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Everything posted by Chooky

  1. That's probably the best piece of music that dude has ever done.
  2. Username is in a near species realm of checking out.
  3. It's amusing that guys like Taibbi, among others, saw Musk as a beneficial ally and lifeline to further relevance. Musk discards his loyalty to others, and those formerly loyal to him, faster than he does employees. I think the idea that anyone has ever done anything to deserve his loyalty actually offends him. Those are the people he's most eager to blast. He seems to despise those people the most.
  4. I haven't spoken to him since the incident, so I can't argue with your position.
  5. Sounds like he did 8 years of gladiator school and got unleashed into the world with a "be the first to react" mentality.
  6. If Timothy McVeigh had been able to exercise more delay on appeals he might have had a chance of becoming a Senator. But he definitely would've had a wildly popular podcast. Don't forget to subscribe and smash that like button. Hit up those notifications and check out our Patreon. Use promo code "Go Boom" to get 20% off on a case of Jihad Aloha Juice.
  7. Phoebe Cates. The crown jewel of an entire era.
  8. Next timeline: Badges now on sale for $12. Then $9. Then $4. Then terminating the entire badge concept. Then suing ex employees for giggling about the badge fiasco. Then business.
  9. I'm gonna have to shoot some beer in order to express my disapproval of this.
  10. Y'all got anymore of them tornader money checks?
  11. I kinda hope he does. Soon. While in it.
  12. We should get rid of the judiciary entirely. And about half of congress. Not the good half. Weaken the executive branch until, you know, and then strengthen it the likes of which nobody has ever seen before.
  13. Back in my day you had to wait for Gwyneth Paltrow to ski into you to get a blue checkmark.
  14. He's gonna have to improve his marksmanship if he ever gets mad at a bottle of Tabasco.
  15. If the beer is woke you should shoot the beer. This is just common sense.
  16. This means Don Jr is also vehemently opposed to Ginni and Clarence Thomas.
  17. Chooky

    Shit My Kid Says

    I don't even know what it means but I'm pretty sure I teribated this week. Maybe twice.
  18. Since the Texas legi is now purely performance-based, i think each bill should be determined by a fight between AOC and Logan Paul. Get the young people interested in the legislative process.
  19. That's how that one girl became known as Doo Doo Foot Longoria.
  20. I just put in a new roof. Not solar. But I still feel incomplete about it without knowing Cat turd's opinion on the workmanship. Or Catturd. Or Cat's turd. Or Mr turd or whatever.
  21. It's clear that elon should start a PAC and lobby for legislation that makes it illegal to dislike him or view him as silly. He's a mysterious genius with a quirky edge and a brilliant sense of humor. Viewing him otherwise shouldn't be allowed.
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