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Everything posted by Chooky

  1. Jack Plummer was spawned by a viscous fluid that dripped out of an ape's ass.
  2. I agree with what you said, but I think Lewis was actually a pretty good hire. I'm not sure it was his idea to only run the ball 4 times a half. I might be wrong, but that reeked of Deion going full Pop Warner dad and envisioning Shedeur holding a Heisman. Probably not a stretch that sanders indulged every self-obsessed fantasy imaginable. Twice I saw Shedeur come off the field after a bad series and snub Lewis from coaching him up. I saw it twice on television. Ignored his OC and walked to the other side of the sideline from him. A head coach allowing any player to amputate a member of his staff from the knees down like that is insane. And then you'd hear sanders dismiss the term "culture" on several occasions. Yeah, no shit, dude. You're above all that. I bet that lockerroom was a toxic shithole.
  3. Chooky

    How dark are you?

    I finished it and it just called me the n word.
  4. Danny Kannell is a bigger knob than anyone in the sanders family.
  5. I'm old enough to remember a time when Sports Illustrated seemed like it took itself seriously.
  6. Reading this made me understand terrorism better.
  7. Nobody has ever gone from 1 - 11 to 4 - 8. Ever. Maybe MC Hammer. Probably not, though.
  8. One of the few things Kevin Mar had control over. And he took it.
  9. I hope I'm not too out of line when I say that I dislike Brett Yormark. Sorry. I just don't have a favorable opinion of the man. Not trying to travel upstream here.
  10. These motherfuckers. I once scoffed at people who believed there was some kind of collective agenda by officials to fuck over a team. Incompetent shit happens and people would take it personally. But this has been overt. Mar and his crew are openly antagonistic. They don't screw you by throwing the flag, although occasionally that's the case. But the most efficient way are the non calls, particularly interference and holding and spots.
  11. I ain't ever chanting that shit.
  12. Where did the squirrel buy a cookie?
  13. I think their recruiting class currently sits around the 63rd rank. That's probably an optimistic ranking before they really hit the skids with the losses. And I know they recently had a pretty good 3 star OL flip to Missouri. Sanders keeps saying that "their phones are ringing everyday from the top recruits and that Shedeur talks to a lot of them daily. Maybe there's a rabbit out of the hat moment on signing day. I have no idea, but it doesn't look promising. That team is a 4 to 5 year build. I don't think he wants to endure that. That's not an attack on his character. I just don't believe that he's in for all that.
  14. It wasn't dead. It was playing ... ahem.
  15. I don't know. Ask deion who hypothetically said that.
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