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Everything posted by austingirl

  1. Oddly enough, I've never seen the Wayne version of True Grit. Dad doesn't like it and thinks it's weird that he won the Oscar for that movie. Another Bogey favorite of mine is The African Queen. Forgot about that one till this thread.
  2. Bogie's the better actor, and I love me some Casablanca. However, El Dorado is one of my favorite movies from childhood. I have lots of great memories watching with my family. Dad's a huge fan of the Duke and he made us watch most of his catalog back in the day.
  3. Trophy wife? What contest in hell did I win?
  4. I'm not there yet, but I do hope they start giving us an answer or two soon, instead of just introducing more questions.
  5. Couldn't find a thread on this already, but let me know if I just missed it. I'm loving this super weird show. Adam Scott and Patricia Arquette are fantastic, as are everyone else to be honest. I've only ever seen Britt Lower in her very brief appearances in Ghosted, but she's great, too.
  6. I call this "Dog in patch of sunshine." He does this whether it's 30 degrees out or 100, solid black fur nonetheless.
  7. My pawpaw was from Avery Island so it's Tabasco all the way here, but otherwise I'm with you. Looks delicious.
  8. He was great in Yesterday and then I didn't see him in anything for a few years, and now he's in both Station Eleven and Don't Look Up. Looking forward to seeing him in more stuff.
  9. We were in NYC the week after Christmas, so we missed that week of hell, but the day after we got back I tested positive for Covid. The next day, HornOnTheBayou tested positive, and after that, both our boys. I'm the only one of us allergic to cedar and I was shocked at how similar my covid symptoms were to cedar fever. The only difference, the thing that made me test, was that I got an actual fever. Symptoms flared back up about a week later but I think that was actual cedar, not some kind of covid double jeopardy. This past weekend was rough but today was much better.
  10. I liked it. Lots of stuff to chew on. Thoughts:
  11. I like it, too. It's a bit different than the usual found footage story, and I'm always up for anything involving the occult. Mamoudou Athie is great - I liked him in Black Box, too. He's definitely becoming an actor to watch.
  12. How long are we spoilering stuff?
  13. They do a voiceover in one episode with young Kirsten explaining the gist of the plot. The book has a longer explanation if you want to go the bookfag route.
  14. Goddammit I had stuff to do tonight.
  15. This is my current favorite show - I'm six episodes in. I'm kind of surprised there's not more talk about it here. It's Lord of the Flies but with girls, so obviously much darker and more violent.
  16. You guys discovered a comet? That's so dope. I have a shooting star tattoo on my back.
  17. We're staying in Midtown, if it helps. Me and the 9-yo's Hamilton tickets were originally for the Dec 27 show, but they cancelled everything through the 28th. I managed to get us comparable seats for the 28th, and we're just crossing our fingers that it doesn't get cancelled again.
  18. This is the one time of year when the air quality in southeast TX is an improvement over the air quality in Austin. I mean sure, when I go home for Christmas I'll be inhaling carcinogens, but there's no cedar pollen so...
  19. Morning guard dog stance. You never know when all those children walking/biking to the elementary school are going to try to fuck your shit up.
  20. Oh, excellent point - I hadn't thought of that. My 9-yo got his first shot last week and will get his second Nov 29, so we should all be good to go by the end of December.
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