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Everything posted by Chooky

  1. I won't rest until we get rid of the Spanish option on robocalls. And I'm torn on educating migrant children because they'll have an advantage by not being exposed to filthy text books and perverted sex ed.
  2. I have no doubt that you struggle with that
  3. Weak. You got roundhoused by a girl and resorted to a twenty-year-old gif that boomers use on Facebook. You're doing great.
  4. 🚂 👨‍🦽
  5. It fascinates me that people refuse to believe that he can't believe in anything that isn't right in front of his ketchup- riddled, painted television face.
  6. Yep, that's the best I can do -- give props for admitting error. But on the other hand he and many others find it perfectly acceptable to take a broad stage and spew shit that they know is completely wrong. Or they just wing it and go with whatever sounds good in the moment. And the "right guy" who called him on it was only slightly less wrong than him? "Oh, I have no response. He's correct about me having been completely unaware of reality when I blather for two consecutive minutes. Please understand that I come from a background where reality is actually a deficit rather than a granted value."
  7. He's a ditch pig, fucktarded piece of stupid dick. Sorry. I openly dabble in plagiarism these days.
  8. He fixed the plumbing?
  9. She'll never be an adequate hitchhiker.
  10. Even Oklahoma will have a hard time finding someone as dumb as this asshole. You'd have to dig pretty deep to find a primary opponent. This guy is here to stay. He has upper management stigmata'd all over him.
  11. Because it's now trendy in GOP loon circles to demonize medical professionals.
  12. Killing every doctor and medical professional would lead to a healthier society.
  13. I'd probably let her shit in my bed.
  14. Remember that time Rudy took a shit on television in Michigan while sitting next to that unfortunate woman who struggled to stifle her reaction to the smell? Doody Giuliani.
  15. My dick is so huge (in Cambodia). I tap sternum (in Cambodia). My nickname is Pole Pot (in Cambodia).
  16. It's clear to me that we won't be safe until every little league player is armed during their game. And that training should begin in tee ball or maybe even at the embryo stage.
  17. Ah, America's other pastime.
  18. Shining a heat lamp on your crotch is alpha as fuck.
  19. He did some weird shit but he seemed to have a general streak of decency and pragmatism. He was articulate and witty. I doubt he could've pretended to be dumb enough for this new electorate.
  20. She admitted to being judgy as fuck.
  21. Lobo is Spanish for 'Teen Wolf Too',' starring Jason Bateman.
  22. True, but no doubt he'd support a bill to incarcerate anyone for doing the same.
  23. I heard that term applied to specific supporters of Beto. Or something.
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