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Everything posted by Chooky

  1. He's just another salty twat who gets cranky and angry at the world when they feel they're losing control. People such as yourself who live unabated and unapologetic are poison to people like him.
  2. Trump asked Kelly if Finland was part of Russia. Holy shit. I can't believe I'm still baffled at this shit.
  3. I think you just hold R2 to go up. L2 for down.
  4. There are some aspects to NASCAR that are interesting to me, though I don't know enough as most fans. I've enjoyed a few races. But one thing that was always funny to me was Tony Stewart was at one point considered the "tough guy" of the sport. I saw him have some heated arguments and get petulant with media. That's it. Excellent driver, no doubt. It was just funny to me that he was "the badass" of the sport. Little pudgy motherfucker gonna whip everyone's ass. Okay.
  5. I wonder if all of them ever look around at each and say "boy, we sure are an insane pack of worthless cunts, aren't we?"
  6. That was enraging. I want to assault Laura.
  7. My expectations are minimal these days. I suggest that when any primary gets down to three candidates they have to go on national television and each must enter a soundproof, glass cube. They are each given different topics or the same topic and then they have to write an essay. They'll be given one hour. The essays don't even have to be good. I just want to see if they can write knowledgeably on basic civics questions. I'd also like to know that they're capable of writing an intro, a thesis statement, a body and a conclusion. The grammar and spelling would be interesting. It'd also be interesting to know who could type. Give them a choice of laptop or just a pen and a legal tablet. I'd also enjoy guffawing at the inevitable handful of assholes who would have essays rife with spelling errors in spite of having spellcheck available.
  8. The most efficient way to be briefed by your military is sitting at opposite ends of a table that is longer than a city bus. Sun Tzu had a chapter about this.
  9. The most offensive thing in that video are those sunglasses. These: For some reason these are a huge draw for the most obnoxious assholes on YouTube and across the internet. These things have a gravitational pull for assholes. They flock to these glasses, regardless of ideology. Every loud, obnoxious internet guy has these. It's weird.
  10. A current member of Congress attended this event. Paul Gosar has attended it in the past.
  11. Bannon promoted this event. Did he even bother to show up and be fat there? If not, why? Was he obligated to be fat somewhere else?
  12. Modern thinker and Canadian immigrant, Gavin McInnes, rammed a dildo up his ass while using Anthony Cumia's studio. Nevar 4git! The libs were pwn3d that day. Gore Vidal and William F. Buckley never thought of that.
  13. Our friend was walking home while the rest of us stood in my front yard. He was probably around 70 yards away when a couple of us began lofting shots at him. Chad got a little mad and called us "faggots" and shouted something about how he'd eventually beat all of our asses if one even got close. We laughed and kept launching shots because it was futile -- until Chad dropped, clutching his ankle and making high-pitched animal noises while writhing in pain. It was like 'Lonesome Dove' when Gus used his extended sights on the taunting outlaw, except dumb and totally pointless.
  14. I wonder if it bothers Vlad to know, without a doubt, that he is literally the worst thing that has ever happened to Russia.
  15. When Putin realizes he can't restore a Tsarist State is he just gonna hurl some nukes like a toddler having a tantrum?
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