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Everything posted by Chooky

  1. I never start my leaf blower. I only bought it to use as a club on other people blowing leaves. The notches carved into the handle represents how many leaf blowing enemies I've extinguished.
  2. There's nothing to gain by knowing. Now you know this. Maybe him and Candace will do a video firing some rounds into some divorce papers. If you resent me for informing you of crowder you should shoot this post. Shooting is the new Yelp review.
  3. Did he point the leaf blower at the guy? Any furtive movements?
  4. When it comes to tuck, I was probably wrong about my earlier response to you. Apparently Fox had great concern about some of the texts that became evident but haven't become public yet. Something particularly foul, as they are alluding. So that might be something ludicrously bigoted. Or it could just be litigious gamesmanship. Or it could just be a media mogul worth $25 billion who will fire anyone for being a pain in his ass.
  5. Elon thinks it's trolling to give a celebrity a check mark so people will think they're associated with him.
  6. And then I'd parachute directly into the shark feeding frenzy from a couple of pages ago. "Wait. This is worse."
  7. I don't think so. I don't even believe Tucker really is. Carlson recites bigoted bullshit, but I think it's mainly because he finds himself superior to everyone and he only seeks to vibrate the needle. I think he'll cynically espouse anything for response. He's a chameleon. He rarely did any of that while on MSNBC or CNN, the other two shafts of the triple-sided, cable news dildo. I honestly believe that once he was on Fox his measuring device instantly became the goal of being more extreme than Sean Hannity. And it worked. He surpassed Hannity in ratings at Fox. He knows the non thinky people will digest whatever, but the most important thing is to stand apart, even from his own colleagues.
  8. All of this just sounds like you take 100% of your cues from one portion of the binary, mainstream news cycle and obediently follow suit. To be fair, most people on both sides of the aisle do this now. Thinking is laborious. That entire post is a recycled language aggregate from the collective word salad of surface level political thought. Go ahead and enjoy Tucker. That's wonderful. But even when confronted with criticism from other conservatives, you've learned to entirely dismiss because ... "RINO." Like it's a reflex. You were taught to do that without even knowing you took the class. It's the exact same behavior some liberals fall into by dismissing perfectly rational policy from fiscal conservatives with: "NAZIS!!!" "People are cancelling their Fox Nation subscriptions? I'll get right on that. We're using the word 'RINO' now to reduce any countering thought and instinctively considering contemplative dissent as hurtful disloyalty? Well allow me. I can package all of these bullet point thoughts into my own worldview and avoid thinking? Just recite the words that are fed to my forehead? I'd literally like to subscribe to your newsletter."
  9. I saw a clip of Crowder complaining about it being legal in Texas to get a divorce without his consent. He couldn't conceal how distraught he was about that. The dude just won't admit to himself that he's gay. But even more interesting, I saw that he hired that hack, Bryan Callen. The guy who does a podcast with a legitimate retarded person, brendan schaub. So Crowder's unfunny comedy bits will continue to get even more unfunnier. It's not even about political ideology; I just can't fathom who finds this brainless dogshit even remotely interesting. Behind the veil of almost all of these political entertainment wonks is either a failed comedian or a failed screen writer.
  10. I've been seeing some fairly tense moments but I haven't encountered this shit full on just yet. A lady cried and wailed for an entire flight from New Orleans to San Antonio. Saw two Hispanic dudes call each other "nigga" and "bitch" for two minutes straight, which a few black dudes found really amusing. But I haven't gotten the incendiary, full blown psychos yet.
  11. Someone on the second floor got a violent enema.
  12. Nothing will quell the rerun of the same diarrhea sundae of moral coalition, revitalized Ed Meese gibberish that's looming. It'll be the familiar drivel with slight plot twists, like should we invade Europe with Saudi, give Viktor Orban a handjob, and whether or not it's practical to eat minced immigrant out of a can. Think Ralph Reed with a baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire. That's what's coming.
  13. Fox will always be a contagious brain disease. I really want to hear DeSantis start giving Trump nicknames. "Many people call him Donald, okay. But I like to call him little tranny Trump. I mean this guy was pro trans, folks. Maybe I should call him Donna, I don't know. But I call him little tranny Trump. It's unbelievable."
  14. Dumb and mean is the worst combination. Guaranteed that dog will eventually suffer some sort of neglectful fate for having the misfortune of having a dumbass for an owner.
  15. Fox should get Newt Gingrich to light Jason Whitlock's farts for an hour straight as an interim plan. CNN should just sell a collapsible water hose and a nonstick pan in Lemon's slot. The ratings would probably be about the same.
  16. Don Lemon might not be an equal piece of shit as Tucker Carlson. But he's an adjacent piece of shit.
  17. When I can't find certain items at Home Depot I start waving a pistol in the air. It doesn't help you locate stuff but let's everyone know where you stand. People shouldn't get alarmed until I start firing rounds into the ceiling. That's how people know that I'm getting a little frustrated. I also use my .45 ACP as a pointer when I show the waiter what I do and don't want on the menu. "See that? The #7? The sesame chicken? (tap tap tap)"
  18. It's time this country has a serious discussion about errant basketballs rolling onto our lawns, day after day. Typically, Wilson Sporting Goods and the other big athletic lobbyists are silent. Enough!
  19. "This isn't personal, Mr. Flamingo."
  20. Why did they fire Boink Scagnetti?
  21. Beyond everyone's political ideology, maybe it's getting a little too shooty out there.
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