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Everything posted by austingirl

  1. Husband's grandma and three aunts are still in Lake Charles. Mawmaw is in her 90s and in very ill health and they really don't think she could handle an evacuation. It is a shitty rock and a shitty hard place. I don't expect to get much sleep tonight.
  2. Ugh this thing reminds me too much of Rita. At least it's not already a 5, I guess. This notice from the City of Port Arthur got me thinking about the pre-Katrina warning that went out just before it hit. Not as dire, of course, but it's still a punch in the gut after all these years. Seriously, y'all, be safe.
  3. I totally get it. Best of luck to you all, and stay safe.
  4. I would not be heading north at this point, especially not to Lufkin, which is still pretty close to Beaumont. This bitch is going to hit land and head northeast, going in around the same place Rita did, and if Laura also comes in strong a bunch of people up the TX/LA border are going to lose power and get stuck there. All those felled pine trees are going to block the roads and it'll be a mess. I'm sure traffic is awful but heading west and inland is the best bet at this point.
  5. Rita was a clusterfuck of nightmare proportions. Everyone was on edge already because of Katrina and then they told a million people to evacuate at the same time. And, if I remember correctly, in a lot of places they hadn't marked the contraflow lanes so people didn't know they were an option. Took my parents 21 hours to get from Groves to Austin - it was them, my grandma, a pug, and a cat in a carrier in a Toyota Avalon. Ever since they've tended to get out early even when there's still uncertainty about the track, and they're retired so they have more flexibility than in the past.They usually leave their RV in Crystal Beach all summer but they brought it up here yesterday - there's a decent KOA in Leander, and they didn't want to get caught in all the traffic when the evac orders hit.
  6. Saw this in a Dave Barry column back in the day. Someone needs to make a 2020 version.
  7. I am having a hell of a time today - constantly watering eyes, stuffiness, sneezing. KVUE says mold is high which is just a bitch since we haven't even gotten the benefit of rain lately.
  8. Damn, that could've ended really badly. Had a similar incident with the spilled drinks - my car got clipped turning left at an intersection, and we spun around a couple of times before landing in the median. My brother and his friend were with me and the friend blacked out for a few seconds. He'd been drinking a root beer and between that and him being unconscious we thought he was dead. (We all walked away with minor injuries.)
  9. I think I told this on Shaggy, but in 2014 I was run over by a golf cart. We were at Crystal Beach and my mom and I took the golf cart to see a friend a few sections over. She was driving and one of my kids was in front with her, and I was sitting in the back facing out with my other kid. I'm not entirely sure what happened, but when she backed out onto the street, the gas pedal got stuck and we went across the street into a ditch filled with about 8 inches of water. Mom and the kids were fine but I went forward and the cart kept going and stopped with my head under one of the wheels, in the water. She didn't see where I was at first and tried to drive it out of the ditch, but it spun out on my head. I had thrown my arms in front of me when I fell, and was able to push up on one of them just enough so that I was able to get my mouth and nose above water a few seconds at a time. I was about 99% positive I was going to die right there, under a golf cart in a ditch at fucking Crystal Beach, but by then my mom had started screaming for help and some people came running over and got it off me. I had a baseball-sized lump on my forehead, most of the skin on my left palm and fingers was gone, and I was pretty sure my arm was broken. Someone called 911 and I ended up in the ER at UTMB where they cleaned me up and gave me every possible antifungal, antivirus, antibiotic, etc, because Crystal Beach muddy ditch water. They had to debride my hand in the burn unit and that was by far the worst pain I have ever experienced. Even with a ton of morphine and a fentanyl "popsicle". I couldn't use that hand for a month. I had two black eyes and a bandage-wrapped head wound, and a bruise on the underside of one forearm that was the entire length of my forearm. My arm wasn't broken though and I didn't die, so that was nice, I guess. I try to avoid golf carts these days.
  10. I ate a corncob a few days ago (unbeknownst to my humans) and had to have emergency surgery today to get it out. This is me leaving the normal vet on the way to the emergency vet, looking very contrite, obviously. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Welp, if we needed more proof that the apocalypse is nigh, it's whatever the fuck this is.
  12. I think there's more than one - the TPC one that exploded was maybe half a mile away, but there's a Huntsman plant right across the street and when we would be outside for practices after school we figured that one was the cause of the smell. Nothing like being outside in that heat and humidity with eau de chemical plant wafting through the air. I'm not sure what exactly they make at the Huntsman plant, or even if it's owned by Huntsman anymore.
  13. You were serious that PNG's mascot should be Bulldogs? That's what I was referring to.
  14. Yep. Their number 1 rival. Like Alabama and Auburn but high school.
  15. Yeah I'll have to look back to see who wrote that (about the bulldogs) but I wasn't sure if they were being serious or not.
  16. Oh, and this is the petition they started to keep the name: Also, I'm 99% sure that the guy who started the above petition is who we used to call Indian Ken, because he always wears full Indian garb and a full-length headdress to all the games. Basically a real-life Buddy Garrity.
  17. I graduated with Chet. I love him but I'd be shocked if he voices support to change the mascot.
  18. They still shut down every Friday night during football season. It truly is just like Friday Night Lights.
  19. Yep. So do the drum majors and the Indian Spirit - that guy has a whole elaborate getup in addition to the headdress.
  20. I wish I could say that this whole thing has been a long setup for that joke. Bravo, sir. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. Someone suggested that the new mascot should be a golf cart. I laughed way too hard at that. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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