I watched a clip of Rittenhouse on Charlie Kirk's "I Promise I'm Not Into Buttfucking Podcast," or whatever it's called, because my wrap your balls tightly in barbed wire appointment fell through.
Rittenhouse kept talking about how he had the best food at "Dixie's Chicken." Not the Dixie Chicken. He said "Dixie's Chicken" like three times. Then Kirk suggested he become a yell leader but Kyle had no idea what that even was. The entire conversation was one of the most aggie things I've ever seen and it was between two people who aren't even aggies. And Kyle is a noticeable dumb guy. His current celebrity of being the "pew pew you're dead" hero of the hate movement will eventually be overwhelmed by all the dumb shit he says. He'll morph into another bad political take machine. He's not at a "licking the windows" level of dumb, but he's dumb enough for me to realize that there's basically no way he doesn't end up being a member of the US Senate. The future will have a congressional think tank headed by Herschel Walker and Kyle Rittenhouse where the shapes of different foods are discussed and how rain happens because God is crying.