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Posts posted by austingirl

  1. Mine is 12 and is reading Pet Sematary. I warned him to just make sure to put a few hours between reading it and bedtime. I mean, I still won't read it near bedtime. The Stand is my favorite SK book and if he's up for it I'm fine with him reading it if he wants.

  2. On 9/29/2020 at 7:47 PM, CycleTex87 said:

    Just started this, two pages in

    update - I’m about 20% in, characters are kind of one dimensional, story is good but predictable.  


    Did you read Pillars of the Earth? I enjoyed that trilogy, as well as his Fall of Giants series, and am wondering if this compares.

  3. Michael Cohen is obviously a lying piece of shit, but one thing that struck me from his testimony was when they asked why he was bothering to turn on Trump at that point and he said something about it being because he'd been convinced that if Trump wasn't re-elected there was no chance of there being a peaceful transition of power. I doubt that that was his entire motivation, but I remember hearing it and getting chills because I was sure he was telling the truth about that part. And here we are.

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  4. 47 minutes ago, pearlandhorn said:

    Went for a normal run this morning with Kora, my 3 year old border collie (picture over the last few pages). We were attacked by a loose dog about 1.5 miles in to the run. Large 80 pound chow mix is what I think it was. No owner in sight, no collar or tags.

    Called animal control. Wife came and picked us up. Kora is doing ok, took her to the vet and got her shaved a bit, antibiotics and pain meds. They also cleaned out the wounds really well and we will monitor for infection. She’s got two teeth punctures (one on each hip) and she’s walking around like a 90 year old woman. She’s up to date on her rabies vaccine which is good. 

    Working on tracking down the owner of the dog. I’m heading to the pound at 5 to see if it’s been picked up. I’m being checked out by an urgent care as I have a pretty bad cut on my right calf that may require stitches. If it’s from a mouth, I may have to get the rabies shot. When that dog came at my dog, I did everything in my power to protect her. She’s my buddy. No running for her for a month. That will probably hurt her feelings more than the fight she got into.

    Oh my god, I'm so sorry and glad you and Kora are ok. So you were able to subdue the dog and keep it there till animal control got it? I carry pepper spray for stuff like this. :(

  5. 3 hours ago, ChampionshipLevelPiss said:

    Beautiful pup.

    Granted I don't know much about the service animal process but it's shameful that a family would have to raise money just to be put on a list for a service dog.

    I only know about the service they used (4 Paws for Ability) but I believe it cost them $17k. It's a lot, and certainly out of reach for many people, but the price doesn't surprise me considering that it takes two years to train them. This is a video they did about the process.

  6. 6 hours ago, wild_turkey said:

    I’ve posted about Shelby a lot over the past year. We said goodbye to her a month ago but we did get her a DNA test before she was gone. We rescued her as a puppy so never knew her true background, but we considered her a chocolate lab that likely had a little bit of something else. She was a little small for a lab with a slender face and a very soft coat.

    Anyways, we got the DNA results back and I thought it was pretty interesting and glad we did it for our own knowledge.


    There’s also a page for nearest relatives that shows their pictures and locations (if those users provided them). And you can get health information for an extra cost, which we skipped since she was already gone.

    The company is Embark and it’s a mouth swab that you mail in. I paid $130 which includes shipping but I have a referral code that will save $30. If anyone is interested, send me a PM. Might make a good Christmas gift for a dog lover.

    It's really interesting for sure. We did this with Rocket and were shocked that the test showed he doesn't have lab in him, at least in any significant amount. I shared them back in the day and someone here goes "So that's what labs are made of. " This is Rocket and below are his results.



    Screen Shot 2020-09-21 at 8.21.22 PM.png

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  7. I'm not sure exactly how I feel about it. I think Jordan Peele does interesting work and has interesting ideas, but in execution they don't always play out as smoothly as I'd like. Perhaps some of my hesitation is because I thought the premise of the show was going to be the main characters road tripping around the US and running into weirdness as they search for Tic's dad, but that storyline was done in the second episode. I'm not sure how the supernatural stuff is going to play out if everything happens in Chicago - for example, WTF is going to happen with this Ruby/Hillary story now? Will Ruby never see the boss around town or in the store she loves?

    I do think the Christina/William thing is one of the more interesting plotlines and I want to see how it plays out. Are they trying to make us feel some sympathy for Christina and get Ruby to empathize with her? Although Christina obviously has the upper hand, being a white girl who's also a sorceress, she has probably faced discrimination associated with just being a woman in the 50s. Being able to walk around as a white guy probably gets her into places she couldn't go before and gets her information she couldn't get as a woman. Plus, is she queer? Is one of the reasons she likes being William so she can be with women openly? 

    Anyway, I'll finish out the season. I'm hoping they can smooth some of the rough edges. The show could be great if it's done right.

  8. It's a bizarre, trippy new Charlie Kaufman movie on Netflix starring Jessie Buckley (Lyudmilla in Chernobyl) and Jesse Plemons. Do yourself a favor and try not to read anything about it before seeing it, but if you're a Kaufman fan you should enjoy it. I'll put some spoilery stuff in spoiler tags.


    The ending didn't quite land for me - I had to poke around the internet after to confirm what I thought had happened. The movie is based on a book that apparently makes the connection between the janitor and the other characters very clear at the end. I want to do a rewatch now to see everything again through the lens of knowing the whole story.


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