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Everything posted by austingirl

  1. Oh my god can y'all please take this shit somewhere else? This thread is like 50% playground fight now. We need to get back to memes and whatnot. I'll go.
  2. Everyone wears it but you don't let everyone see it?
  3. That was an Irish accent. You should watch Derry Girls. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Ha, I was thinking the same thing. Hopefully we'll find out before next season.
  5. Fantastic episode. They've had problems with some of the narrative pacing this season, but they picked it up a ton with this episode.
  6. Of course the top two guys on that list are actually named Dick.
  7. Nate's arc is super weird to me. I didn't love it but could buy it through the interaction with Beard and then his apology to Colin. He's always been shy, a doormat, and was getting caught up in his own hubris and needed to be taken down a notch. But the ending with Will is making him out to be just plain cruel, and that seems really out of step with how they've built his character. I mean, I know he's been feeling insecure since they hired Roy, but this isn't Breaking Bad.
  8. Yeah I thought that too, and here's what Kendall said about it. The embeds below are weird and I couldn't isolate the specific tweets but in short, the TxBountyHunter subreddit has since been deleted.
  9. Sure, but if that were the case you'd think that Led Tasso would've triggered the panic attack. I think it's more along the lines of Roy telling him he messed up Jamie, mixed with him not being able to be there for his son.
  10. I thought about that, but the only time I remember him saying much about his dad was when he was playing darts with Rupert and he talked about how they used to play every week until he passed away. I didn't get the sense that he was a dick to him.
  11. And she was a 3 at landfall, too, which is what the last model I saw predicted Ida would be. I'm getting flashbacks to that NWS Katrina warning bulletin. It still gives me goosebumps when I read it.
  12. When is this happening? My 4th grader's whole class was sent home yesterday to quarantine because one of the kids tested positive. They've all been masked so I'm not super worried about it but we're getting him tested soon so he can get back to in-person school. He's upset that he just got back to "normal school" with his friends and it only lasted a week before having to come back home.
  13. I don't know about y'all but I'm over reality at the moment. Give me Ted Lasso escapism any day. This is what I thought, but after yesterday's episode, I'm not so sure. Maybe the Bantr thing will be a fake-out? Not enough love for this song. It's so great.
  14. That's my guitar, Lucinda. The first song I learned to play was Blue by Lucinda Williams, and I thought the name fit. She's nothing fancy, just a mid-range Yamaha, but she sounds good when I'm tooling around at home. The radio is a Sears & Roebuck Silvertone 53 with a phonograph in the chassis, circa 1950. It was my grandpa's, and when he died a few years ago I found a place for it in the living room. The tuner will probably never work again, but my dad thinks we may be able to get the phonograph working again. Even if not, oh well. It reminds me of Pawpaw.
  15. What is this face? Something like, "I'm pretending to be comfortable, but I am ready to fuck shit up if I get a whiff of squirrel or bird or other enemy and need to spring into action to defend my homestead"?
  16. I know this was mentioned in the Peacock thread but it deserves its own. The previews didn't impress me but I recently binged the whole show and seriously, it is so fucking funny. This Rolling Stone article is a great review.
  17. What happened? Looked up and they were yelling at each other but we didn't see what for.
  18. North Austin sunset. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. My mom said traffic was backed up at 365 and Hillebrandt Bayou because they were moving cattle to higher ground. 😬 Gettin' real down there.
  20. In Fannett? I saw that - I've been watching KFDM's Facebook posts and it's nuts in SETX right now. A Lumberton ISD bus got stuck in floodwaters this morning (everyone is fine), and it looks like water is over the road in mid-county.
  21. It's on Peacock now - showed up maybe 3 months ago? Anyway, Modern Family and Arrested Development had the best pilot episodes of any recent comedy that I can think of. MF started going downhill around the time Gloria had Joe, but there was so much greatness before that. Phil's birthday episode in the first season (Game Changer) still cracks me up, especially when he starts acting crazy at the end. When we find out Cam played football in college (Coal Digger). Etc.
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