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Posts posted by austingirl

  1. 11 hours ago, Bama Chick said:

    Also, Rebecca pulling out the green matchbook and it’s entangled with one of Ted’s army men?

    I hope that doesn’t mean Tedbecca is end game.

    Obviously this means that Ted and Sam are end game.

    • Haha 2
  2. On 1/18/2022 at 1:31 PM, Jiggy-Z said:

    Another sick thought:

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    Shauna's teenage daughter is obviously not the baby she was carrying in the woods.  Possible that child died after birth and was eaten..or stayed in the woods with the "others" only to grow up and and torment the survivors.



    The showrunners promised that Shauna's baby wouldn't get eaten, but look at those motherfuckers loopholing that shit with a hallucination. The end of last week's episode was heartbreaking and explained a lot about her current personality. 

    I LOLed at Jeff trying to look like a badass at the police station with his NWA blasting.

  3. I just got back from seeing it. It's definitely more horror than comedy, but I liked it. Some fun callbacks to the earlier movies, too. The intro was great, particularly the scene with the title card. 

    I will say that I watched The Evil Dead and Evil Dead 2 only recently, so I don't have the nostalgia for them that a lot of people have. I liked Evil Dead Rise as a movie in its own right.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  4. On 5/2/2023 at 1:03 PM, utxmike05 said:

    Did Keeley get ugly(ier)?  Her face looks weird this season...and the accent is now annoying. lol


    23 hours ago, Grade of D as in David said:

    It look like she lost weight and she's definitely pulling her hair back tighter. So her face looks weird but she has her tits pushed up which is definitely distracting me from her face changes

    I've noticed that this season, Keeley seems to be dressing a lot more girly than she has in the past - pink everything, big pink headbands, etc. She's always been feminine but her style was previously more sexy/grown-up. Which is funny because I think they've shown more of her making out with Jack than they ever did with Roy or Jamie.

    Nate's storyline has been so inconsistent this season. In the past few episodes it's like they've forgotten he ever turned into an asshole. Him and Jade make no sense together - I get that he frequents her restaurant and she felt sorry for him when the supermodel ditched him, but I still feel like they went from 0 to 60.

    A lot of the overall storylines don't make a lot of sense to me anymore, but I've found that I still like the show for the characters - Roy still makes me laugh with his grumpiness, Jamie isn't such a dick anymore and is just a big dumb sweet teddy bear, Trent is a great addition to the Diamond Dogs, and Keeley and Rebecca's relationship is still the best one on the show. Ted Lasso night is a bright spot in my week, for sure.

    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, burntorangebongos said:

    Well, that was weird. I woke up at 6ish this morning to pee and I asked Bonnie if she needs to go outside. Since her slipped disc incident with her back in 2020, she walks to me and I let her off the bed so she doesn't jump down anymore. Well she couldn't get up and when she did, she flopped over. I picked her up and carried her outside worried it was her back, but she wasn't in any pain, when last time she was howling with it. I set her on the ground, and she tried walking but fell over. I had to hold her so she could pee. She was wobbly like a newborn deer.

    I decided to take her to the vet but I didn't want to go to an emergency one, so I put her back on the bed to nap while we waited until I could call the vet and take her in after 8.  As the morning wore on, she got more stable.  She did eat laying down prone on her pillow and did do all her business on shaky legs, but she seemed stronger. When I got her to the vet, she was much improved. They did blood work and he checked her over and couldn't figure out why. If she had a stroke, she wouldn't have recovered so quickly so he was baffled because her blood work was normal. Has anyone's dog experienced something like this? She seems fine now.  


    My parents have a pug with epilepsy, and when she has an episode she loses feeling in her back legs and can't walk for a while. But she definitely visibly freaks out when it happens. Hope you figure it out and that it doesn't happen again. It's scary to witness, for sure.

  6. Loved seeing Trent party it up with Colin and show up as a friend for him. I've always thought he's the sexiest man on the show and I'm glad they didn't have him do anything nefarious with what he knew about Colin.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  7. 3 episodes into season 2 and I'm still liking it.

    • Spoiler
      • Adult Shauna is nuts in the best way - her monologue in ep 3 about peeling the skin off of someone might be my favorite scene in the show so far. They also do a good job contrasting her with high school Shauna.
      • I like how they are leaning into the supernatural stuff. I don't want things to veer into lots of deus ex machina situations, but it's working so far.
      • Coach Ben will be the next body they eat, right?
      • "Ben...you good bro?" had me lol


  8. It was definitely anxiety-inducing and entertaining. Gave me the same claustrophobic vibes as The Descent, but up a radio tower and minus the monsters.

    • Hook 'Em 1
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