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Everything posted by Chooky

  1. Imagine that your kid's biggest problem was reading Larry McMurtry.
  2. Ha! Sam Hyde memes are becoming mainstream information simply because posts are boosted due to someone's mom having a master card. This is the dumbest fucking genius the world has ever known.
  3. I have a sawed off double barrel that rests in a sheath on my back but it's purely for fashion. Looks badass with my vest and shoulder pads.
  4. You know where the real danger is? A drag queen singing a Liza Minelli number. Zero tolerance! Protect the children!
  5. Death and destruction and catastrophe. Disease festering out of boiling goiters. The sky will be filled with hornets and biting gnats will swarm and lay eggs in your eyeballs. I'm Donald Trump and I hope i can count on your vote.
  6. Trump should respond to this by having Hannity scramble around the driving range while he fires golf balls at him.
  7. If Trump is not charged I'll probably have to blame it on @TwiceHorn
  8. Notorius GED. I've been seeing that on Twitter. Hilarious.
  9. Who runs Alpha Town? Elon. Say! Louder! ELON RUNS ALPHA TOWN! Embargo lifted.
  10. Onetime i got so high i turned my stereo down when a DPS trooper went by at about 70 mph on the other side of the highway. I didn't want to draw attention to myself.
  11. You see that Cuban Canadian over there? The one who changed his name? Yeah, that one. The one who publicly supported the man who insulted his father and his wife. He's texas tough. No, really. That's his slogan. Texas tough.
  12. He probably won't be taking a hike, though. Whatever. Take a long walk off a short pier, wheelchair boy.
  13. The fake kids at Sandy Hook did January 6. Pretty convenient that there's no video of it. Hmm. You know why there's no video of it? Because those kids never existed, you idiot. I have video evidence of all the videos that don't exist. Checkmate.
  14. Rearview mirror? Nah, dumbass. That's where we put the retro gumball dispenser.
  15. Resident of Phoenix in late July and want to enter your vehicle? Place your fingers on this scalding, stainless steel-colored saute pan. Boom! FBI can't fingerprint you now. Globalists pwn3d.
  16. Damn. "Meatball Ron" would be the end of him. It would also greenlight more devolution, eventually just leading to Ivy League Guinea, Dagoe DeSantis and Wop Ron. Then the floor will finally be Swamp Spic DeSantis.
  17. Remember that time Donald Trunque took a shit right next to Senator Feinstein on live television?
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