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Posts posted by austingirl

  1. 2 hours ago, tx 3 putt said:

    @austingirl isnt Austin girl a png grad ? Was she an Indianette ?

    Excuse you, sir, I was in band and spent half my time trying to not get hit by the Indianettes' flags while marching.

    I keep seeing people go "did no administrator see this dance before they went to Disney??" and the answer is yes, of course they did. First off, PNG has been doing that dance and that song for generations, despite MANY calls from Native tribes to stop. Second, they've done this routine at Disney multiple times over several years (7-8 times, I think), so it's a little disingenuous for Disney to act like they had no idea what was going on. I also know for a fact that they wouldn't let the Indianette officers wear their headdresses, so again, they at least knew that the mascot is the Indians.

    Anyway, what a lot people outside of TX don't get is how insular that community is, and how very Friday Night Lights it is when it comes to football. Generations of people have born and died there with no one even moving out of the county, and on top of that, the Native songs, dances, traditions, etc that they've appropriated are heavily intertwined with the football team. And the fact that they try to justify it by saying they are honoring Native Americans (which I think most of them genuinely do) in no way mitigates the fact that it's still racist as hell.

    I hope that one day the staunch defenders of "Indians" as a mascot can realize that they can still have school pride and community pride without being tied to that mascot. I proudly wore that shit and sang that song when I was there, but now I'm grown and see that things need to change. When you know better, do better.

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  2. 24 minutes ago, burntorangebongos said:

    Bogie in African Queen and Key Largo can't be overstated as the very fine acting it was by a man in his element. 

    Quiet Man is my favorite Wayne flick. Him and Maureen O'Hara should have fucked in real life back then, they were absolutely beautiful together. 

    That's a great one. The other we watched all the time back in the day was Hatari!, which also gave the world the Baby Elephant Walk tune.

  3. Bogie's the better actor, and I love me some Casablanca. However, El Dorado is one of my favorite movies from childhood. I have lots of great memories watching with my family. Dad's a huge fan of the Duke and he made us watch most of his catalog back in the day.

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  4. 57 minutes ago, 4th&Five said:

    I’m losing patience with both this and Suspicion. 

    I'm not there yet, but I do hope they start giving us an answer or two soon, instead of just introducing more questions.

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  5. Couldn't find a thread on this already, but let me know if I just missed it. I'm loving this super weird show. Adam Scott and Patricia Arquette are fantastic, as are everyone else to be honest. I've only ever seen Britt Lower in her very brief appearances in Ghosted, but she's great, too.


  6. 25 minutes ago, Redneck Mutha said:

    Nice.  We did a pot on Monday.  Didn't get any pics, I'll remedy that next time.

    Brown a pound of andouille and some homemade tasso.  Add trinity and saute, add garlic and some Slap Ya Mama or equiv at the end, stir in.  Add in a quart and a half of stock, Camillia beans (right outta the bag, not soaked), capful of Zatarains Crab Boil, bay leaf.  Throw it all in crock pot - we've got a crock pot that you can put on the cooktop to do your saute, so it's all one pot - easy.  Set for 4 hours.  Serve over rice. 

    Bottle of Crystal and can of Tony's/SYM on the table.  I like a few bites of the red beans as is, then add Crystal for a few bites, then cajun season a few bites.  Mix it up.  Enjoy.

    My pawpaw was from Avery Island so it's Tabasco all the way here, but otherwise I'm with you. Looks delicious.

  7. 17 minutes ago, Sleep off ugly said:

    I agree with the consensus here that this show was quality, I just finished the finale about 20 minutes ago. Just a couple of thoughts to add.

    ep 9 was fucking incredible. The actor playing Cheevan was great throughout the show but he (and his brother) really shined. It was beautiful and extremely well executed, as good as The Leftovers season 1, ep 3 with a similar vibe (where the preacher goes gambling).

    One nitpick, unlike many folks here I wasn’t super impressed by the entire cast. Some were terrific, some pretty good and a few so-so.

    Regardless a really good show. Looking forward to reading the book.


    He was great in Yesterday and then I didn't see him in anything for a few years, and now he's in both Station Eleven and Don't Look Up. Looking forward to seeing him in more stuff.

  8. We were in NYC the week after Christmas, so we missed that week of hell, but the day after we got back I tested positive for Covid. The next day, HornOnTheBayou tested positive, and after that, both our boys. I'm the only one of us allergic to cedar and I was shocked at how similar my covid symptoms were to cedar fever. The only difference, the thing that made me test, was that I got an actual fever. Symptoms flared back up about a week later but I think that was actual cedar, not some kind of covid double jeopardy. This past weekend was rough but today was much better.

  9. 9 hours ago, Jiggy-Z said:

    Just binged the whole show over the MLK weekend.  I even took a look at the reddit forum.  I was a huge fan of Lost back in the day and thus far am impressed by the originality and characters.

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    My theory after season one is that show is not going to rely on any supernatural crutches like Lost did.  When Lost was at its best, there were intertwined stories and character interactions, that while improbable were not impossible.  And when you really think about the crutches Lost used, there were really only a few that defied explanation: (Hidden Island, time travel explosion, mysterious powers of the island that were bestowed on Jacob and others, that whole purgatory throw away thing at the end.)

    Yellowjackets has more than enough material to already to explore what happened in the wild, stuff going on now and anything that happened in the in between 25 years.  The story lines are almost endless without having to go into anything hinted at already like evil dead spirits, unknown forces preventing exit, or prophecies.  In fact it already seems like the creators have gone out of their way to explain away any supernatural events.

    I think in future seasons we will see some shenanigans by the starting cast  that will probably reveal an after the fact cult, repressed memories and actions, dirty deeds between rescue and the present (I am fully convinced Misty is probably some kind of nursing home serial killer), and possibly some involvement of "others" in the woods.

    Possible twists:

    Shauna's diary was the rated G version of what happened.

    Maybe Natalie did actually off herself and the abduction scene was what her death looked like as she crossed over presumably to hell.

    The symbol in the woods was made by one the girls.



    I think Lottie is somewhat clairvoyant, and/or has some related otherworldly powers, which she used to start a kind of cult in the woods that carried on after the rescue (of which Taissa is still a member), but at this point that's the only mystical element I can get behind. I don't think there's some power trying to keep them in the woods a la the Lost island. Everything else can be explained either logically or by the fact that they were all slowly going crazy from a combo of starvation, isolation, Misty's shrooms, and loss of hope. Laura Lee's plane blew up because it was ancient and she didn't know how to correctly perform a fucking safety check. And I'm not entirely convinced that Van was actually attacked by a wolf. Tai woke up to screaming and the other girls fending off a pack, and then ran off to find Van already bloody and mauled. We know she eats dirt and has taken bites out of herself as an adult while in her sleepwalking fugue states. I think there's a case to be made for her being Van's attacker, but I don't think she did it consciously.

    6 hours ago, Seasick Sailor said:

    Started it this weekend. I've only watched the first three episodes. I don't care about the present day storylines all that much, but the stuff in the woods has been intense. Misty is fucking crazy. 


    In the first episode I thought for sure we'd see how Misty was injecting poison into her patients' IVs. Then they tried to make us feel sorry for her and then like her, which sort of worked - I actually LOLed at her snorting Natalie's coke to keep her sober. She is 100% a psychopath though. My guess is that she's still in Lottie's cult and has been keeping an eye on the others for her.


  10. I liked it. Lots of stuff to chew on. Thoughts:

    • Spoiler
      • As much of a bitch as she was, I'm glad the team didn't kill Jackie. My guess is she's the first body they eat and then it goes downhill from there.
      • In her death scene we finally saw the mystery guy from the opening, so it looks like he's someone she knew who died. 
      • Now we know what happened to Biscuit. The new question is, was Taissa actually in a fugue state when she did it, and when she set up all the creepy shit in the basement? I can buy that she was out of her mind for some of it, but the shrine (or whatever it is) looks like it was set up pretty deliberately. Also, there was that creepy smile on her face when she was announced the winner. 
      • Lol at the reporter/fixer/whatever she is thinking that Misty would just let her leave.
      • I've been wondering if Adam was Javi. Something definitely didn't add up with him, and Javi seemed to have a crush on Shauna in the woods. But maybe the bear got him? At any rate, I'm looking forward to figuring out what his deal was now that we know he wasn't the blackmailer.
      • So Lottie is alive and probably had Travis killed, or at least knows what exactly happened to him. I keep forgetting that her family is super rich. My guess is that she has a team of fixers keeping an eye on everyone who got out of the woods and that's who grabbed Natalie, but if they're just trying to keep people quiet, why not just kill her?


  11. I like it, too. It's a bit different than the usual found footage story, and I'm always up for anything involving the occult. Mamoudou Athie is great - I liked him in Black Box, too. He's definitely becoming an actor to watch.

  12. How long are we spoilering stuff?


    I loved ep 10. Couple of small issues - one is how Clark, Tyler, and Elizabeth were able to just up and perform the main roles in Hamlet at the drop of a hat. The other is Miranda calling the Gitchegumee pilot and telling him to stay on the tarmac. Felt like they were reeeealy stretching to connect her to that part of the story. But anyway, I'm glad Clark didn't end up going full villain, which is where I thought he was going at the end of ep 9. Of course, Jeevan and Kirsten's reunion was lovely.

    Overall, I love the idea that art and music can play this big role in a post-apocalyptic world, and that this was a story about that more than about the brutality of survival. It was very well done, and I'd rather they don't do more seasons. The story should end here. I'm looking forward to reading more books by the author, though.


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  13. 7 hours ago, A-Tex Devil said:
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    Whether you buy it or not, Tyler said that one of the Undersea children came up with the landmine idea when he was out due to the stab wound.  He "lost control of the story".  


    Separately, was listening to The Watch podcast and they made an observation I haven't thought of.... Clark is trying to tell kids about a Karaoke machine and how they were awesome or whatever, and the kids in the class are like "Fuck that, when does the Shakespeare start?"

    The other observation - Kirsten sees Station 11 as genius work of fiction.  Tyler sees it as almost folklore.

    I can't tell what episode 10 is going to be because there is so much on the table.  It could be intertwining Tyler's and Kirsten's time alone, but that leaves very little time for the Year 20 resolution.

    Do we see Year 20 Jeevan in this episode?  He is going on a "house call" at end of episode.  I wonder if that is for Tank Girl?  I kind of like the idea of not seeing him again with episode 9 being the closure.


    I completely missed where Tyler said that the kid suicide bombers were put up to it by someone else while he was recovering. It makes Kristen's reluctant empathy with him much more palatable. I agree that that act does seem out of character for him.

    I think Jeevan's house call will be for Sarah at the airport.


  14. 14 hours ago, bschoolprof said:

    I really hope the finale is solid. If so, it will be one of my favorite series in a while.  

    Question: does anyone know the basic plot in Miranda's Station 11? Can we piece that together from the show?  Does it even matter?  

    They do a voiceover in one episode with young Kirsten explaining the gist of the plot. The book has a longer explanation if you want to go the bookfag route.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  15. On 1/3/2022 at 6:03 PM, WBT said:

    Anyone watching this?  It's about a 90s high school girls soccer team whose plane crashes in the woods in Canada somewhere.  There's some present day story about the now-adult survivors then flashbacks to the team stranded in the woods.  Pretty good overall.

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    The last two weeks have really escalated when the goalie got her face half eaten off by a wolf and the jesus girl blew herself up trying to fly for help.



    I'm very curious as to the extent of the mystical/supernatural element in this show. Both of those were things Lottie "saw", and of course there was the whole seance scene, with the weird symbols on the cabin floor. And then the compass freaking out by the red river. And Tai's creepy-ass sleepwalking behavior. The show needs to decide how much of a Lost element they want to run with, but I'm here for it.


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  16. 7 hours ago, PenelopeWitherspoon said:

    Unfortunately, this is kind of a sports dead zone if no game is being played.  

    Might hit up a Sports Bar with the kid to watch one of those out of town games.  


    We're staying in Midtown, if it helps. 

    Me and the 9-yo's Hamilton tickets were originally for the Dec 27 show, but they cancelled everything through the 28th. I managed to get us comparable seats for the 28th, and we're just crossing our fingers that it doesn't get cancelled again.

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