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Everything posted by Chooky

  1. TrxArcher just walks by and stabs me in the eyes three times.
  2. After more review of the transcript, I can conclude that they were in fact wildin'.
  3. What's funny to me is that these rude chunks of fuck claim they want to be president and step one is a giant middle finger to particular states and their corresponding government agencies. The chaos introduced isn't just toward "liberals" or "the left." I doubt there's a huge predominance of leftists in the ICE programs just because they're in D.C. I guess they don't want to represent every state. Nah, fuck some of the states. At a minimum maybe coordinate with these other states with something that resembles an adult version governing. But no. "Fuck you" is the entire point. There are children on a playground right now with a more informed instinct of grace and competency.
  4. MTG: You should change your name to Condoleezza Lice. Cuz you have lice. And you're black. LB: I'm so sure. Sick burn, Burnie Sanders. MTG: Coming from you i take that as a condiment. LB: Kettle, smoke pot. MTG: What? LB: Shut up!
  5. LB: Have some guzpacho, you illiterate cunt. MTG: Illiterate? How's that GED at the age of 27 working out for you? LB: Just fine, Cro-Magnon head. Maybe get a heeb laser to trim down that mustache. MTG: Maybe tell your husband to stop whipping his dick out in front of teenagers, Panties Oakley. LB: Your feet belong on a salamander. MTG: Put a mask on your fake tits. LB: Put a mask on your Lou Ferrigno face. MTG: You're an idiot. LB: You are.
  6. America is in a weird place. When step moms get their hand stuck in a dryer the first course of action is to, uh ... rape her, I guess. And how are they getting stuck in couches and appliances with such frequency? But still, even before we address so many hand trap designs in the manufacturing process, I think the first step is to simply stop raping whomever gets stuck. Start there.
  7. I just realized he suspended Aaron Rupar's account. He's clearly taking lists from right wing shit flops and complying. What a petty little cunt elon has turned out to be.
  8. That's the genius of it. Normally, collectibles are limited to increase the imaginary value of an individual unit. These are limitless! So they're not worth anything as a "collectible." And that's why it's genius to market it as a collectible. Because it's worthless. It's called business.
  9. Space Trump. Cowboy Trump. Muscular Laser Eye Trump. Football Trump. All of these are good, but the smart money will be patient and go heavy at the release of Lumberjack Trump and Bull Rider Trump. Don't sleep on Indiana Jones Trump, though.
  10. For the first time, many MAGAs are disappointed with the unveiling of Donald Trump's major announcement. I'm not one of those people. I'm elated at Trump's major announcement.
  11. Tard Cards. Just kidding. Seriously, though. It's pretty recarded.
  12. Rudy "Doo Doo Shoes" Giuliani
  13. It's not persecution, Eric. Few people consider you in that realm of severity. It's just people giggling about how you're such a dong.
  14. His mama call him doo doo. I'm a call him doo doo.
  15. Elon has an established history of calling people who even politely confront him a pedo. I think he's even settled out of court for doing that. If he stays on this petulant path he should just rename twitter "Birdy Infowars."
  16. Popehat has been splendid for five years running. And I still wouldn't trade ten measured and sensible Popehats for one measured and sensible TwiceHorn.
  17. Crowd on New Year's Eve: 4 ... 3 ... 2 -- Kyrsten: Hey, everyone! I'm thinking about opening a book store coffee shop combo downtown. Maybe a wellness center, too.
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