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Everything posted by Chooky

  1. With coors light party ball kegs in the back, bloating in the sun.
  2. I think a good way to turn it around would be to make it where you have to have special goggles to see twitter. Twitter goggles. Something innovative like that.
  3. I'm still optimistic that this thread will finally deliver the "elon musk truly is a visionary" arc.
  4. Imagine living in an apartment with these people. Even a round to grow on at the very end. This is going great.
  5. At one point recognized Cessna renovating as a priority. Didn't.
  6. This is all paving the way for a momentous branding opportunity by Patriot Brewing's release of Select Brew for Not Gay Dudes and Man Foam for Men Ale.
  7. Just because a person goes out of their way to inform you they hate Jews, even when you didn't ask, no matter how many times they repeat it or tattoo it on their neck, doesn't necessarily mean they do. Elon sees through that. Because of the movie 'Spaceballs' or something. What? Also elon invented liking 'The Princess Bride.' He laughs at you for not knowing that movie.
  8. The commitment to ignorance is almost impressive.
  9. He has also had a perfect walk down a ramp and perfectly drank water from a glass.
  10. I bet Trump's face got all scrunchy when Rudy suggested an equal cut.
  11. For the last 5 years all the Rudy news is gross. Shit leaking out of his head. Dildo stores. Shitting on live television. Shoes. Creeping. Fuck off for a sec, Rudy.
  12. He'll start finding out that his unhappy, blue check minions, who are so incapable of getting laid that they've made a religion out of it, are inconsolable, miserable whiners who interpret a change in the breeze as a profound betrayal. But that's the crowd he couldn't resist stroking off. Any responsible form of corporate management from this point will appear to them as a globalist, deep state operation. Best of luck, fish lips. Live in it, dude.
  13. I credit her with an affable exchange over a hyper-incendiary reality. She invited him to wade into the shallows, not dive head first into a Peter Sellers reflexive zig heil. And simultaneously allowed him space to do either. And probably had to hide her elation that he chose to go snorkeling in the white nationalist shallows. If you want to see immediate surrender to even brief discomfort, watch Chuck Todd in the last four years. There was no need for her to gnash her teeth in that exchange. Letting Tubes allow that to settle on top of himself was masterful.
  14. Animal torture videos are the free speech we didn't know we didn't have. Genius strikes again.
  15. Fisher's goal might have been anything but a blank slate. People did stuff. Stuff was addressed. More stuff is being considered.
  16. His pants didn't do him any favors.
  17. Don't ever apologize for being proud of the things you didn't actually do. The imaginary sacrifices you never made are things that can never be taken away from you. When the heat was on and the fat was in the fire, you articulated bravery from a chair. Thank you.
  18. The hypothetical hero. The man who elaborates on the things he might have done in the situation he was never involved with in the first place. Everyone of these imaginary brave citizens should be rewarded with the medal of pretend honor. Remember them. Hold their memory in the highest form of sarcastic reverence. And thank them for all the things they never did.
  19. They recently lost even more credibility when they started stealing money from each other. They don't even trust each other. But it's cool. There are a lot dumb motherfuckers out there.
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