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Everything posted by Chooky

  1. Chooky


    Wut aboutta free speee?
  2. Chooky


    Kanye would absolutely shit himself if everyone just ignored all of this. At first I thought his biggest fear was irrelevance. Now I think he's at the point where he really can't stand any topic that's not about him being a headline. Hopefully this is the grand finale and his gibberish will now be dismissed like a child's tantrum in a grocery store. This is likely his last hand to play. There's really not anywhere to go after this one. He played his Hitler card too early. I'm kinda embarrassed that I've ever had an opinion on Kanye and that I just typed this. Anyway, what else is dumb?
  3. Chooky


    Just stopped by to see how it was going. Ah. Okay. I see. Yeah. Welp.
  4. The key to the q catfishing was selling the fantasy of seeing your political rivals rounded up by the military and executed in public. That's the core of the appeal. Jesus.
  5. Chooky


    Dennis Hastert says "hi, sit on my lap, young man."
  6. Trump lashing out at McConnell is like his thousandth self indictment on his inability for judgement. "I endorsed him and that's the only reason he won." Then why did you endorse him? "I hired him and then found out he's a lightweight." Okay. Bad hire, dude. "I had him over for a meal but didn't know he was antisemitic. He just happened to tag along with that really famous guy whose only headlines these days are for being virulently antisemitic." Oops. "Another of my former staffers is going to prison. Didn't know this when I hired him." Dang. "I didn't know that viper was poisonous until I tried to pick it up with my face." At what point do the dumbest of Trump's people recognize that he's at best disingenuous and at bester clumsy and incompetent? That's a dumb question, I know. I'm just asking questions here.
  7. Anther good video game would be "Roger Stone Forceps Snare." You are a first person tong and forceps carrier and you have to snatch Roger Stone from floating space wombs, rendering his head into various shapes depending on how you grab him. "Snatch Snatcher" was another title considered but all the details haven't been worked out yet.
  8. Tiny, bulbous-faced, egg-shaped man boy and turd torso, Kyle Rittenhouse, is promoting a video game that features him as the main character who goes around and shoots "turkeys who spread lies and propaganda." Sources have reported that it will still continue to get dumber than this.
  9. After his first 3 months in prison his farts will sound like Darth Vader breathing.
  10. He'll have pithy critiques about the Béarnaise sauce they make him use when he tosses salad.
  11. You got pregnant just by asking that.
  12. The jimbo show is dipping in the ratings?
  13. Like they're all incapable of building a bonfire.
  14. Complainingly, Mike complained about people complaining.
  15. The most Trump shit ever is Trump not just claiming innocence, but claiming to be "the most innocent person ever." The most innocentest. Before him, nobody had ever seen anything so innocent. That's an argument you'd hear between napoleon dynamite and kip. I can't do another year of this dumbass nonsense.
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