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Everything posted by Chooky

  1. I can't tell what was splashing on the surface. Could've been a small shark. When I first saw it I thought it was maybe the rope on the throw ring.
  2. Nightmare. Imagine watching the lights on that ship disappear as you get dragged by a current. And the sounds getting more faint until you're all alone, treading, in pitch black darkness. It looked really dark. Treading water in the dark sucks. Even small waves lap into your face because you can't anticipate anything. What a horrible death, no matter how the end arrived.
  3. *an I'm actually surprised A&M didn't take him.
  4. Pos rep specifically for "pissbutton."
  5. Gergg the Abbott needs to step up/no lulz and answer to why the AG office in his state has become such a carnival version of a third world country. Won't happen, but holy shit, what an embarrassing spectacle, even for these shameless cowards. He needs to be asked repeatedly and people need to be repeatedly reminded that he refuses to answer.
  6. I take full responsibility. Or maybe the libs and the rinos did this to me because I was such a freedom champion and retaliated against the Biden regime.
  7. How could I have expected even the slightest improvement from this lunatic cadre of shit dicks?
  8. The House will later be instructed to vote "eye" or "nay."
  9. Yes. He murdered like a murdering murderer whose daughter in law was ugly.
  10. Rafael Cruz, ethnic Canadian gentleman, now defending Paxton at the last second to fall in line with the guy who insulted his father and his wife.
  11. Uncle Nate's butthole is probably sealing up like a zip loc sandwich bag right now.
  12. I prefer a crushing, systematic hammer where there's no recourse or path from discrimination or wrongdoing. I prefer that for you. And them. But if that sword ever falls on my neck, me, I'm gonna need some goddamn options and pronto. That's my preference. That's a good system. The fuck you system. But if that system fucks me, then it's time to consider a brief system that fucks you. Never fuck me, basically.
  13. It still amazes me. George Pee Bush's claim of validation is when Trump complimented him at the insulting expense of his entire family. He even made a koozie depicting the entire exchange, as we know. And these are the people who use the word "cuck" and "snowflake." Standing silent and idle while Trump insults your family has become somewhat of a GOP rite of passage. Trump's endorsement comes in the form of disparaging your father or your wife. And they line up for it. "Mr. President, we'd be really appreciative if you could find the time to call my father a useless piece of shit. Thank you in advance." These people are fascinating.
  14. Hey everyone. Look at Texas. There's a spat between our criminally indicted Attorney General and our drunk speaker of the house. Grab a seat and stare into our unflushed toilet. Hee haw!
  15. Look at Goeb. Look at the state of him.
  16. Paxton will be sleeping with one eye open.
  17. I didn't think so at first but the rest of this thread is beginning to make me think otherwise.
  18. The Texas House General Investigating Committee is woke.
  19. I expect this campaign launch will have a Leslie Nielsen cameo at some point. And eventually appearances from Laurel and Hardy and Ernest P. Worrell.
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