetpack guy again.
  3. It seems like elon spent $44 billion to lash out at like 6 specific people by whom he feels jilted.
  4. She won't. They don't care. The stark bias is almost a bonus for them. And even if it ever feels too visible they can "what about" their tits off into eternity. Cannon will sprinkle maga turds all over this.
  5. I read the indictment. It's insane. It's so insane that the only thing crazier is that he's made it this far. That fact is now a different indictment on everything within the system of checks and balances. And it's that strain of insanity that makes it possible for even more. Judge Cannon. That's the craziest shit out of all. They are not concerned how brazen it has to be anymore. She will openly deliver the "nothingburger."
  6. I'm dumb enough as it is and i don't need smartass aliens mocking me for not knowing how to regenerate my own body tissue to stop aging. And I've looked at buttholes.
  7. Poor Jake Spoon. Those danged Suggs brothers.
  8. I'm only self righteous because the Saudis will not be seeking my highly unique and unorthodox skillset in golf. Not unless they think round is funny.
  9. You're consistently measured, but I was kinda hoping you'd tell us how it's inevitable that Trump will get his anus rigorously buttfucked really hard right in the ass. Like the legal terminology of that.
  10. Mick Foley, Whoopi Goldberg, Puck from Real World and Linda, HOA Assistant Treasurer and possessor of 4th most valued Beanie Baby collection in Danville, Indiana.
  11. I have no idea. I guess it could stay afloat if Yasir wants to fund it. I don't think their ratings will get any better than they were and likely even less after all of this. I know far less than others here, but maybe if it barely stays on life support for awhile it gives viability to a competitive alternative, helping with any anti trust issues. They could keep it going just to continue to honk a clown horn at Monahan just for some monotheistic lulz. They'll probably continue to do whatever they want. And I imagine Norman is masterfully set either way. They don't need their former CEO lending more negativity.
  12. A new rule being proposed is that if a golfer misses a cut four tournaments in a row they will cut the player's feet off in a public square. I'm against that, but in the long run, it'll make the game more exciting, so I might like that change, eventually. I guess I'm on the fence for now.
  13. You can dere-licht my balls, cap e tan.
  14. I mean he admittedly had a moody episode for a bit. But I don't get hung up on people's worst day.
  15. Pol Pot had some personality flaws but we all have a few bad days
  16. It's not a moral stance. It's simply not being a repulsive piece of shit. And sure, nobody else recognizes this as a foul smelling, fetid sewer of a deal. It's all upside. Your defense of it is to list other acts of shittiness. That doesn't make it less shitty.
  17. Not coexisting with the exact people who funded the greatest atrocity ever committed on U.S. soil. Having a soul that remains intact.
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