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Everything posted by Chooky

  1. Maybe they're just staring at the ankles on that fat lady from Florida.
  2. He's the first openly gay astronaut to walk on Jupiter.
  3. This should become a new tradition for the GOP anytime they acquire a house majority. The Ceremonial Spreading of the Anus: The Gapening
  4. Kevin has spent years degrading himself in order to condition for this kind of humiliation. It's like a version of shame cross training. He's now impervious to embarrassment. I respect him for it. He now has the power to lay on his back on the house floor and light his farts while the next round of votes are tallied. That's how powerful he has become.
  5. When that fat lady from Florida went up there I was hoping she'd start singing. It would've been very symbolic.
  6. Won't the pressure gauge let you know?
  7. Yeah, dude just taunted the lords of karmic irony. He'll explosively shit in front of a crowd in 2023.
  8. A good strategy would be expecting the best programmers and most talented business managers WANT to shit and piss into a bucket right next to their desk.
  9. Waiting for someone to post that Kramer slamming money on the counter gif.
  10. Rudy just sittin' there shittin'.
  11. I was never a fan of Great White but they did one show where they totally burned the house down. I mean killed it.
  12. "The blood of those who mocked me will run through streets and merge into the sewers and eventually cascade into a volcano of bile and effluvium. HAPPY NEW YEAR and may health be with you all."
  13. TrxArcher just walks by and stabs me in the eyes three times.
  14. After more review of the transcript, I can conclude that they were in fact wildin'.
  15. What's funny to me is that these rude chunks of fuck claim they want to be president and step one is a giant middle finger to particular states and their corresponding government agencies. The chaos introduced isn't just toward "liberals" or "the left." I doubt there's a huge predominance of leftists in the ICE programs just because they're in D.C. I guess they don't want to represent every state. Nah, fuck some of the states. At a minimum maybe coordinate with these other states with something that resembles an adult version governing. But no. "Fuck you" is the entire point. There are children on a playground right now with a more informed instinct of grace and competency.
  16. MTG: You should change your name to Condoleezza Lice. Cuz you have lice. And you're black. LB: I'm so sure. Sick burn, Burnie Sanders. MTG: Coming from you i take that as a condiment. LB: Kettle, smoke pot. MTG: What? LB: Shut up!
  17. LB: Have some guzpacho, you illiterate cunt. MTG: Illiterate? How's that GED at the age of 27 working out for you? LB: Just fine, Cro-Magnon head. Maybe get a heeb laser to trim down that mustache. MTG: Maybe tell your husband to stop whipping his dick out in front of teenagers, Panties Oakley. LB: Your feet belong on a salamander. MTG: Put a mask on your fake tits. LB: Put a mask on your Lou Ferrigno face. MTG: You're an idiot. LB: You are.
  18. America is in a weird place. When step moms get their hand stuck in a dryer the first course of action is to, uh ... rape her, I guess. And how are they getting stuck in couches and appliances with such frequency? But still, even before we address so many hand trap designs in the manufacturing process, I think the first step is to simply stop raping whomever gets stuck. Start there.
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