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Everything posted by Chooky

  1. Probably a warm feeling when a former president reminds you of your family. Very subtle.
  2. Of course a brief insight into the Boebert lineage is a no budget version of a Maury Povich episode where an aging wrestler does a taunting dance off the set as he's declared "not the father." I don't know if there's a pro wrestler who was named Indiscriminate Sperm Sprayer, but if so they should look into that guy.
  3. Ron DeSantis tracks down woke by following its turds. He'll dismount and crouch next to a woke turd and roll in it his fingers while he decides which direction it went.
  4. I really don't anymore. Cable news is twilight zone when you stop watching it and look back on after a few months. I've watched a lot of clips of Todd being clowned on by his own audience.
  5. I think Maddow would be deserving and capable but far too divisive just by profile, fair or not. I think Mehdi Hassan would be great too but probably the same issue. I don't know much about Welker. I don't think the prestige that Russert established will every be regained. I give Todd a break as those were impossibly legendary shoes to fill. But he did manage to sufficiently urinate on the show to the point it'll probably be mostly irrelevant from here on out.
  6. He had the audacity to say, "while I'm deeply concerned about this moment in history, we never allowed the propagandists to have their way." He knows that's precisely the criticism he's faced in the last 5 years. He was an entrenched ideologue during the Obama admin and a doormat during the Trump admin. In his overrcorrection after Obama he became obsessed with appearing more pragmatic. He couldn't distinguish that from being enfeebled to unfiltered bullshit. I think he's probably a bright guy but he doesn't have the conviction to have his own identity. Todd never understood that Russert didn't craft his personality. Russert just simply had his own personality.
  7. This is one of the thought leaders for guys who are so chronically incapable of getting laid they have to pretend it's because of their virtuous chastity. They want a titty in their face but can't make it happen so their hatred of people who can occasionally get a titty in their face becomes their only worldview. They train their mind to hate titties. And straight men who hate titties are some of the most dangerous people on the planet.
  8. I think people should be continuously reminded that Durkin killed a guy. Anyway, Durkin totally killed a guy.
  9. I don't need to be kink shamed by the likes of you.
  10. They're fine. Everyone looked back on it and had a good laugh.
  11. Yeah, I think Taibbi finally learned that Elroy spurns lthe concept of two way loyalty and defaults to rewarding only abject fealty.
  12. We're all extremely online here. You are extremely, extremely online.
  13. If you hire an editor it can't be Lobo.
  14. It wasn't espionage for profit or overturning the world's oldest democracy. It was the coarse demeanor that took this feckless sap seven years to recognize.
  15. Is it too late for the House to somehow get Jake Paul involved and turn this into a pay-per-view event?
  16. Chris Christie is squeezing his corpulent torso through the door of the GOP primary. I don't have the skinny on his platform but I think he's mostly there to fire howitzer shots and hot dogs at Trunq.
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