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Everything posted by Chooky

  1. Easy. Have we earned that presumption?
  2. That tweet has been deleted because freedom.
  3. Chooky's hoodie is really nice and it makes him look cooler than usual, which is off the charts cool. Thanks buddy. I'll have to hook you up with one. You're cool as shit, too.
  4. That's not even a highlight vid. It's just a guy juggling kittens.
  5. I was wondering the context of that as well. Is there a reason for "peekaboo" to be used? Is there a background to that joke? But probably nah, right? Just a lowbrow shithead racist asshole from the dude who was once the president? Why would i expect anything other than the cheapest dumb bullshit possible?
  6. Chooky


    He said "death con." You know, because he's a fucking genius.
  7. Chooky


    Everything is beyond parody. We're living inside a skit. Kanye actually became the over the top rapper, Taquil, from 'Frisky Dingo' all on his own. And I suggest anyone who likes laughter to watch Frisky Dingo. Every episode is on HBO Max. Taquil, the entitled, oblivious rapper, was voiced by Killer Mike. Much like 'Idiocracy,' they accidently predicted the future. Behold his controversial album Ballocaust:
  8. Chooky


    His biggest fear is irrelevance. When this attention wears off he'll probably delve into comments about slavery or some other dumb shit. He values attention more than money. He really wants people to believe he's a transcendant thinker. He's a fucking idiot.
  9. Float like a burger fly Stink like it bee You should give some pussy to me
  10. Chooky

    6 word stories

    I farted in Fort Worth yesterday.
  11. His son is gonna z snap his entire campaign.
  12. Brent Venables prefers tire turf as a playing surface over grass.
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